On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri

Part One : Essays

  On Savitri

Index of lines in Savitri

A being no bigger than the thumb of man115

A brute half-conscious body serves as means116

A bull-throat bellowed with its brazen tongue71

A deathless body and a divine name70

A dragon power of reptile energies67

A formless void oppressed his struggling brain363

A gap was rent in the all-concealing vault304

A gate of dreams ajar on mystery's verge367

A greater darkness waited, a worse reign245

A greater force than the earthly held his limbs123

A hope stole in that hardly dared to be248

A last high world was seen where all worlds met111

A lonely freedom cannot satisfy 77, 366

A long lone line of hesitating hue62

A manifest of the Imperishable286

A million faces wears her knowledge here67

A mute featureless semblance of the Unknown..82

A Seer was born, a shining Guest of Time 299,311

A single law simplessed the cosmic theme 113, 285

A traveller of the million roads of life189

A wanderer communing with depth and marge159

A wandering hand of pale enchanted light190

A work she had to do, a word to speak244

Above the Masters of the Ideal throne116

Accompanied by an eternal No112

Across a void retreating sky he glimpsed349

Across the path of the divine Event8

Air was a vibrant link between earth and heaven17

All can be done if the God-touch is there 68, 322

All grew a consecration and a rite87

All there was soul or made of sheer soul-stuff132

All things hang here between God's yes and no68

Almost one felt, opaque, impenetrable62

Almost they saw who lived within her light100

Ambassadress twixt eternity and change93

Ambitioned the seas for robe, for crown the stars 113,285

An awful Silence watches tragic Time69

An errant marvel with no place to live16

An inarticulate whisper drives her steps131

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An instant's visitor the godhead shone89

And broken the intellect's hard and lustrous lid307

And called her to fill with her vast self the abyss22,65

And carries our lives in its somnambulist whirl84

And driven by a pointing hand of Light114,285

And in the pauses of the building brain352

And Savitri too awoke among these tribes190

And serpent grandeurs couching in the mire240

And the blind Void struggles to feel and see45

And the long restlessness of transient things74

And the swift parents hurrying to their child117

And we break into the infinity of God314

Architectonic and inevitable112

Around her some tremendous spirit lived282

As a star, uncompanioned, moves in heaven66

As if her rash superb wagered to outvie285

As if solicited in an alien world106

As if to a deeper country of the soul159

As in a mystic and dynamic dance64,337

As when the mantra sinks in Yoga's ear120

At first life grieved not in her burdened breast18

At the sombre centre of the dire debate20

Bliss is the secret stuff of all that lives187,239

Built is the golden tower, the flame-child born282

But Aswapati's heart replied to her194

But now the half-opened lotus bud of her heart115

Compelled renewed consent to see and feel80

Condemned to resume the effort and the pang80

Earth's winged chimeras are Truth's steeds in Heaven 68,109,322

Even were caught as through a cunning veil39,130

Faced all experience with unaltered peace349

Fixed with gold panel and opalescent hinge12

Flamed in transparencies of crowded light71

For ever love, O beautiful slave of God282

For him the limiting firmament ceased above312

Freedom is this with ever seated soul75

God-given her strength can battle against doom267

Heaven's waters trailed and dribbled through the drowned land.110

Her gulfs stood nude, her far transcendences110

Here too the vision and prophetic gleam90

His failure is not failure whom God leads68

His march now soared into an eagle's flight313

His mind transfigured to a rapturous seer346

His seeking mind ceased in the Truth that knows347

His soul must be wider than the universe101

I am, I love, I see, I act, I will66

I cherish God the Fire, not God the Dream70,295

Idea rotated symphonies of sight129

Impassive he lived immune from earthly hopes123

In her unlit temple of eternity253, 288

In him that high transition laid its base308,312

In man a dim disturbing somewhat lives285

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In moments when the inner lamps are lit 123

