A Greater Psychology 426 pages 2001 Edition


An Introduction to the Psychological Thought of Sri Aurobindo.

A Greater Psychology

An Introduction to the Psychological Thought of Sri Aurobindo.

Dr. A. S. Dalal
Dr. A. S. Dalal

An Introduction to the Psychological Thought of Sri Aurobindo.

A Greater Psychology 426 pages 2001 Edition


Adwaita, 136, 373, 376
See also Monism

Antaratman, 379
See also Psychic being

Asat, see Non-Being

Assagioli, Roberto, 370

Atman, 86, 88, 122-23, 344, 347, 374,380
and the Purushas, 107
the word 'Atman', 379
See also Self; Spirit; cf. Brahman

Avidya, see Ignorance (the)

Barbarism, 259, 271-74 passim and civilisation distinguished, 274-75
and culture, 281
economic, 272-74
cf. Savage

central, see Central Being
emotional, 63
inner, see Inner being
outer, see Outer being
parts and planes, 336-337, 348-49
physical, see physical, the
psychic, see Psychic being
structure and organisation of, 336-60
true, 91
vital, see Vital, the

Body-consciousness, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 164, 339-41

Brahman, 96, 170-71, 296, 374, 375,378, 379
and the Self, 121
cf. Divine, the

Bucke, R.M., 371

Buddha, 225, 228, 375, 399

Buddhi, 47, 49, 50, 51, 82, 279

Buddhism (Buddhist), 136, 216, 303, 368, 373, 375
denial of the self, 126

Capra, Fritjof, 316

Central being, 16, 84, 87
cf. Jivatman

Centres (of consciousness), 74
Muladhar, 36

Chakras, see Centres (of consciousness)

Chit, 6, 8, 163-65, 325, 330-31, 393
See also Consciousness; Consciousness-Force

Chit-Shakti, 8, 393

Chitta, 52

Circumconscient, the, 76, 77, 78, 79, 307, 343
See also Environmental consciousness

Civilisation, and barbarism distinguished, 274-75
defined, 274-75
cf. Culture

Clairvoyance, 79, 82, 244, 248
cf. Psychical phenomena

Conscience, 89, 91

Conscious Being, 105, 345-46
See also Purusha

Consciousness, 3-11, 162-65, 180
and brain, 3, 332-33, 334
cosmic, see Cosmic consciousness
a creative energy, 8
environmental, see Environmental Consciousness
evolution of, 338-39, 391, 393

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the fundamental thing in existence, 10-11
higher (spiritual), 209-10
inner and outer, 23-24
materialistic view, 3, 325-26, 328-34
and matter, 329-31
meaning, 6
mind, 8-9, 41-43, 329-32, 333
(ordinary), 209-10
psychic, see Psychic consciousness

reality, 328-29
scientific study of, 315-24
transcendent, 373
universal, 386
vital, 4-5 See also Chit

Consciousness-Force, 143, 393,395
See also Shakti

Cosmic consciousness, 79, 219-25, 351, 367, 371-72
and the ego, 220-21
levels of, 221-22
and Nirvana, 223-25
and ordinary consciousness, 219-20
and Overmind, 153

and Self-realisation, 222-23

Cosmic Life, 78-79

Cosmic Matter, 78-79

Cosmic Mind, 78, 79

Culture, 279-83
and barbarism, 281; see also Barbarism
not the directing light of life, 283
cf. Civilisation

Desire-soul, 89
cf. Vital (being), the

Divine, the, 165, 379, 357-58, 376-80
as a concrete certitude, 190
cf. Brahman; Sachchidananda

Dream Self, 75, 79

Dream-State (svapna), 206-09
ordinary and yogic, 214

Dreams, 231-42, 351
remembering of, 238-39, 240
and the subconscient, 233-36
and the subliminal, 235-36, 240, 242
and visions, 242
symbolic, 235-36

