Visions of Champaklal 190 pages 1990 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia


A large collection of dreams & visions of Champaklal representing deeper spiritual experiences. The interpretations given by Sri Aurobindo for some is included.

Visions of Champaklal

Mysterious Worlds


I saw a huge magnificent multi-storeyed building. A lot of people had gathered there. But amongst them not a single person was known to me. They were moving about in such a way as if they were in a great hurry. I noticed that despite their hurried movements, they did not push each other. Everyone was going about very quietly without noise. I enquired where all these people were going, and learnt that one who could go up right to the top floor, and was able to come back, would have all his problems solved automatically. I was also told that this building consisted of 108 storeys. Its whole staircase was built like a labyrinth.

To each and every person who wished to go up, some instructions were given before starting. There were many instructions but the main instruction was this: when one loses his way and is unable to go further, he should go to the hall which was on every floor, adjoining the staircase. One must stand at the centre of this hall. Then a bell rings instantaneously, by itself, and its sound reaches the top floor from where a person comes and gives all the necessary instructions for going up. After that he becomes invisible. Despite this, some people prefer to turn back instead of going up. Very few choose to proceed further. Some persons do not even go to the hall to take instructions. Very few persons are able to go right up to the topmost 108th floor without any instructions.

After this I do not remember what happened.

The scene changes. I walk on and on, passing through many beautiful places on the way. Some of these places are so beautiful and attractive that one gets tempted to remain there and does not wish to proceed further. At many places, the road went deep down and again rose high up. I walked a lot and arrived at a place which appeared like a desert. My legs were slipping into the sand. The temperature was very high. The heat was unbearable. The wind also was so hot that I did not know what to do. I then saw someone coming towards me. He said, “I was going back but now, after seeing you, I am also thinking of walking along with you. Let us go together slowly though the path is very difficult.” With great difficulty we somehow walked on and on and were suddenly delighted to catch sight of a group of children playing in the midst of this desert heat. On seeing us, all the children started jumping and dancing and chanting very loudly.

जय बोलो (Jaya bolo—cry victory),

जय बोलो, जय बोलो, जय बोलो, जय बोलो भाई |

The children then caught hold of our hands and said, “Let us go.” But in this there was a sweet competition. Each child was eager to take us to his place. If one said, “Come to my place”, the other one would insist, “No, no, you have to come to my place.” This continued for some time. The children, who were so happy and jolly before, now became very serious. The youngest child amongst them came out of the group and standing in front, in all humility, addressed all the children. He suggested, “Let us do this—first we can take them to our dear Mother's temple. Then we shall do what our Babaji says.” We asked, “Who is this Babaji?” He replied, “There is a long story about Babaji but for the present I would say just this—for all our difficulties, Babaji gets the solution directly from the Mother. Because of this, there are no quarrels at all amongst us. Our Mother's temple is so beautiful and alluring that you will not like to move in the least from there and will like to remain there. But it is very difficult to stay there. However, even seeing Babaji you will feel very happy. When you go there, you will know everything by yourself.”

Now also, I do not remember what happened after this.

The scene changes again. I happened to go into quite a new building. There on the floor, I could see rows and rows of beds but not a single one was occupied. Later I learnt that Pranab was staying in that house and that the big hall inside was his. Just then I saw Pranab coming. He wore a coloured silk dhoti and was dressed like a prince. He just glanced at me and went to his room. The ceiling of this big hall was very high. On one side, on the ground, against the wall, there was a huge and very beautiful and enchanting picture of the Mother, touching the ceiling. It was a three-dimensional picture. If one kept on looking at it, one could feel as if the Mother herself were sitting there, smiling sweetly and looking at us. One would go on looking at Her and never be satisfied.

Pranab went straight to the Mother's picture, and he did साष्टांग दंडवत् प्रणाम (i.e. he stretched his body fully on the ground in obeisance). Both his hands were extended in front in a folded posture. He remained in this state for five minutes. It was a great surprise for me to witness this! After getting up, he kept on looking at the Mother unflinchingly. The feeling of complete surrender was vividly expressed on his face and its sight awakened in one a similar experience. He now started taking off his beautiful colourful clothes one after another. Then only I saw that what had looked like a dhoti was actually a चुन्दड़ी (chundadi )which is a very thin, special, colourful cloth used for dressing a goddess.

He had put it on like a lungi. I remarked to him, “Your whole dress is beautiful! You look grand! This dress suits you very well.” He replied, “Yes! Gangaram and the others too said so!”

After that I do not remember anything;

The scene changes a third time. I saw a magnificent and extremely beautiful and attractive golden building. I use the word 'building' but it was neither a building nor a bungalow nor even a temple. I do not know what word to use. Its top was unseen and so were both its sides. The path leading to it was very dangerous and very frightful. Innumerable cobras and other snakes were moving about here and there. I could see various kinds of birds and even animals amongst them but they did not attack one another. I then saw a tall and majestic figure. All were rushing to him and he gave a loving touch to each and everyone. He held a small dish in his hand, from which he gave food to all. I could not make out what food it was which he fed to all. I could only notice that it was something shining-white and round in shape. After partaking of this food, everyone appeared to be withdrawn. Finally he bestowed his compassionate look on all, took a few steps backwards and disappeared!

From amongst the animals there, a beautiful snow-white rabbit with golden and lustrous eyes approached me. It came close to me, looked at me intently and affectionately and tried to climb up on my body. I bent and caressed it lovingly. It then caught hold of the fringe of my dhoti in its mouth and started pulling me. I allowed myself to be led by it. The rabbit brought me right in front of the attractive door of that beautiful golden building I had seen from a distance. It appeared to be a door but I could not see any way of opening it—I could not even imagine how one could open it and get in. The rabbit left me there and returned soon with a very beautiful, lovely and grand bird with colourful feathers and a colourful body. It looked somewhat like a peacock. It stretched its beak towards the door and touched it all over. The door opened and I could see a tremendous fire burning inside! But, strange to say, the fire had no heat! I could not move from there and kept on looking at the beautiful mounting flames of the fire. It was a wonderful sight. The rabbit turned to me again, picked up my dhoti in its mouth, as before, and pulled me into the fire! But the fire did not burn me at all. On the contrary, I felt a delightful coolness all over my body—both inside and outside. From there, the rabbit pulled me out and led me to a hall on the second floor. This hall was full of shining and transparent white water. I could not comprehend how this liquid could remain in that hall without flowing out! It was surprising indeed. The rabbit pulled me as before, and took me inside the water. As soon as I entered the water, the outer skin of my body slipped off by itself just as in the case of a serpent sloughing its old skin! When I looked at my body, I noticed that it was a body of white light. The rabbit pulled me further but I could not move from there.

My eyes opened. For a while I could not make out where I was and what the time was. Slowly I realised that I had been in dreamland! A tremendous peace and joy was in my entire body. I have no words to say more than that. When I looked at my body, I found it the same as before! I could only laugh at the play of the Gracious Mother!

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