In the griffin forefront of the Night and Day 301,325

In the light flooding thought's blank vacancy 346

In the sombre symbol of her eyeless muse 79

Interpreting a recondite beauty and bliss 89

Into a far-off nook of heaven there came 106

Intuitive knowledge leaping into speech 344

It was the hour before the Gods awake 84,246,291,330

It wrote the lines of a significant myth 248

Knowledge was rebuilt from cells of inference 113

Lifting the human word nearer to the god's 181

Love must not cease to live upon the earth 75

Master of Nature who once her bondslave worked 203

My mind transfigures to a rapturous seer 69

Near to earth's wideness, intimate with heaven 24,322

Neighbouring proud palaces of perverted Power 112

None can reach heaven who has not passed through hell 68

O Force-compelled, Fate-driven earth-born race 224

O lasso of my rapture's widening noose 76

O life, the life beneath the wheeling stars 76

O radiant fountain of the world's delight 74

O Wisdom-Splendour, Mother of the universe 350

On life's thin border awhile the Vision stood 89

Once more a tread perturbed the vacant Vasts 96

Once more he moved amid material scenes 359

Once more the world was made a wonder-web 71

One dealt with her who meets the burdened great 20

One-pointed to the immaculate Delight 240

Only a little the God-light can stay 63,90

Only the Immortals on their deathless heights 129

Open God's door, enter into his trance 354

Original and supernal Immanence 130

Our being must move eternally through Time 220

Our life's repose is in the Infinite 68,367

Our minds hush to a bright Omniscient 69,240,322,347

Out of our thoughts we must leap up to sight 346

Pain is the hand of Nature sculpturing men 75

Piercing the limitless Unknowable 317

Read the No-gestures of her silhouettes 111

Ringing for ever with the crickets' cry 66

Sight was a flame-throw from identity 69

Sight's lightnings leaped into the invisible 269

Sight's sound-waves breaking from the soul's great deeps 342

Silence, the nurse of the Almighty's power 344

Something that wished but knew not how to be 15,199

Splendours of insight filled the blank of thought 346

Splendours of insight filled the blanks of thought. 69

Teased the Inconscient to wake Ignorance 44

The abysm of the unbodied Infinite 17, 322

The black Inconscient swung its dragon tail 45

The bounded mind became a boundless light 315

The colonnade's dream grey in the quiet eve 66

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The conscious Force that acts in Nature's breast284

The conscious Force that acts in Nature's breast284

The darkness failed and slipped like a falling cloak47

The dubious godhead with his torch of pain 108,187, 241

The Gods above and Nature sole below245

The great are strongest when they stand alone266

The great schemed worlds that they had planned and wrought112

The harmony journeyed towards some distant hush360

The huge foreboding mind of Night, alone 105,260

The impossible God's sign of things to be273

The island ego joined its continent298

The landmarks of the little person fell313

The lines that tear the veil from Deity's face 74,367

The Lord of Life resumed his mighty rounds114

The old adamantine vetoes stood no more32

The single Call, the uncompanioned Power85

The superconscient realms of motionless peace 64, 210,265

The toiling thinker widened and grew still36

The ways that lead to endless happiness129

The wide world-rhythms wove their stupendous chant217

Then perish vomiting the immortal soul113

Then shall the business fail of Death and Night113

There gleamed the dawn of a spiritual day305

There knowing herself by her own termless self211

There was no gulf between the thought and fact67

This dark knew dumbly, immensely the Unknown 68,241

This most she must absolve with endless pangs284

This now was witnessed in that son of Force300

This was the day when Satyavan must die 79,247

Thought lay down in a mighty voicelessness226

Thrown back once more into unthinking dreams79

To raise its head and look for absent light16

To where Mind motionless sleeps waiting Light s birth347

Torn from its immediacy of errorless sight285

Touched by the thoughts that skim the fathomless surge129

Twixt the magnificence of her fatal breasts359

Unweave the stars and into silence pass322

Veiled by the Ray no mortal eye can bear32

White chambers of dalliance with Eternity209

With the Truth-Light strike earth's massive roots of trance110

Words winged with the red splendour of the heart74

Yet rare that touch upon the mortal's world354

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