Ego (self), 21, 25, 100, 120, 124-36 passim, 305, 361, 365-67, 374, 380-84, 386-87
in cosmic consciousness, 371-72
and free will, 104
and human development, 398-401
and individuality, 135-36, 348-49, 398-99
liberation from, 366-67, 370-74
in ordinary consciousness, 370-71
and the Overmind, 154
and self, 370-71, 372, 381
in Transcendent consciousness, 373-74
utility of, 130, 382-83
cf. Self

Emotional being, see under Being

Environmental consiousness, 35, 39, 343
See also Circumconscient, the

Evolution, 77-78
aided by pressure of supraphysical planes, 5
of consciousness, 28, 30

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dynamics of, 393-96

process of, 396-97

See also Social evolution


and belief, 199-200

"blind faith", 203

central, 205

and doubt, 201

and experience, 202

and knowledge, 203-04

Frager, R., 390

Free will, 102-03

Frontal being, see Outer being

Gita, 123fn, 65, 168

on meaning of Samadhi, 217

Gnosis, 142, 158

See also Supermind; Truth-


God, 138, 140

See also Divine, the; Ishwara

Grof, Stanislav, 322, 391

Gunas, 108-18

transcendence of, 115-16

transformation of, 117-18

Higher Mind, see under Mind

Horace, 39

Human development, 390-401

Human evolution

cycles of, 250, 255

three successive elements, 255-61

Hypnosis (hypnotism), 53, 82,


Ignorance (the), 24, 49, 61, 88,

106, 143, 355

and the Inconscient, 39

transformation of, 158

See also Avidya

Illness(es), 342-43

Illumined Mind, see under Mind

Illusionism, see Mayavada

Inconscience (Inconscient), the, 28-

32, 33, 77, 140, 233-34, 294-98

passim, 307, 377, 392, 393

and the Ignorance, 39

See also Nescience

Individuality, 129-38 passim, 365-

67, 370-74 passim, 384-86

in Adwaita (Monism), 126, 374

and ego, 348-49, 398-99

and the Overmind, 154

and universality, 78

Inner being, 13-15, 22-27 passim,

26, 72-83, 84, 87, 337, 342-44,


See also Subliminal, the,

Inner mind (mental), see Subconscious mind

Inner senses, see Senses, inner

Intellect, and spiritual truths, 179-80,

181-84, 191

See also Mind and spiritual

truths under mind

Intuition, 87, 353

Intuition (Plane of Intuition), 142, 149-53

fourfold power of, 152

and reason, 150

Ishwara, 98

See also Divine, the; God

jāgrat, 206

See also Waking-State

James, William, 361, 370

Jivatma(n), 84, 85, 86, 135, 379,

380, 386

in Monism, 374

cf. Central being

Jung, C. G., 304

Knowledge (Vidya), 61, 143, 159

of the Higher Mind, 143-46

integral, 2, 197

and thought, 147

Kuhn, Thomas S., 316

Lajoie, Denise H., 390

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Lama Govinda, 321

Lamprecht, Karl G., 250

Lao Tse, 376

Laya (laya), 227, 367, 373, 380

Liberation, 367, 383-84, 394

and transformation, 167-69, 394

See also Moksha; Mukti

Life, 62, 377

See also Vital, the

Life-mind, 44, 45, 55

See also vital mind under Mind

Matter, 6, 121, 196, 325, 377, 400

Maya, 96 and the Self, 98

Mayavada (Illusionism), 373, 374,

375, 377

See also Shankara

Mind, 61, 193, 337

cannot integrate the being, 19

and consciousness, 8-9, 41-43

evolution of mental life, 256-58

Higher Mind, 143-46, 352

an Ignorance consciousness, 54-61

Illumined Mind, 146-49, 353

inner, see Subconscious mind

an instrument, 259

and Matter, 6

mechanical, 47

