The Sun and The Rainbow










Dearest Mother

Some time back I said to you that I would like to tell you something about my state of health and mind.

In 1956 or 1957 I had a dream. Some being was saying to me what my life would be like if I stayed here with you. I was shown everything. There was darkness, and big stones were thrown from all sides on my body, completely breaking it. Then the being showing me this said: "If you live with the Mother, this is what she will do to you." I replied: "Never mind. Let the body break."

Then again the being said: "Not only your body but also your mind will break." And again I replied: "It doesn't matter. Let her do what she likes."

Then I was shown the other side. If I left you, my body would be quite healthy and everything would be most pleasant. After seeing this, I still said: "I have chosen to live with the Mother."

So far, my eyes were shut during the dream. Then, in the dream itself, I opened them. Everything was quiet, and on the horizon I saw a band of light.

Mother, I want to know the meaning of all this. The dream has come true in regard to my body and mind. My body is becoming weaker and weaker. All my energy is going and I can't work even to occupy my mind. I feel as if 1 were being broken to pieces. And I get ideas which are not healthy. This condition is there not only in Pondicherry but more or less in

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Bombay too. The general feeling is as if you were breaking me in order to make from me something that you wish. Is that true?

And what about that band of light on the horizon? Is it something meant to be after this life or in this life itself?

Please let me know the truth.

With love,



The Mother's Interpretation

The eyes closed represent ordinary consciousness which is blind to the truth.

When you opened your eyes you saw the light of the truth towards which you are going. What is needed is the endurance and the patience to face the apparently unpleasant preparation that is making you ready to emerge in the light of the truth.

Keep your faith in the Divine and all will be well.

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