Visions of Champaklal 190 pages 1990 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia


A large collection of dreams & visions of Champaklal representing deeper spiritual experiences. The interpretations given by Sri Aurobindo for some is included.

Visions of Champaklal

An Unforgettable Wonderful Experience in Kottakal


“The clear, commanding, compassionate voice which is neither Sri Aurobindo's nor the Mother's must be Champaklal's own inmost or highest being calling to his outer consciousness. It may be his psychic being speaking, because it is telling him, “Come with me”.

“The Dhara Patthi seems to symbolise the gross physical basis of our earth-life, the inconscient or subconscient. The hidden consciousness proper to it is pulled upward. This is a phenomenon to which it is not accustomed and it cannot respond rightly at first. Naturally some uneasiness and fear are caused in Champaklal. But soon the assurance is given that from every side there is an illuminating protection, the four lamps on the four corners of the Dhara Patthi. With this help and guidance the basic physical consciousness becomes steady and rises higher and higher, first slowly and then with a surprising rapidity. But the progress is first through the universal counterpart of the individual physical consciousness. And here it is as if from the ordinary ignorance there is a movement into the subconscient or inconscient depths (“pitch darkness”). Strangely, after the extreme of gloom there is an entry into less gloom and once more the ordinary ignorance is felt. (“the space... filled with ash colour”.) Beyond it is the realm of sheer light and at the end of the omnipresent whiteness a lustrous sun is seen, but it is bright-red and not golden. This appears to be the aspect of the Supermind acting to transform the physical. Its first contact is as if to burn the body and suffocate the ordinary embodied self, which is alien to that divine subtlety. The psychic assurance from within dispels the discomfort. The grossness of the body, which resists the bright red sun, is shed off under the purifying power of the flames and the true hitherto-concealed part of the body is felt—something light like a flower—which is in affinity with the red sun and receives bliss from it. Passing through the sun it grows entirely new and comes into touch with all the depth beyond depth of the transcendent existence, marked by sun after sun at great distances from each other.

“When Champaklal returns from the high experience, the bodily newness he felt is represented now by the fact that he feels as if he was a little above the patthi and he finds the light of planes beyond the physical entering his etherealised body-sense. Once more the process of rising is repeated and now there is no passing through different degrees of darkness. A straight experience of the Supramental Sun of golden light comes and from the perception of an individual illumination there arises the perception of the whole universe pervaded by the golden light. His body is now a part of this transformed cosmos and is no longer the matter that it was but is a pure luminous substance.

“A return to the waking life is imminent and the inmost being warns Champaklal to be ever vigilant, ever alert. But before the waking moment comes as a result of the massage-man telling him to “turn” the final consummating experience is undergone, the entry into the Divine Sun with a sense of “unimaginable coolness” in the body as if the body were no stranger to the wonderful resplendence of the Divine but a natural resident of it, feeling no discomforting burning.

“This experience of being a natural portion of the Supreme Light leads to the impression that now the Mother and Sri Aurobindo have taken complete charge of him so that hence­forth they and not he would do everything in the future.

“What we can guess is that the subtle physical is now completely one with the psychic being and rests securely in the hands of our two divine gurus who have shown through the varied phases of the experience the possibility of the human realising its own supramental truth, down to the very world of matter.

“All must hearken to their psychic being and learn from it to search for the Divine Truth without fear and with perfect trust, making no formations by expecting one thing or another but following the uplifting lead of the soul-consciousness. Ultimately, it will lead to a divinisation of the material being by the Power from which the soul has come into the evolutionary process.”

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