Visions of Champaklal 190 pages 1990 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia


A large collection of dreams & visions of Champaklal representing deeper spiritual experiences. The interpretations given by Sri Aurobindo for some is included.

Visions of Champaklal

The Mother and the “Aspiration” Flowers


New-born babies indicate the opening of the psychic in various individuals. The place is charged with spiritual consciousness (blue light) and the light of Truth (golden light). Even the Mother's presence is seen, giving blessings to all.

In this vision, the importance of calm, steady aspiration is emphasized—aspiration not only in the surface existence but in every part of the being (as symbolised by the “aspiration” flowers going like arrows flitting into different parts of bodies of persons). The entire being should demand God. It is significant that some persons do reject the “aspiration” flowers. Their whole being is hard and closed. However, those who received them in their bodies merged into the higher consciousness which is invisible to physical eyes.

This vision shows a combined effect of Grace from above and a strong aspiration from below.

The Mother has given the significance of “aspiration” flowers as “Aspiration in the physical for the Supramental Light”. They are “clustered, persistent, obstinate, organised and methodical.” She has further said, “All sincere aspiration and complete consecration will have a response and the processes, means, transitions, transformations will be innumerable in nature. In fact, anything, everything that is ready to receive even a particle or a particular aspect of the supramental consciousness and light must automatically receive it. And the effects of this consciousness and light will be innumerable, for they will certainly be adapted to the possibilities, the capacity of each one according to the sincerity of his aspiration. The more total the consecration and the intenser the aspiration, the more integral and intense can be the result.”1

In this vision, the Mother is seen standing on top of the mountain of “aspiration” flowers, signifying that it is with aspiration that one can climb the mountain of existence. As mentioned in Savitri, She is “The magnet of our difficult ascent.... Towards her our knowledge climbs, our passion gropes”.

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