The Problem Of Aryan Origins

From an Indian Point of View

Index to the Supplements

Abusir-el-Malik, 262

Abydos, 262

a-deva (adeva-ladeva-), 335, 376, 379-80

a-deva-yu, 309

Aditī, 405

Aegean islands, 201

aes, 234

Afghānistān, 211, 227, 228, 232, 264, 266, 272, 281, 283, 284, 287, 297, 300, 305, 307, 357

Agastya, 360-61

Agni, 195, 213, 259, 281, 289, 296, 301-4, 308-10, 313, 326-8, 336-8, 341-4, 348-9, 359-61, 369, 370, 372-3, 381, 383, 394-5, 404-6, 408, 411, 413, 417 as asura, 382-3, 394-5, 404, 405 hymns to, in the Rigveda, 213, 377, 394, 399

agnipura, 299-300

ahavanaya, 230

ahi, 187, 329

Ahicchatra, 212, 242

ahura/asura, 166, 267, 368-9, 379, 403

Ahura Mazda, 166, 282, 321, 400-403, 419

Aila kingdom, 163-4

Airiyānam vaējo, 270, 271, 277

Aitareya Brāhmaṇa, 296, 298

Ajas, 356, 357

aja 251

a-karman, 309, 376

Alamgirpur, 246

Alei valley, 209, 322, 325

Alinas, 355

Allchin, Bridget and Raymond, 222, 224, 237, 245, 253, 254

Allchin, F.R., 170, 185

Altyn Tepe temple, 293

Alur, Dr. K.R., 216-20

a-mānuṣa, 334, 376

Amorges/Omarges, 318-19

Amri, 223, 227

Amyrgioi Sakai, 314, 319

Amu Darya (see also Oxus), 284, 321

Anarsani, 330

anasah, 349-50

Anatolia, 260, 261, 274, 280, 281

Anavas, 355

anchors (of perforated stone found at Dwaraka), 201, 202

Andau, 261

Anderson, James, 169

Andhras, 296

Andronovo culture, 209, 311, 323, 324

Angirases, 418, 419

Anitabha, 284, 285

an-rc, 309

anya-vrata, 309

Apte, V.M., 314

Arachosia, 268, 269, 291

a-radhas 309, 347

Aral Sea, 285

Aranyakas, 246

Arbuda, 329, 332

arcat , 243

Arctic, 158, 168

ardhadevam, 409-10

Areia, 207

argat, argentum, arguros, 243

Aria, 291

Arjuna, 200,

Armenian, 243, 274

Armenians, 275

Arnold, 376, 379

Arsacid empire (of Parthia), 207

Arsasana, 330

Arya (arya/arya) (see also Aryans), 210, 213, 259-60, 320, 333, 359-60

arya varna, 339-40

Aryaman, 301

Aryan enemies (in the Rigveda), 353-62

Aryan Immigration into India: Russian conference, 153

Aryan invasion, see invasion, of India by Aryans

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Aryan language, 207-8, 322, 349-50

The Aryan Problem: a linguistic approach, by S.S. Misra, 274

Aryan religion, 269, 281

Aryan scripture, 163

Aryanism (see also Indo Aryanism), 216, 232-5, 264, 266 in the Harappā Culture 181, 222-5, 254, 263

Aryans/Aryan civilization, 156-60, 162, 165, 177-8, 205, 215, 218, 219, 221, 222, 226, 240, 241, 259, 267, 271, 281-4, 287, 291, 295, 297, 298, 300, 302, 303, 306, 312, 328-30, 334, 335, 337-40, 346, 350, 351, 354, 358-60, 362, 363, 366 and Dravidians, 156-9, 164, 178 original home of, 'cradle-land*, 157-8, 166, 168, 169, 266-7, 270, 271, 274-5, 277 Rigvedic/Vedic (see also Rigvedics/Vedics), 182, 185, 192, 206-8, 210-12, 233-5, 238, 259, 284, 286, 297, 301, 326, 328, 346, 365-6 Sauma, 208-9, 283, 305, 311, 313, 317

Aryans and Indian History: an archaeo-zoological approach, by K.R.Alur, 216-19

asiknir, 334, 337 fn., 339

aspa-, 267

ass, 160, 180, 183, 218-19, 248, 250 Asthana, Shashi, 225, 231, 248, 249, 250

astronomical observations in the Rigveda, 158

asura/Asuras (see also ahura/asura ), 295, 298-9, 366, 367-83, 390, 391-5, 410, 413, 416, 419 as human beings, 406-17

asuraship (asuratvam/aSūryam), 393, 394, 404-6

asura-han- 369

asva, 267, 411

Asvamedha, 410-11

Aśvinā/Asvins (see also Nasatyas), 213, 251, 296, 336, 337, 384, 413

Atharvaveda, 212, 235, 237,344, 371

Atithigva (see also Divodāsa), 207, 292, 327, 333

At-Tchapar, 306

Avesta, 209, 237, 238, 266, 270-72, 284, 294, 321, 371,

379, 400-403, 419 Older (see also Gathas), 271 Younger, 271, 272, 402

Avestan (language), 208, 210, 267, 294, 318, 329, 369, 400, 402

ayas, āyasi, 193, 234, 235, 236

axes, ceremonial, 281-2

azis dahako, 329

Bactria, 207, 211, 228, 283, 284, 287. 295, 297, 305-8, 310, 312, 318. 320

Bactrian camel, see camel, Bactnan

Baghdad, 252

Bahrain, 201

Balakot, 250

Balbutha Taruksa, 362, 363

Balu, 419

Baluch Makran, 252

Baluch traders, settlers, 252

Balūchistān, 183, 189, 191, 205, 219, 226-9, 232, 236, 244, 247, 249-53, 255, 261, 264, 266, 357

Banas valley, 214, 216, 219

Barsentes, 291

Basham, A.L., 234, 235, 246

Battle of the Ten Kings, 288, 329, 353-8, 366

Baudhayana Dharmasutra, 246

Belan valley, 220, 221, 280

Belvalker, 379

Bergaigne, 374

Bet Dwaraka, 200, 201, 202

Bhagwanpura, 182-3, 241

Bhalanas, Bhalanasah, 253, 265.

