Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother

An extract from 'New Correspondences of The Mother - Vol 2'

  The Mother : correspondence


Read Amrita's correspondence with The Mother - from 1919 to 1955, but most of the exchanges took place between 1928 and 1936..

Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother
 The Mother : correspondence

8 March 1933


When Varadou first informed us that the plot owned by the bank was for sale, it was felt that the whole deal could be done by correspondence. But the Notary insists that it be done by both parties meeting personally and that the Director of the bank will ask who the prospective buyer is. The Notary has decided to give my name as the buyer. I requested him not to mention the Asram as the interested party in buying the property. I will also keep in mind that you do not want your name to be mentioned to the Director.

But I would like to know whether you want me and Chandulal to go and see the plot. Will not Varadou alone do for the purpose? If he handles everything, we avoid all indications that could point out to who the buyer is. Also, is the idea of bargaining to be given up altogether? Have I understood the thing right?

No, not at all.

  1. It is of the greatest importance that you should go with Chandulal and Varadou to see the condition of the estate. For instance, Varadou must be shown that the pump is not in working order (some parts were already missing when I went to the place) and repairs are out of the question. Pondicherry is not equipped for such kind of work. It means nothing short of a new pump, i.e. Rs. 3000. For the value of the property this is not negligible.

  2. I object to your going to the bank for several reasons, the first being that too many clerks know you there and it is as good as if I went myself, as the Director would have only to ask his “personnel” (which he is bound to do) and he will know at once who is the buyer.

  3. I am quite willing to leave Varadou to his intuition for working out the thing provided he does not bring me in until the price is settled, because it seems to me a condition of success.

It is by the way that I was saying this morning that if my name was to be mentioned, I could have done the whole thing myself without the help of anybody. But if I did not do it, it is because I am convinced the banker will raise his price the moment he knows it is I who want to buy.

Finally Varadou must know that the affair must in no way interfere with or delay the settlement of Siyali’s houses, as this purchase is more immediately needed and important than the other from the practical point of view.

I hope I have made myself clear this time.

8 March 1933

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