
  On Savitri



      Abbé Bremond 316

      Abercrombie, Lascelles 283,375,409,445

      A.E. (George Russell) 266,306

      Aeschylus 267


      Aiyangar, Narayan 279

      Alexander, Samuel 436

      Anouilh, Jean 267


      Arnold, Sir Edwin 335

      Arnold, Matthew 292,311,312,412

      Arya 14, 15,31,328,359,416


      Aurobindo, Sri

      Tagore on, 3-5; Paul Richard on, 5; life-sketch, 6-16; Sri Aurobindo's yoga, 19-26; his politics, 27-30; his philosophy, 30-39; his poetry, 39-55; the call of Savitri, 55-57; Sri Aurobindo on the recasting of Aswapati's travels, 84; Sri Aurobindo's views on 'Fixt Fate and free Will, 151-153; Sri Aurobindo's symbolism in the Savitri-Yama dialectic, 210-211; Sri Aurobindo's expansion and changes to the original legend,257-264; his ideas on the symbolic content of Savitri, 264-265; Sri Aurobindo on the Vedic myths, 269-271; on the symbol of'Savitri' in the Veda, 275-279; on the divinisation of human nature, 281-283; on the overhead planes of consciousness, 295-299; Sri Aurobindo's overhead aesthesis, 299-303; Sri


Aurobindo on mantric poetry, 303-304; on overhead poetry, 309-310; overhead influence in Sri Aurobindo's poetry, 317-322; Sri Aurobindo's aims in writing Savitri, 323-325; his yogic experiences, 327-328; Sri Aurobindo on mystic poetry & his blank verse line, 339-349; Sri Aurobindo' similes in Savitri,349-355; his style in Savitri, 355-361; his preoccupation with the dawn idea, 361-368; his conception of Savitri's personality,368-371; Sri Aurobindo on epic poetry, 378-379; Sri Aurobindo's admiration for Whitman, 387; Sri Aurobindo compared to Kazantzakis, 404-405; Sri Aurobindo compared to Dante,414-415, 417-420; Sri Aurobindo's early narrative poems, 420-424; Sri Aurobindo on Goethe,425; Sri Aurobindo's views compared with Goethe's, 425-427; Sri Aurobindo's visionary certainty, 436; Sri Aurobindo's sonnets,440-443; discussion of Sri Aurobindo on the philosophy of Savitri, 451; discussion of Sri Aurobindo's poetic style & word combinations, 455-456; Sri Aurobindo's life-work culminating in Savitri reviewed, 457-465.


      Bain, F.W. 403,451

      Baji Prabhou 12,52,53,340,342,458

      Bande mataram 3, 9,10,12,51

      Bede,The Venerable 459

      Berdyaev 34,35,270

      Bergson 33,34,399,400,404

      Bhagavad Gita 21, 25, 26, 30, 31, 33, 56,


      Bbagavata 56,256

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      Bharati, Subramania 376