355, 357

Bhan, Suraj, 224

Bharadvāja family, 291

Bharadwaj, O.P., 224, 267-8, 269

Bhārata War, 203

Bhāratas, 356

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Bheda, 356

Bhrgus, 355

Bhujyu, 293

Bihar, 240

Bir-kot-ghwandai, 232

Biscione, 312

bitumen, 203

black metal, 235

Black Sea, 276

Boghazkoy, 280

Bolan Pass/River/Valley, 205, 219, 226, 228, 229, 231, 244, 253, 264, 357

Bopp, 273

Bos indie us, 248

Bos primogenius, 180

brahma-dvisah, 350

brahman, 196

Brāhmaṇas, 236, 246, 296-301, 371, 376, 380, 403

Brāhmaṇaspati, 337, 338, 395, 399 Brahmans, 163, 339, 346 brass, 236 Brbu, 362, 363

Brhaspati, 196, 293, 337, 360, 363

bricks, 233, 239, 241, 326

bronze, 234, 326

Bronze Age culture of Greater Iran, see Greater Iran, Bronze Age culture of

Brown, W. Norman, 374

Brugmann, 273

buffalo, 170

bull, Indian, 252

bull (in the Rigveda), 381, 388, 389, 393, 405, 407

bull-worship, 252

bulls, humped and short-horn, 170

burial/inhumation, 205, 212, 226,

227, 231, 238, 249, 316-17, 324, 325 tumuli, 322, 324, 325

Burnt Building, Hissar IIIB, 311, 312

Burrow, Thomas, 168, 282, 303

C-14 datings, 174, 186, 198, 217, 221, 250, 277, 278-9

camel, 170, 180, 183, 261-2 camel us dromedarius, 261-2 Bactrian, 205, 261 figurines, 227-29

Carbon-14 dating, see C-14 datings

Casal, 223

Caspian coast, 160

cattle, see cows

Cemetery H (of Harappā), 232 Centum languages, 273 ceramics (see also figurines; terracottas) 212, 215, 217, 228, 229, 231, 232, 238-42, 248-9, 251-2, 265 export of, 252

Chakrabarti, 241

Chanda, R.P., 192-3, 197

Chandoli. 246

Chanhu-dāro, 199

Chanhujo-dāro, 227

chariot warfare, 205 chariots, 205, 219, 351, 353 drawn by different animals, 251-3 spoked-wheel (see also wheel, spoked), 160-61 war-chariot, 234, 251-3

Chattopadhyaya, DebipRasād, 187-9, 192-3, 197

Chattopadhyaya, K.C., 269, 288, 335, 376-9, 401

Chaudhuri, Nirad, Continent of Circe, 166

Chedi, 239

Chilas, 282

China, 261, 321, 323

Chhandogya Upanishad, 236

Clark, Prof. J. Desmond, 220

Cleator, P.E., Lost Languages, 171 fn.

Constantini, 244

copper, 211, 234, 235, 326

copper buttons, 228

copper forts, 235, 298, 326

coppersmith's mould at Dwaraka,


cotton, 244-6

cows, 166, 170, 179, 187 drawing chariots, 251

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in the Rigveda, 187, 195, 196, 251, 346, 348, 351, 353, 363, 389, 412

cremation, 212, 238, 317

Cumuri, 330, 331, 333

Cyprus, 202

Dabar Kot, 228

Dabhiti, 329, 384

Dadheri, 182-3, 241

Dahae, Dahas, 206-7, 291-2, 320, 347, 365

Daha-, 206

dahyu-, 207

Daimabad, 215, 216, 219

daksinagni, 230

Dales, George F., 185, 186, 192, 198, 224, 248

Damb Sadat, 231

dams, 187, 189-91

Danava, 187, 334

Danu, 331, 334

Dàoi, 206

Darius, 209, 294, 314, 318, 319, 322 dark/black peoples, 175-6, 310, 334, 337-40, 346

darkness/Powers of Darkness, 175-6, 194, 195, 337-8, 346, 348-9, 351, 363, 364, 384

Darmesteter, James, 400 Dasa (etymology) (see also Dāsas), 346-49, 362

Dasa forts, see forts

Dasamiya, 283

Dāsas (Dasa-Dasyus, Dasyus), 165, 175, 195-7, 206-8, 211, 216, 282-5, 287, 290-92, 294, 296-7, 299, 302, 304-10, 313, 326-40, 346, 348-54, 356, 358-66, 369-70, 374, 376, 383-4, 386, 390-91, 406, 408