physical, 54-55, 81, 341

and the Self, 122

and sense, 51-54, 247

a sixth sense, 82

and spiritual truths, 180-81; see

also Intellect, and spiritual


subliminal, 53

sub-planes of, 43

thinking, 47, 48-49, 55-56, 64

vital, 47-48, 55, 65, 341

and vital distinguished, 339-40

cf. Buddhi; Manas; Sense-mind

Moksha (mokṣa), 167, 380, 367,


See also Liberation; Mukti

Monism, 374, 373, 374

qualified, 136

See also Adwaita

Mukti, 71, 167, 170

See also Liberation; Moksha

Muladhar, see under Centres (of


Nagarjuna, 373

Nature, 38, 39, 97, 98, 99, 100,

101-02, 345-46, 384

three modes of, 108-18

See also Prakriti

Nescience, 28, 385

See also Inconscience, the

Nihilism, 373-74, 376, 377

Nirvana (nirvāṇa), 119, 120, 136,

167, 170,71, 216, 226-30, 365,

367, 373, 380,

Buddhistic, 226, 375

and cosmic consciousness, 223-


and the Integral Yoga, 228-29

motive forces behind the push

to, 225

Sri Aurobindo's experience of, 376


Non-Being (Asat, Non-Existence),

29, 30, 31, 135, 368, 374, 377

Occultism, 195, 196

Ornstein, Robert E., 316, 322

Outer (frontal, surface) being, 13,

20, 22-27 passim, 41-71, 337,


Overmind, 142, 153-58, 355-56, 392

and cosmic consciousness, 153

descent of, 153-58 passim

Page 423

Person, 13, 125, 137

Personality, 20, 77

multiplicity of, 13, 16, 361-62

psychic, see Psychic being

and real Individuality, 136

soul-personality, see Psychic


stages of development, 17-19

Philistine, the (the sensational

man), 275-78

Physical mind, see under Mind

Physical vital, see under Vital (being), the

Physical (being, outer, surface), the,

67-71, 337

vital-physical, 64

Prajna, 23, 209, 215, 297

Prakriti, 86, 384

higher and lower, 106

See also Nature; Purusha and



the psychic, see Psychic being

use of word "psychic", 89fn

Psychical phenomena, 243-49

cf. Clairvoyance; Telepathy

Psychical (psychic) consciousness,

79-83, 243-49

Psychic being (soul-personality, the

psychic), 15, 84-95, 107, 337,

344-45, 379, 380

and the Atman, 85

coming to the front, 94-95

and egoism, 366

and soul, 86

and transformation, 86

cf. Psychic entity; Soul

Psychic entity (spark-soul), 14, 20,

85-86, 88-89

See also Soul; cf. Psychic being

Psychoanalysis, 66, 233, 298-300,


Psychological types, 46, 252

Psychology, 288-89

ancient Indian, 79, 296-98, 304

definition of, 316

methods, 319-20

modern (Western), 23, 288-96

passim, 298, 317

transpersonal, definitions of,


yoga, nature and methods of,


Purusha, 4, 15, 131, 133, 134, 384

See also Conscious being;

Purusha and Prakriti

Purusha and Prakriti, 96-107, 345-

47; see also Purusha; Prakriti

Rajas, 108, 110-15 passim

changed into tapas, 118

Ramakrishna, 229


meaning of, 171

spiritual and supramental, 171


and spiritual truths, see Intellect,

and spiritual truths


and suppression, 65-66

Rig Veda, 29, 31

Sachchidananda, 140, 161-66,

260, 325, 337, 357-58, 368,

374, 391-92

cf. Divine, the

Samadhi, 211-19

dream-state of, 214-15

in the Gita, 217, 218

meaning of, in the Integral Yoga, 217

Nirvikalpa, 213

in the Yoga of devotion, 216

in the Yoga of Knowledge, 216

Sankhya, 103, 123fn, 136, 345

Sanskaras, 33, 34

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Sat-Chit-Ananda, see Sachchidananda