      Bhartrihari 45

      Bhasa 48,376

      Bhavabhuti 376

      Bhave, Vinoba 25

      Bhawani Mandir 27,28

      Blake, William 310,311,333,424,462

      Boehme.Jacob 20,333,361

      Boodin, John Elof 435,439,448,457


      Bradley, A.C. 425

      Breul, Karl 426

      Bridges, Robert 92,377,408,460

      Browning, Oscar 7

      Browning, Robert 315,334,413,445

      Buchanan, Scott 380

      Bullett, Gerald 36

      Bunyan, John 336



     Camus, Albert 267,272

     Canon Overton 305

     Carpenter, Edward 438

     Cassirer, Ernest 267


     Chandidas 45

     Chatterjec, Bankim Chandra 9

     Chaucer, Geoffrey 9

Chetty, Shanker 14

Chitrangada 363,458

Clark, A.B. 9

Clemens, Prudentius 336

Clough, Arthur Hugh 53

Cocteaujean 268

Collected Poems and Plays 39

Collins, Douglas C. 455

Cotton, James S. 8

Coulton, G.G. 412

Cousins, James H. 17

Coxe, Louis O. 398,408

Crane, Hart 390


Dante 33,102, 111, 330,333,334,371,372,

      380,381,383-385,394,410-415,417- 419,


Das, C.R. 12,17,45

De Chardin, Pierre Teilhard 35-37

De Ruggiero, Guido 450



      Dharma 11

      Dickinson, Emily 314

      Dowsett, Norman 18

      Drewett, William H.6

      Dryden, John 310,341

      Dutt, Tom 253


      Eliot, T.S. 44,198,267,272,314,389,391, 397,408,411,413,414,453

      Emerson, R.W. 332

      Erie 47,50,51

      Essays on the Gita 25,294,359 Euripides 243


      Fausset, Hugh I'Anson 434

      Ferrar, Hugh Norman 53

      Fischer, Kuno 425

      Fitts, Dudley 394

      Friar, Kimon 398,401

      Future Poetry, The 42,293, 344,359,459


      Gandhi, M.K. 17,19,25,28,30

Gayley, CM. 374

Ghose, Barindra Kumar 6

Ghose, Benoy Bhushan 6-7

Ghose, Krishnadhan 6

Ghose, Lotika 53

Ghose, Manomohan 6-7

Ghose, Swarnalata 6

Gide, Andre 267-268

Giradoux, Jean 268

Goethe 40,273,377,425-427


Gupta, Nolini Kanta 20



 Haas, William S. 307,316

 Hakim, Khalifa A 33

 Hardy, Thomas 251,377

 Hartmann 33,34

 Hegel 30,33

 Highet, Gilbert 383,384,411,412,414

 Hodgson, Ralph 367

     Homer 53-55,265,267,319,320,370,381,


     Hopkins, G.M. 75,98,314,368,455

      Horu Thakur 45

      Housman, A.H. 56

      Hugo, Victor 377

      Human Cycle, The 38,56,293,359,459

      Huxley, Julian 37



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       Ideal of Human Unity, The 38,293,359,459

      Ilion 53-55,318,319,364,446,458

      Indu Prakash 27

      Inge.W.R. 331,434

      IshaUpanishad 25,26,241

      Iyengar, K.R. Srinivasa 29,46,415,421



James, William 13

Jones, Rufus M. 305,330

Joyce, James 267,428

Jung, C.G. 437


      Kalidasa 46,52,340,341,374,376

      Karmayogin 11-12

      Kazantzakis, Nikos 330,377,398-408,436, 441,460,461

      Keats, John 174,313,315,365

Kenner, Hugh 391-393

Knight, G. Wilson 33,410,458

Krishnaprem, Sri (Ronald Nixon) 339,461, 463

      Kurtz, Benjamin 306



      Last Poems 41,458

      Lawrence, D.H. 388

      Leeuw.J.J.Van Der 334

      Lele, Yogi 11,81,327,458

      Leopardi 309

      Lewis, C.S. 174,326,337

      Life Divine, The 5,30,32-37, 111, 112,126,



      Lodge, Sir Oliver 436

      Longinus 316

      Lord, George de R 395-396,398

      Love and Death 40, 52, 201, 318, 340, 342,


      Lowes.J.L. 315


      Machen, Arthur 317

MacLeish, Archibald 390,391


Madhusudan 40

Maeterlinck, Maurice 377

Mahabharata, 12,21,45,46,135,200,201, 209,210,242-244,252,254,256,261,279, 375-377,416,418,419,448,458,460 Maharaja of Baroda 8

Maitra, S.K.33,34


Marlowe, Christopher 337

Masefieldjohn 268

Mehta, Phirozeshah 10

Meleager 45

Mickiewicz, Adam 376

Miller, Henry 4,281

      Milton, John 7, 142, 214, 243, 265, 309, 336, 356, 362, 371, 377, 378, 381-386, 461,462

      Mirandola, Pico Delia 332 Morgan, Charles 316

      Mother, The (Madame Mirra Richard) 9,

      14-18,20,28, 262, 289, 294,334,338, 416,

      420,426,438,458; 459

      Mukerjea, S.V. 253

      Muller,Max267 .


      Murray, D.L. 5

      Murray, Gilbert 55

      Murry, Middleton 308, 355,412,414

      Myers, F.W.H. 334,436

      AWa256,458 Nehru, Jawaharlal 17 Nevinson, Henry 29 Newbolt, Sir Henry 412 Nidhu,Babu45 Nietzsche 30,400 Nirodbaran358,386,416 Noyes, Alfred 331,408

      Olson, Elder 434

      Omar Khayyam 262

      O'Neill, Eugene 268

      On Yoga, ibid.mes one & two) 20

      Osgood, C.G. 333

      Ouspensky 34

      Owen, Wilfred 390

      Pandit, M.P. 20

      Parnell 40

      Patanjali 21

      Peacock, Ronald 427

      Pearce, Roy Harvey 388,394

      Perseus the Deliverer 12,47,49,318

      Pinto, Vivian de Sola 344

      Piper, Ravmond Frank 373

      Plato 33,271



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Pope, Alexander 33, 78,315,341,346,355, 410