Dashly, 211, 227, 305-8, 310

Dasyave Vrka, 294

dasyu-/dahyu-, 207

Dasyus, see Dāsas

dasyuhan, dasyuhantama, 310

Dawn-goddess, 251

Dayananda, Swami Satyanarda, 158

De Sa, A.J.C.: criticism of The Problem of Aryan Origins \ 53-61 reply to the above, 168-78

de Selincourt, Aubrey, 319

demi-god, 409-10

Dereivka, 247

Desai, Or. B., 202

deus/devil, 166

devo/Devas, 165, 166, 309, 361, 367, 369, 371-2, 386, 391-3, 404, 414-16

dhenor, 389

Divodasa (Atithigva),286-92, 296, 304, 327, 336, 362, 364

divya jana, 328

donkey, see ass

dragon, see ahi

Dravidian language/culture, 153-4, 159, 164, 175, 177, 178, 294

Dravidian sun-god, 172

Dravidian Theories, by R.S. Aiyar, 177-8

Dravidians, 153, 158-62, 175, 177-8, 206, 346

Drbhika, 330, 332

Drsadvati, 238, 255

Druhyu(s), 355, 357

Duchesne-Guillemin, J., 262, 318

dvandva, 213, 401-3

Dwaraka, 200-203, 240

Dyala region, 252

Dyau(s), 345, 393-4, 416, 417, 419

Dzharkutan, 308

Early Dynastic period (in Mesopotamia), 252

Egypt, 244, 262

Elam, 251, 252

Elephantine papyri, 319

Encyclopaedia Britanmca, 264, 314, 316-17, 320, 323

Encyclopaedia of Religion and

Ethics, 314

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Epigraphical congress, Jabalpur 1986, 202

Ephedra, 210, 343

equus, 219, 220, 222, 279

Equus asinus, 248, 250

Equus caballus, 215, 216, 219, 230, 248, 250, 266

Equus hemionus, 248, 249

Eratosthenes, 206

etymology, 206-8, 210, 293-7, 375-80, 407

anasah, 349-50

asura, 367-9, 375-6, 379

dasa, 206-7, 346-9, 362

dasyu, 207

Haumavarga, 209, 318-19

maya, 384-5, 388

pant, 207, 291-3, 346-9

Rasā/Ranhā, 284, 286

Saka, 320

Sambara, 296

Varuṇa, 395-6, 400-401

Vritra, 396

ewe (in the Rigveda), 345

Excavation at Mitathal and other explorations..., by S. Bhan, 224

Fairservis, W., 180 fn., 249

Falcon, 292-3, 303, 344

Falk, Harry, 210

Fergana/Ferghana, 209, 228, 229, 322, 325

Fig tree (Ficus religiosa), 293

figurines, 170, 227-30, 249, 419 camels, 227-9 horse, 171, 182, 183, 249, 419 horse-riders, 227-30

Finnish scholars, 162, 173

Finno-Ugrian, 270

fire-altars, 222, 223, 225, 233, 253-4, 308, 314, 319

fire-cult, 222, 254, 281, 308, 313-14

'fife-dogs', 228, 230

fire-temples, 307-8

floods/flood theory, 185, 187, 188, 199

forts, 197, 206, 282-3, 297-313, 325-9, 351-3

various epithets applied to, 197-8, 300, 304-5

Francfort, 307

Frye, Richard N., 269, 271, 272, 318, 319, 323-4

Gamkrelidze, Thomas V., 274-6

Ganga/Ganges/Gangetic valley, 163, 221, 236, 238, 250, 279, 283

gārhapatya, 230

Gathas, 237, 271, 272, 277, 402

Gautama Dharmasutra, 246

Gebr-bands, 189, 190, 192

Gedrosia, 291

Geldner, 289, 373, 418

Geoksjur style, 231

George, Dr. J.C., 218

Germanic languages, 274-5

Gershevitch, 209, 322

Ghalegay IV, 211, 212, 232, 235

Ghalegay V-VI, 212, 235

Ghirshman, 234

Giles, P., 281, 313

Gimbutas, Marija, 275, 276

goat, 220, 250, 251, 325 drawing chariot, 251

Gods as 'men', 417-18

gold, 233, 245, 271, 324, 346

Gomatī (= modern Gumal), 201, 284

Gonda, J., 341

Gordon, D.H., 235

Grassmann, 296

Greater Iran, 204, 205, 211, 221,

228, 230, 235, 311 Bronze Age culture of (see also Namazga V), 205, 207, 209, 215, 223, 224, 227, 229, 293, 295, 305-6, 308, 311

Greece, 271

Greek, 160, 270, 273-4, 292, 294, 295, 347, 400

Greppin, A.C., 243, 262, 264-6, 272, 275, 276

Griffith, Ralph T.H., 243, 256-8, 285, 289, 293, 301, 303-5, 328, 332-3, 337, 342-3, 350, 357, 360,

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367-70, 376 fn., 379-82, 387-9, 391, 394, 407 fn., 408-9, 411-13, 416

Gumal, see Gomatī

Gupta, 225

Gurgan plain, 248, 293-4

Hakra complex, 255

Hale, Wash Edward, 367-9, 372-6, 379-80, 388-9, 392-5, 400, 402-8, 410-11, 414-18

Hallur, 216, 219, 220

Hamp, Eric, 275

Han, M., 224

Haoma, 208, 210, 306, 310, 314,

315, 318, 319

Harahvaiti/Harakhaiti, 267-70, 291

Harappā, 174, 198, 192, 218, 222-4, 232, 261

Harappān culture, 169, 170, 172, 178, 182, 214, 216, 222, 223, 225, 226, 237, 238, 245, 246, 247, 251, 253, 254, 262, 263, 265, 266, 271, 366

Harappān Indo-Aryanism, 222-5, 253-4

Harappān language, 215, 223

Harappān religion, 178

Harappān seals, see seals

Harappān sites, 179, 180, 181, 183, 198, 224, 237, 246

Harmatta, J., 278

Hartz, Richard, 204 fn., 268, 298

fn., 320, 337-38 fn.

