The Secret Splendour



Milk in almighty breasts for the magic babe

Born of the cave of trance is the Light beyond!

From teats of mystery to a tiny mouth

Pass all the mantras: sages who burn wide

Shrink to a blinded bliss in giant arms

To drain the Whiteness hid in the highest blue!

One breast the nectarous truth of eternity.

One breast the honeyed secret of all time—

Huge hemispheres that make a rapturous whole

Of knowledge in the child-heart sucking both

 And rhyming its small throb to the vast thrill

Of the single Heart behind two richnesses!

A gloom of God strewn with a million stars 

The sages view in silence above thought:

How shall the largest wonder of man's mind

 Treasure that luminous sprinkle of the Immense?

Not by large dream but by intense self-loss

In one all-gathering point of the deep soul

Are pierced the utter abysses of the Unknown

Where hang those million stars together drawn

In a mother bosom—drop on drop divine

Of ecstasy's elixir massed by twin

Heavenly halves of passion and of peace—

 Life-mastering sun and life-forgetting moon!

Weak with a wondrous innocence, our will

Must cling in rapt surrender to this sweet

Nourishing Supernature's deathless love.

This mother-bosom holds Infinity's

Ultimate revelation, last reply

To mortal hungers, and the marvellous gate

 To its glory lies through a mystic heart within.

 An aureoled agelessness that knows to gain

Omnipotence by helpless infancy!



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