Visions of Champaklal 190 pages 1990 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia


A large collection of dreams & visions of Champaklal representing deeper spiritual experiences. The interpretations given by Sri Aurobindo for some is included.

Visions of Champaklal

A Journey to the New World



There was a huge tent. I went around, it looking for an entrance to get in but could not find any. At last an idea came to me: why not try to lift up the bottom of the tent from one side, and see if it is possible that way to get in? I saw it was possible. I bent and put my head inside the tent. Then I heard a voice: “Cannot go inside the tent unless you write your name.” He who said that was sitting nearby. I turned back thinking that this man perhaps did not know me. He brought a paper for me to write my name. I looked for my pen but he gave me his. I could not write on that paper. Seeing this, another man who was present brought a bigger piece of paper. I wrote: “Cha, Chhotalal Purani.” After writing it, I noticed that what I had written was not correct. So I wrote again and again but my name was not coming correctly! I only knew that it was not as it should be. I went to a cupboard to keep the old paper and saw that it was my cupboard but someone had changed everything in it.

By this time, Amrita came towards me and said that he had come from the tent and that he had been with the Mother. Amrita—The book which you asked me to get for you, I could not bring.

Myself—Which book?

Amrita—Your book, forgotten? Book for the journey to the New World.

Myself—Yes, yes, now I remember. What happened?

Amrita—I must say it was a great opportunity to see this marvellous and magnificent book with beautiful pictures of the New World. When did you do it? I never knew!

Champaklal, you know, this man from whom you had asked me to get the book was very happy when he learned that I had come from you. He was much moved to see me. He told me that he had somehow managed to get that book from you. He remarked, “How sweet is the word 'Champaklal'! The Mother and Sri Aurobindo have said this name several times—so I say only 'Champaklal'. Perhaps you know that he is very generous but at times, I must say, he is very miserly. For things like this, he says it is very difficult to part from them! Only if you see the expression on his face, you can know him and understand how he feels. But he must have felt my need. Truly I was anxious to get this book as I knew it would be very useful to me for going to the New World. He gave it to me with pleasure. You could see it so vividly on his face.”

Champaklal, it was a pleasure to see such a man. While he was speaking to me thus, I saw tears flowing from his eyes. It is rare to see such a sadhak. What humility! While talking to him, I gathered what knowledge he has—I found him very learned too! Again I say, Champaklal, you gave me a nice, a rare opportunity to see such a man. He has tremendous love and respect for you. When I mentioned to him that I would inform you about it, he stated, “Champaklal knows this.” He sends you grateful pranams.

What are you doing here?

Myself—I was trying to write my name to get into the tent but could not succeed.

Amrita—(laughing) You have forgotten your name? But why were you writing it?

Myself—To get into the tent.

Amrita—But for you?

Myself—Yes, I was asked to write.

I related to him what had happened.

Amrita—(laughing again) Now, not required. No name for you to write!

Myself—I would like to come to your tent.

Amrita—What, my tent? (laughter)

Myself—Some people came to see me. They were in difficulty in their journey towards the New World. They said that The Mother had directed them in their dreams to see me. I saw that they were truly nice people. As you know well, I do not like to see people. But meeting such people really makes me very happy. That is why I came late for the tent.

Amrita—Champaklal, do not be selfish!

I became serious.

Amrita—Still you do not understand jokes! What I meant was—take me also with you to the New World. Now the Mother has gone up. But you know today you have not lost anything by not coming to the tent. The Mother was not very pleasant to see.

Myself—What do you mean? The Mother is always pleasant to see—anywhere, any time, in any mood.

Amrita—What you say is very true but I am still Amrita, not Champaklal! Now I come to the point—X has lost his house key which was given to him by the Mother. She never likes people to lose keys—you too know it well.

Myself—Why only a key—She never likes losing things. Yes, it is true, losing the key is more serious, specially to lose the key received from the Mother!

Amrita—The Mother has asked me to go and see what has happened to X and where he is now. The only difficulty is that I do not know where he lives at present. He has changed several houses.

Myself—He was living with us and then shifted to another house—that house I have visited to see if he is in it.

But I give you a very happy piece of news. I have the key and now I am going to the Mother. Both of us can go with the key!

Amrita—Oh, Champaklal! How nice! Now I have a chance to see the Mother in a very happy mood. She will be pleased so much! Really, the Mother was very perturbed by his losing the key. Let us go.

I woke up.

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