Haryana, 239, 240, 268 haššu, 368

Haumavarga/Haumawarga, 209,


hearths, ritual, 254

hemione (see also onager, ass, equus hemionus), 160-17.

hemp, 316-17

Herodotus (Histories) 206, 314-19, 322, 325

hieroglyphics, 171

Hillebrandt, 253, 291, 297, 344, 374

Hilmand Civilization, 231

Himalaya, 189, 313

himavantah, 313

Hindu /Sindhu, 267

Hindukush, 282, 284

hiranya, 235-6

Hissar, 234, 311

History to Prehistory ..., by G.R. Sharma, 220, 250, 278-80

Hittite, 273, 274, 368-9

Hlopina, 311

Hoffmann, 291

horse, 159-61, 166, 169-71, 179-84, 205, 208, 215, 216, 220, 221, 225, 230, 232, 234, 238, 243, 247-50, 264, 265, 276-8, 325, 419 bones, 159-61, 216-19 domestication, 247-9, 276-8 figurines and paintings, 171, 249, 419 in the Rigveda, 250-51, 346, 351, 353, 411 words for in various languages, 159-60, 264, 267

horse-cult, 277

horse-sacrifice by the Sakas, 315 in the Rigveda, 411, 412

horsemen, 249, 272, 277, 324 figurines at Pirak, 227-30 petroglyphs at Chilas, 282

Hsiung-nu, 321

Hungarian, 278

Hunter, G.R., 173

Hurkania, see Hyrcania

Hurrians, 275

Hut Grave culture, 323

hwmdt(= Haumadata), 319

hwn (= havan, mortar), 319

Hyderabad (Sind), 191

Hyrcania/Hyrcanians, 294-7

Ilibisa, 330, 331, 333

In Search of the Indo-Europeans..., by J.P. Mallory, 262, 324

India/Indian subcontinent, 157, 165-6, 176-8, 186-7, 197, 199, 201, 206, 208, 211, 214-16, 218-19, 221, 225-6, 230, 234, 236-7, 239-40, 248, 250, 255-7,

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259-60, 264, 266-7, 269-71, 278, 280, 283, 291-7, 305, 311-13, 322, 325, 329, 346, 351-2, 365-6

Indo-Aryan (language), 214, 223, 266-7, 269, 274, 278, 294

Indo-Aryan deities, 416

Indo-Aryanism/Indo-Aryans, 240-41, 260, 266-7, 278, 280-82, 308, 403 presence in Harappā Culture, 222-5, 253-5

Indo-European language(s) (see also Proto-Indo-European), 177, 215, 254, 256, 260, 262-76, 369 and Sanskrit, 272-7

Indo-Europeans, 263-4, 266, 271, 274-6

Indo-Hittite theory, 274

Indo-Iranian (language), 207, 214, 266, 269, 278, 400

Indo-Iranian religion, 269, 400, 403, 419

Indo-Irānians, 254, 266, 270, 276-7, 280, 312

Indra, 185, 192, 187-8, 192, 196, 199, 213, 255-8, 280, 285, 287-8, 290, 293, 297, 301, 305, 309-10, 320, 326-40, 344-5, 350, 353-8, 359-60, 362-4, 369-73, 383-4, 393, 400-401, 404-5, 407-10, 416 and Varuṇa, 354, 356, 395-8, 409 as asura, 380-82, 391, 410 hymns to, in the Rigveda, 377-8, 379-80, 388, 399

Indra- Agni, 213

Indra-Varuṇa, 354, 356, 409

Indus Civilization/Indus Valley Civilization, 153-4, 156, 160, 162, 174, 191, 194, 197, 205-6, 216, 221-5, 227, 230, 232-3, 237, 239, 244-6, 254-5, 257, 260, 265-6, 297, 326, 366 end of, 186, 199

Indus people, 366

Indus river (Sindhu, Hindu), 189-90, 191, 284

Indus script, 164, 184, 202

Indus tributaries, 284

Indus Valley, 179, 186, 203, 216,

222, 233, 236, 245-6, 250, 253-4, 266, 282-3, 287, 366

inhumation, see burial

inscription (in post-Harappān script), 201

invasion of India by Aryans, 156, 158, 160, 168-9, 172, 174-5, 178-9, 185-6, 188, 197-9, 203, 218, 225-6, 232-3, 240-41, 254-5, 259-60, 298, 306, 310, 322, 328, 351-2, 365-6 in Turkmenia, 311-12

Iran, 156-7, 166, 204, 223, 232, 264, 266, 270-72, 277, 280, 291, 312, 324, 347

Greater, see Greater Iran

Iranian (see also Avestan, Indo-Iranian), 207, 267, 269, 270, 292, 322, 368 Old, 206, 207, 294

Iranian plateau, 261, 271

Iranian religion, 282, 314, 419

Irānians, 266, 267, 269, 271, 277, 280, 281, 314, 321, 323

Iravati ( = modern Ravi), 283 iron, 183, 211, 234, 235, 238, 239, 412

Iron Age, 229, 236

Ispelanji, 228

istaka (see also bricks), 233

Ivanov, V.V., 274-6

Jakheran, U.P., 212, 242

jana, 328, 331fn.