Sattwa, 108, 111-15 passim

changed into jyoti, 118

Savage, 258, 264, 265

cf. Barbarism

Science, 271-73

and the study of Soul and Mind, 288

Self, 86, 88, 100-01, 107, 119-23

passim, 134-35, 136, 140, 171,

197, 361-68, 378-80, 385

and Brahman, 121

and ego, 372, 381

individual, 85; see also Jivatman

and Maya, 98

three statuses of, 379

transcendent, 366

universal, 344, 347, 366

See also Atman; Spirit

Sense(s), 53-54, 81

inner (psychical, supraphysical),

74-75, 79-80, 81, 177-78,

243-48 passim, 312, 320

sixth sense, 82

Sense-mind, see Manas

Shakti, 98, 104-05, 106

See also Consciousness-Force

Shankara, 373, 376, 378

See also Mayavada

Shapiro, S.I., 390

Shunya, 9, 374, 375, 376

Sinha, Jadunath, 304

Sleep, 75, 231-42

becoming conscious during, 236

consciousness in, 232-33, 238

of experiences, 232

Sleep-self, 23, 75

Sleep-State (suupti), 213, 206-09,


Soul-personality, see Psychic being

Social evolution,

psychological stages of, 250-55

subjective (spiritual) age, 285-87

three stages of, 262-270

Sorley, Professor, 185, 186

Soul, 14, 20, 85-95, 97, 98, 99,

100, 101, 119, 379

See also Psychic entity

cf. Psychic being

Spark-soul, see Psychic entity

105, 123, 140, 197

and matter, 96, 97

See also Atman; Self

Subconscient (subconscious), the,

6, 12, 13, 21, 33-40, 72, 307,

337, 349-51, 362-63

becoming aware of, 39-40

control of, 39-40

and dreams, 233-36 passim

and the return of things, 34, 36

and the subliminal, 72

Subconscious (inner) mind, 4, 290-

91, 337

Subliminal (being, self), the, 4, 12,

13, 23, 38, 72-83, 307, 342-44,


and psychical phenomena, 248-49

and the subconscient, 72

See also Inner being

Subliminal consciousness, 291-92

See also Psychical consciousness

Subliminal mind, see Subconciou

(inner) mind

Superconscient (superconscious),

the, 6, 14-15, 38, 140-66, 307,

351-58, 362-63


and mind, 159

and Overmind, 159

See also Gnosis; Truth-Consciousness

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and rejection, 65-66

and objectivity, 175-79, 192-94

Surface being, see Outer being

Sushupti (suupti), see Sleep-State

svapna, see Dream-State

Tamas. 108, 39, 110-15 passim,

changed into śama, 118

Tao, 9

Tart, Charles T., 315, 321

Telepathy, 82, 178, 248

cf. Psychical phenomena

Thinking mind, see under Mind

Trance, yogic, see Samadhi

Transcendent (Transcendence), the, 382, 386

Transformation, 394-95

different statuses of, 171

and liberation, 167-69, 394

of the lower nature, 173-74

meaning, 168, 169-70, 172

Truth-Consciousness, 224, 358,


See also Gnosis; Supermind

Turiya, 206, 213

Universal Life, see Cosmic Life

Universal Matter, see Cosmic Matter

Universal Mind, see Cosmic Mind

Upanishad(s), 90fm\n, 296, 297

record of experiences, 184

Vedanta (Vedantic), 170-71, 303,

367, 373, 391, 393

meaning of Nirvana in, 226

Vidya, see Knowledge

Vital (being), the, 17, 337

and the emotional being, 63

four parts of, 63-64

functions of, 64

higher vital, 63

lower vital, 63, 63-64

and mind distinguished, 339-40

outer (surface), 62-67

physical vital, 66

Vital mind, see under Physical

(being), the

Vivekananda, 38

Waking-State (jāgrat), 206-09

Washburn, Ken, 371, 392, 398

Yoga, 123

based on experience, 184, 198

experiences of, testing, 188-90

meaning of the word, 309

scientific nature of, 311

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