CWM Set of 17 volumes
Words of the Mother - II Vol. 14 of CWM 367 pages 2004 Edition


The Mother's brief written statements on various aspects of spiritual life including some spoken comments.

Words of the Mother - II

The Mother symbol
The Mother

This volume consists primarily of brief written statements by the Mother on various aspects of spiritual life. Written between the late 1920s and the early 1970s, the statements have been compiled from her public messages, private notes, and correspondence with disciples. About two-thirds of them were written in English; the rest were written in French and appear here in English translation. The volume also contains a small number of spoken comments, most of them in English. Some are tape-recorded messages; others are reports by disciples that were later approved by the Mother for publication.

Collected Works of The Mother (CWM) Words of the Mother - II Vol. 14 367 pages 2004 Edition


Self-giving is true prayer.

Self-giving: by this the whole being gets progressively unified round the central psychic being.

Give yourself up―it is the best way of finding yourself.

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Give yourself, all that you are and what you do, to the Divine, and you will have peace.

Give yourself entirely to the Divine and you will see the end of all your troubles.

It is a sincere self-giving that saves one from all difficulties and dangers.

Never say, "I have nothing to give to the Divine." There is always something to give, for always you can give yourself in a better and more complete way.

To the Divine you are worth no more than what you have given Him.

To give to the Divine what one has in excess is not an offering.

One should give at least something out of what one needs.

If you remember what you have given to the Divine, He will have no need of remembering it Himself; and if you ever mention the gift or speak of it to anybody, it is not to the Divine that you have made the offering but to the demon of your vanity.

Entire self-giving: fully open, clear and pure.

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Do not confuse the psychic realisation with the spiritual realisation, because the psychic realisation will leave you within time and space, within the manifested universe.

Whereas the effect of the spiritual realisation will be to project you outside all creation, outside time and space.

There is no joy more perfect than to give oneself totally to that which is greater than oneself. God, Supreme Origin, Divine Presence, Absolute Truth―it doesn't matter what name we give Him or what aspect we most easily approach Him through―to forget oneself totally in an integral consecration is the surest path towards Realisation.

How beautiful, grand, simple and calm everything becomes when our thoughts turn to the Divine and we give ourselves to the Divine!

We must know how to give our life and also our death, our happiness and also our suffering.

Three typical modes of total self-giving to the Divine:

(1) To prostrate oneself at His feet, giving up all pride in perfect humility.

(2) To unfold one's being before Him, open one's whole body from head to foot, as one opens a book, exposing one's centres so as to make all their movements visible in a complete sincerity that allows nothing to remain hidden.

(3) To nestle in His arms, to merge in Him in a loving and absolute trust.

These movements may be accompanied by three formulas or any one of them according to the case:

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(1) Let Thy Will be done and not mine.

(2) As Thou willest, as Thou willest.

(3) I am Thine for eternity.

Generally, when these movements are done in the true way, they are followed by a perfect identification, a dissolution of the ego, giving rise to a sublime felicity.

Three Steps towards the Supreme Identification.

Give all you have, this is the beginning.

Give all you do, this is the way.

Give all you are, this is the fulfilment.

I have read and heard that one should "give oneself" to the Divine. I don't understand how one should "give oneself".

With your thought, give your thoughts.

With your heart, give your feelings.

With your body, give your work.

Above all words, above all thoughts in the luminous silence of an aspiring faith give yourself totally, unreservedly, absolutely to the Supreme Lord of all existences and He will do of you what He wants you to be.

With love and blessings.

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