Jarrige, Jean-François, 205, 226,

228, 231, 236, 244, 255, 257,

265, 279

jatavedas, 343

Jaxartes, 270, 284, 285

Jorwe culture, 215, 216, 219

Joshi, J.P., 241

Jumna, see Yamuna

Kachi plain (see also Pirak), 205,

227, 230, 236

KakŚivan, 411

Kalash Kafirs, 281, 282

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Kalibangan, 222-5.233, 253, 308

Karanja, 292-3, 332-3

Karasuk culture, 323

Karnataka, 216, 219

Karpāsa (see also cotton), 246

Karpāsa in Prehistoric India..., by K.D. Sethna, 244

Kati, 281

Katpalon/Kathpalon, 182-3, 241

Kavasa, 355, 357

Kazakhstan, 277, 323

Keith, A.B., 253, 288-9, 291, 333, 347, 362

Kekaya, 239

Khuzistan, 251

Khvalynsk, 277

Kikkuli's manual (see also Mitanni

documents), 212-14

Kile Ghul Mohammad (KGM), 248, 249

Kish, 252

Koldihwa, 220, 221, 250, 278, 279

Kosambi, D.D., 187, 188, 197

Kotri, 189

Krick, Hertha, 230

Krishna, 200, 203, 240

krsndyasa, 236

Krumu, 284, 285

Kubhā, 284, 285

Kuhn, I., 406

Kulitara, 331

Kulliware, 251, 252

kurgan 322, 324, 325

Kurgan hypothesis, 276

Kuru, 239

Kutlug-Tepe, 306

Lai, B.B., 171 fn., 199, 213, 216, 224, 225, 239, 244

Lamberg-Karlovsky, C.C., 226

language/languages (see also individual languages and language groups), 159-60, 214, 215, 243-4, 273, 292, 375-80

Latin, 160, 234, 273-4, 295, 347, 365

lead, 234

Leemans, W.F., 245

Lithuanian, 160

loha, lohayasa, lohitāyas, 235-6

Lothal, 171, 174, 222, 237, 246, 308

Luders, 374

Macdonell, A.A., 196, 234, 245, 253, 288-9, 300, 313, 375, 400-401, 403, 413

Macdonell and Keith, Vedic Index..., 192, 253, 288

Mackay, 171 fn.

Madhyadesa, 268

Magadha, 239, 296

maghavan, 305, 410

Magian, 319

MahaBhārata, 200, 203, 236, 238, 239-40, 283

Mahadaha, 220

Mahadevan, Iravatham, 157, 162,

164, 172, 179, 184

Mahagara, 220, 221, 251, 278, 279 Mallory, LP., 262, 264, 272, 276, 277, 324

Malwa culture, 215, 216, 219

mantra, 176, 196, 350, 364, 417

Manu, 334, 383

mānuṣa-, 334, 418

Manusmriti, 236

Margiana, 206, 210, 211, 228, 305-7, 310, 312, 320

Margos (= modern Murghab), 206, 229

Marshal, Sir John, 245

marta, 364-5

martya, 364

Maruts, 289, 304, 326, 360, 361,

386-7, 394, 399, 405, 417

Massagetai, 321

Mausala Parva (of MahaBhārata), 200

maya, 195, 369, 370, 371, 383-91, 396, 408

Mayrhofer, Manfred, 253, 282, 296

mazda-, 402

Meadow, Richard H., 215, 216, 220, 221, 244, 250, 265, 279

The Meaning of Pur in Vedic Literature, by W. Rau, 299 fn., 302-5

Page 428

Mediterranean civilizations, 156

Mehantu, 284

Mehrgarh, 231, 232, 244, 248, 255, 257, 260, 261, 265, 266, 279 Mehrgarh VIII, 226, 227, 229, 230

Meir-Melikyan, Prof. N., 210

Mesopotamia, 156, 203, 210, 251, 252

Mesopotamian art, 180

metals, 233-6

Michael, H.N., 224

Middle Indo-Aryan, 214, 274

Misra, Dr. Satya Swarup, 214, 272, 276, 278

Misra, Haripriya, 274

Mitanni documents (see also Kikkuli's manual), 210, 214, 280-81

Mitannians, 179, 210, 212, 213, 281, 282, 313

Mithra, 271, 403

Mithra-Ahura, 419

Mitra, 301, 386, 392, 395, 403-5, 409

Mitra-Varuṇa, 213, 280, 360, 368, 371, 387, 392, 393, 401-3, 405, 415, 419

mogila, 322

Mohenjo-dāro, 160, 17C, 172, 174, 183, 188, 190-92, 194, 199, 206, 218, 222-4, 230, 237, 245, 252, 261

Monier-Williams, 264, 304, 410

Morgenstierne, Georg, 282

mortars, 319

mortuary practice (see also burial;

cremation), 323-5

Mother India, 159

mṛdhrá-vāc, 350

Mujavant, 344

mule, 183

Mundigak, 228, 231, 232, 250

Murghab, see Margos

Müller, Max, 164, 188, 286

Mutibas, 296

Mycenaean syllabary, 171

mysticism in the Rigveda, 175-7, 259, 340-49, 351, 352, 358-62, 364, 365, 385-400, 412, 417-19

Nagar, 182-3, 241

Namazga Culture Namazga III, 231 Namazga IV, 262 Namazga V, 205-7, 210, 211, 214, 215, 227, 234, 293, 295, 305, 306, 308, 311, 312, 320, 366 Namazga VI, 206, 211, 215, 227, 228, 311, 312

Namuci, 303, 327, 328, 332, 333, 369, 383.