Pound, Ezra 377, 384, 389, 392-394, 398,


Prince of Edur 47,51,52

Prothero, G.M. 7

Purani, A.B. 20,27,316,370, 371


Quiller-couch, Sir Arthur 377


Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli 25

Rai, Lala Lajpat 10 Rajagopalachari, C (Rajaji) 17,25 Rajnarain 40

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Sri 4

      Ramayana 45, 56, 160, 330, 336, 341, 375,


      Read, Herbert 267,306,383


      Richard, Paul 5,14

      Richards, I.A. 410

      Richardson, Dorothy M. 35

      Richardson, Jack 268

      Rishabhchand 20

      Robinson, Edwin Arlington 314

      Rodogune 47-49,318,341

      Rolland, Romain 4,5

      Rose of God 42, US, 458

      Roy, Dilip Kumar 462

      Roy, Dwijendralal 45

      Roy, Raja Rammohan 6


      Samuel, Viscount 35

      Santayana, George 266,372

      Sarma,D.S. 33

      Sartre, Jean-Paul 268

      Sassoon, Siegfried 390

      Savage, D.S. 34

      Savitri -

      Need for the reverent study of, 56-57; summary of, 61-238; publication dates of, 242; context of the original upakhyana, 240-244; the Mahabharata story, 244-251; character of Savitri as seen by other writers, 252-253; Vyasa's Savitri, 254-255; Nala and, 256; comparative analysis of Vyasa's tale and, 257-259; Sri Aurobindo's contribution in, 260-265; Vedic significances in, 274-279; symbolism



in, 284-285; symbolism of the characters in, 285-290; difficulties in understanding the poem quickly, 293-294; mystic explorations in, 305; description of overhead poetry in, 308; Sri Aurobindo's aims in the composition of, 323-325; yogic experiences imbedded in, 325; occult fields described in, 330-331; descriptions of spiritual-awakenings in, 334; 'struggle' theme in, 337-338; visionary element in, 338-339; mystic element in, 339-340; metre, rhythm & blank verse of, 338-349; use of symbols in, 348-349; similes in, 349-355; varying of blank verse in, 356-357; the alleged intractability of, 356-359; Sri Aurobindo's inspiration in, 359-360; need for patience in reading, 360-361; theme of Dawn in, 361-368; personality of Savitri as envisaged in, 468-471; claims of Savitri as a cosmic epic, 473-474; Paradise Lost compared to, 385; possible influence of other poets in, 386-387; Song of Myself 'and, 388-389; Cantos and, 389-394; The Odyssey: A Modern Sequel compared to, 403-408; the Mother's role in the writing of,415-416; the Commedia and, 416-420; The Life Divine and, 417; scheme of, 420; Urvasie and Love and Death compared to, 421-423; revisions in, 423-424; Faust and, 424-427; architectural design of, 427-431; the Commedia's cosmos and the cosmos of Savitri compared, 432; symbolic action in, 432-440; Sri Aurobindo's Sonnets and, 440; views on the length of, 445-447; views on the human interest of, 448-449; views on the philosophic content of, 450-451; word-combinations in, 455-456; Savitri as the fulfilment of Sri Aurobindo's life's work, 457-458; Savitri as a new revelation for a greater Dawn, 464.

      Schopenhauer 13

      Sethna, K.D. 319,357,423,440

      Shakespeare, William 7, 50, 309, 311, 312,




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Shankara 30

Shaw, Bernard 400, 436

Shelley, P.B. 309,315

Somadeva 48

Spengler, Oswald 400

Spiegelberg, Frederic 53

Stacc.W.T. 272

Stambler, Bernard 272, 380

Stanford, W.B. 402

Stephen, J.K. 376

      Stevens, Wallace 313, 314, 396 398

      Stoudt, J.J. 20,21

      Strachey, Lytton 346, 347

      Strong, L.A.G. 294

      Swinburne, Algernon Charles 9

      Synthesis of Yoga, The 20, 24, 25, 210, 283,



      Tagore, Rabindranath 3-5, 13, 17, 19, 47,

      Tasso 381,383

      Tate, Allen 314, 366,390-392, 414, 419

      Tennyson, Alfred Lord 315, 344, 345, 396,

     Thompson, Francis 270,311

Thought the Paraclete 42,321

Tilak, Bal Gangadhar 10,19, 25

Tillyard, E.M.W. 337,379,395, 445 456

Tod, James 51 Turner, W.J. 310-312


Underhill, Evelyn 339, 348

Urban, Wilbur Marshall 274, 449



Urvasie 40, 52,201,318,340,342,363,386, 421-423, 458


Valmiki 243,340,341,384

Van Ruvsbroeck, Jan 326

Vasavadutla 47-49, 318

Vidula 12, 46, 458

Vidyapati 45

Vijayatunga J. 18

Virgil 33, 54, 309, 376, 380, 381, 383, 384, 395, 417

Vivekananda, Swami 4, 5,19

Viziers of Bassora, The 47,49, 318

Vyasa 135,137,209,257,258,261,262,



      Walker, Dr. 7

      Wallace, Alfred 252

      Whitehead, A.N. 33, 34

      Whitman, Walt 377,387-389 394

      Willey, Basil 410

      Williams, Charles 381, 448

      Williams, Tennessee 268

Winternitz 254, 255

Wolff, Otto 37

Woodroffe, Sir John 330

Wordsworth, William 135, 309, 388


      Yeats, W.B. 314,389,391,445

Younghusband, Sir Francis 5

Yutang, Lin 305


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