nar-, 334, 418

Nasatyas, 213, 251, 280

Nausharo, 227

Navdatoli MI, 215

Nevasa, 246

Nighantu, 269, 409

ninety-nine ..., 283, 303-4, 327, 329, 332

Nirukta, see Yaska

Norman, K.R., 255-9, 272, 280

Nuristan/Nuristanis, 280, 281-2

Nuristani languages, 282

obstructors, 187, 360-62

oceans (in the Rigveda) 187, 396-7, 413-14

Okeanos, 286

Old Iranian, 206, 207

Oldenberg, 376

Omarges/Amorges, see

Amorges/Omarges onager, 160, 248, 249

oryza sativa (see also rice), 279

Ossetes, 210

Ouranos, 400-401, 403

Ovis vignei, 248


drawing a chariot, 252 humped, 248

Oxus (Amu Darya), 206, 270, 284-5, 321

Painted Grey Ware (PGW), 212, 238-41

Pakistan Govt., excavations at Mohenjo-dāro, 190

Pakthas, 355, 357

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Pakthuns, 357

pana (= price), 194

Pānchāla, 239

Panchmukhi, R.S., 219

Pānini, 268

Pani (etymology), 207, 292-3, 346-9

Panis, 206, 207, 284, 285, 291-3, 295-7, 305, 340-50, 359, 362-3, 365, 397

Panjab, see Punjāb

Paravatas, 291

Parna Tree (Butea frondosa), 293

parna, 292

Parṇáya, 207, 293, 332-3

Parnoi/Parnians, 207, 284, 291-3, 347, 365

Parpola, Asko, 179, 183, 184, 204-16, 222-40, 242, 247, 253, 256-8, 261, 265, 267, 271, 281-4, 287-339 passim, 346, 348, 349, 352, 353, 362, 364-7, 369, 371-6, 379, 380, 383, 384, 392, 393, 395, 398, 414, 415 "Cracking the Indus Script", 179 fn., 181fn. "The Coming of the Aryans...", 204 ff.

Parthia, 207

Paruetae, 291

Paruṣṇī ( = modern Ravi), 283, 290, 353, 355, 357

Pasadyumna, 356

pavitra, 345

Pazyryk, 317

Periano Ghundai, 182, 249, 253

pernēmi, 291, 347

Persepolis, 206

Persepolis Treasury, 319

PGW, see Painted Grey Ware

Phillips, E.D., 317

Piggott, Stuart, 181 fn., 182, 189, 192, 233, 237, 249, 251, 253, 261

Pipru, 207, 329, 331-3, 370

Pirak, 205, 208, 226-9, 231, 236

Pit Grave (Yamna) culture, 247, 323, 324

Polyaenus (Strategemata), 318, 319

Pomponius Mela, 206

Possehl, G., 186

Potter, Simeon, 262

Prajapati, 376

Prasād B, 218

Pre-Harappān Cultures of India..., by S. Asthana, 225 fn., 231

The Problem of Aryan Origins, by K.D. Sethna criticism by A.J.C. de Sa, 153-67 reply to the above, 168-78

Proto-Aryan, 206, 266-7

Proto-Australoid, 346

Proto-Dravidian, 215, 223

Proto-Indo-Aryan, 282

Proto-Indo-European, 266, 282

Proto-Indo-Europeans, 263, 276-7

Proto-Iranian, 282

Proto-South Aryans, 208

Proto-Zoroastrians, 210

Ptolemy (Geography), 206

Pulindas, 296

Punjāb, 163, 182, 186, 212, 216,

238-41, 283 Pundras, 296

pur/pura (= nagara), 192, 196, 197

pur/purah, 298-305, 337 fn.

Puranas, 169, 200

Purukutsa, 283, 286-90, 326, 330, 335, 354

Puru, 338, 354, 355

Purus, 254, 283

Pusalker, A.D., 157, 347-8, 353

Pusan, 251, 296, 363, 394, 395

Q. Curtius Rufus, 206

Quetta, 227, 231, 293

radiocarbon dates, see C-14 datings

Raikes, Robert L., 191, 192

Rajasthan, 239, 240

Rajasthani chalcolithic culture, 214

rajatám hiranyam, 243, 264

Rakhigarhi, 224

Rakshasas, 299, 335

Ralph, E.K., 224

ram (in the Rigveda), 345

Rānā Ghundāī (RG), 182, 183

RGI, 247, 248, 249, 253 RG III, 249, 253

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Rangpur, 237

Ranhā, 284, 286

Rao, Dr. S.R., 174, 200-203

Rao, Dr. M.S. Nagaraja, 216

Rasā, 284-6, 362

Rau, Wilhelm, 299 fns., 300fn., 302-5

Ravi (see also Paruṣṇī), 366


Aryan, 175-6, 269, 281

Avestan, 371

Dasa, 308-9

Harappān, 178

Indian, 175-7, 252

Indo-Aryan, 416

Indo-Iranian, 269, 400, 403, 419

Indo-European, 314

Iranian, 282, 314, 419

of Asuras, 366-7

Rigvedic/Vedic, 208-10, 230, 255, 299-300, 308, 309, 313-14, 352, 369-71, 395-99, 412 Saka, 314-17

Renfrew, Colin, 185, 254, 255, 257, 259, 260, 262, 263, 276, 337

Rgveda, see Rigveda

Ribhus, 360

rice, 236-8, 241, 242, 271, 279-80

Rigveda/Rgveda Saṁhitā (RS), 156, 163-5, 173, 175-6, 179, 192-6, 206-8, 211, 213-14, 233-8, 240, 242-3, 245-6, 251, 253-66, 269, 271-2, 276-7, 279, 281, 283-96, 300-307, 309-11, 313, 320, 325-419 passim late hymns, 374-80 Pada-Patha, 378

Rigvedic age, 233, 243, 262, 263, 281

Rigvedic language, see Sanskrit,


Rigvedic religion (see also mysticism in the Rigveda), 208-9, 230, 255, 299-300, 308-9, 313-14, 352, 369-71, 395-9

Rigvedics/Vedics (see also Aryans, Rigvedic/Vedic), 156, 168, 192, 197, 208, 226, 240, 245, 255-8,

261, 282, 308, 311, 313,

314, 317-19, 326, 329, 335, 337, 348, 350, 370, 373, 403

Rishis, 163, 165, 175-6, 193, 257, 259, 269, 289-90, 300, 301, 340-42, 351-3, 360-61, 364, 390, 398, 399, 412-13

rivers (in the Rigveda), 163, 187,

396-7, 413-14

Rjisvan, 329, 370

Rolle, Renate, 317

Ropar, 182-3

Ross, E.J., 248, 249

Royce, Keith, 220

Rudhikra(s), 330, 332

Rudra, 299, 367, 368, 390, 392, 394, 399, 405, 415

Rupen Sandar, 201 Russia, 157, 270, 321, 323

s>h, 267-70

Śabaras, 296

Sahni, M.R., 190-91, 192

Sahni, Rao Bahadur Dayaram, 245

sak, 320

Saka Haumavarga/Haumawarga, 283, 313-25, 365

Saka Paradaraya, 315, 321-2

Saka Tigrakhauda, 315, 321

Sakalya, 378

Sakas, 206, 315-25

Sakas, Haumavarga, see Saka Haumavarga

samba-, 296

Samara, 277

Sambara, 283, 296, 302-5, 312,

327-9, 331-3, 335-7, 364

samulya, 246

Sankalia, H.D., 171 fn., 182, 223, 233, 237, 238, 239, 246

Sanskrit, 159-60, 177, 243, 257, 264, 266, 268, 280, 282, 292, 294, 304, 320, 328, 362, 372, 407 and Indo-European, 272-6 Rigvedic/Vedic, 210, 212, 214, 262-4, 267, 269, 271, 272-6, 277-8, 294, 320, 340, 375-80

Santoni, 228, 236

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Sapalli Tepe, 227

Sarai-Nahar-Rai/Shari-Nahar-Rai, 221

Sarama, 285, 362-3

Sarasvati (goddess), 289-90

Sarasvati (river), 238, 255, 267-9,


Sarazm, 228

Sarianidi, 210, 308, 311

Sarmatians, 321, 323-4

Satem languages, 273

Satapatha Brāhmaṇa, 235, 297, 299, 301

satpati, 406, 410

satabhuji, 193, 300, 304-5

Sauma Aryans, see Aryans, Sauma

Savitar, 301

Sayana, 194, 258, 288, 302, 347, 398, 407

Sayu, 296

scarlet ware, 252, 253

Schleicher, 273 scripts

Brahmi, 202

Indus, 156, 184, 202

post-Harappān, 201

Scythians (see also Sakas), 314-17, 319-21, 323-5

Sea God, temple at Dwaraka, 201

seals, 157, 161, 170-75, 178-82, 202, 215, 216, 219, 223, 228, 229, 234, 237 animals depicted on, 170, 179-81 of late Indus type at Dwaraka, 202

stamp seals, 182

Segerstedt, 374

Sehwan, 191, 192

Seistan, 228

Semites, 160

Sewell, S., 218

Shaffer, J.G., 240, 241, 263, 265, 337

Shah Tepe, 160, 196, 293

Shahdad, 223

Shahr-i-Sokhta, 228, 231

Sharma, G.R., 220, 222, 250, 278-80

sheep, 220, 248, 250, 325

Shukla, S.P., 419

Shurabashat, 228 Sialk B, 282

Sibri Damb, 226, 227, 229, 230

sigrus, 356, 357

silk, 246

silver, 233-5, 237, 242-4. 264-5, 271,

276, 277, 324 Simyu, 354

Sind, 170, 186, 189-91, 206, 208, 219, 226, 227, 229, 230, 252, 261, 366

Sindes, 207

sindhu (river/sea), 413-14 Sindhu (= modern Sind), 208 Sindhu (= modern Indus), 284, 285, 413

Sindhu-Sauvira, 239

Siswal culture, 241

Śiva, 297, 298, 299

Śivas, 355

smoking outfit, 317

Sogdiana/Sogdians, 228, 321

Soma, 187, 208, 210, 233, 256, 258, 285-6, 292-3, 306, 308, 309-10, 313-16, 318, 327, 329, 332, 336, 337, 343-6, 356, 359, 360, 363, 365, 372-3, 382, 383, 390, 391, 412, 418

Somarudra, 405

Soma, the Divine Mushroom of

Immortality, by G. Wasson, 344

Son valley, 220

Soviet archaeologists, 209

spoked wheel, see wheel, spoked

Srbinda, 330

Sri Aurobindo, 158, 159, 164, 165, 175, 187, 193, 194, 196, 284, 339-40, 342, 343, 345-50, 358-65, 370, 384-90, 395-9, 401, 407-9, 411-14, 417, 419

Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 159

Srivastava, K.M., 185, 197

Srnjaya people, 291

Stacul, 232

Stein, Sir Aurel, 189

stirrup, 324

Strabo, 207

Strednij Stog culture, 247, 248, 250

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Studia Orientalia, 204

Sudas, 163, 283, 286-90, 329, 330, 353-8, 366

Sudras, 339

Sughdha (Sogdiana), 321

Sukkur, 189

sukra, 243, 340

Sumer, 156, 245, 252

sun symbols in early writing, 171-2

sura, 375-6

Surkotada, 170, 175, 183, 196

Sūrya, 286, 310, 336, 337, 360

Susa, 251, 252

Susartu, 284

Susna, 327, 331-4

Sutudri, 357

Suvāstu (= modern Swat), 283, 290

Svasna, 332

sveta, 243, 340

Svetya, 284

Swar, 195, 348-9, 407

Swat river/valley, 211, 212, 219, 226, 232, 283, 322, 325

śyāmāyas, 235-6

Syr Darya (Jaxartes), 284

Syria, 157, 202, 211

Tabiti-Hestia, 314, 318

Tacitus, 207

Tagar culture, 323

Taittirīya Brāhmaṇa, 236

Taittirīya Saṁhitā, 152, 299, 344

Tamil, 177, 347

Targitaus, 322

tarpya, 246

Tashkent, 209, 322, 325

terracottas, 170

Tepe Hissar, 227, 293

Thapar, B.K., 224, 240

tiger, 237, 242

Tilak's theory, 158, 159

Timber Grave culture, 209, 323

tin, 234

Togolok-21, 210, 211, 233, 306-8, 310

Tonyuquq inscription, 321

Trasādasyu, 283, 286-90, 330, 408, 409-10

Tripathi, Dr. Vibha, 239

triple fort, 297-305

triplicity, 300-304

Tripolye, 261, 264

tripura, 297-302, 306

Trita, 329

trivrsan/trivṛṣṇa, 406-7

Tṛṣṭāmā, 284

Trtsus, 354-8

trumpets, 205, 233

Tryaruna, 406-8, 410

Tureng Tepe, 293

Turkestān, 261, 264

Turkey, 157

Turkmenia/Turkmenistan, 227, 231, 232, 262, 305, 311, 312

Turvasa Purodas, 355

Ugarit (Syria), 201

unicorn, 179-80

University of Pennsylvania, excavations at Mohenjo-dāro, 190-91

Upanishads, 246, 340, 375

Ur, 245

Uralic languages, 278

Urarja, 329, 332

Uttar Pradesh/U.P., 239, 240

Vadhryasva, 289-90

vajra, 196

Vaksu (Oxus), 284

Vala, 196, 332

Valakhilya, 295, 397-8

Vamadeva, 414

Vangrda, 332-3

Varcin, 207-8, 330, 332, 333, 370

Varin, 282

Varkana, 294

varna, 339-40

Varuṇa (see also Indra-Varuṇa, Mitra-Varuṇa), 282, 301, 329, 353, 356, 357-8, 387-8, 395-404, 409, 416, 417, 419 as Asura, 366-73, 381, 386, 390-91 hymns to, in the Rigveda, 398-400

Vasistha, 356, 397

Vasus, 404

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Vayu, 360, 362

Veda, 165-6, 176, 246, 269, 409, 413

Vedic deities, 210, 412

Vedic geography, 163-4

Vedic Index of Names and Subjects, Macdonell & Keith, 192, 253, 288

Vedic language, 267, 269

Vedic literature, 166, 186, 212, 234, 245-6, 254, 299, 302, 306, 311, 370, 377

Vedics, see Aryans, Rigvedic/Vedic; Rigvedics/V edics

Vendīdād, 270, 284, 286

Venkatarama, Radha: "The Sunken Treasures of Dwaraka", 200 fn.

Videvdat, 270, 271, 321

Vindhyas, 250, 279

visah, 334

Visanins, 355

Visnu/Vishnu, 337, 394, 395, 398, 399, 400

Visvadeva hymns in the Rigveda, 377

VisVakarman, 414

Visvamitra, 418

von Bradke, 374

von Roth, 339

von Schroeder, 374

votive jar (found at Dwaraka), 201

vrka, 293-7

Vrfcarfvaras/Vrikadvaras, 293-5

Vrtra/Vritra, 187, 188, 193, 196, 303, 327, 328, 331, 332, 334-7, 354, 358, 373, 374, 384, 394, 397

Vrtras/Vritras, 303, 348, 356, 358, 395

Vyarhsa, 329, 332, 333

Wackernagel, 294, 380 fn.

war-chariot, see chariots

Wasson, Gordon, 3, 4

waters (in the Rigveda), 195, 327, 329, 335, 336, 348-9, 351, 357, 395-8, 413-14, 417

ocean, oceans and rivers, 187, 396-7, 413-14

weapons, symbolic, 196-7

weavers and weaving, 245-6

Weist, 379


solid, 253

spoked, 157, 160, 161-62, 171-2, 173-5, 247, 253 wheeled vehicles, 251

Wheeler, Sir Mortimer, 170, 183,

185, 206, 230 fn., 246, 261, 262,


Whitney, 418

Williams, Dr. M.A.J., 220

wine, 315-16, 412

winged disk, 319

Winternitz, M., 262

Witzel, 253

wolf, 293-7

wool, 245, 246

Wüst, 253, 294

Xerxes, 206, 209

Yajurveda Saṁhitās, 264, 344, 371, 378

Yaksus, 356

Yamna culture (see also Pit Grave

culture), 247

Yamuna, 163, 283, 290, 354, 356, 357, 358

YarimTepe, 311, 312

Yaska, 193-4, 283, 288

Yaz complex, 228

Yenisei, 323

Zarathustra, 270, 271, 402

Zarathustrianism/Zoroastrianism, 210, 271

Zeuner, Frederick, 249

Zimmer, 344

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