Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother

An extract from 'New Correspondences of The Mother'

  The Mother : correspondence


Read Dyuman's correspondence with The Mother - related mostly with the management of the Dining Room from 1929 to 1937.

Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother
 The Mother : correspondence

15 September 1935

My dear Mother,

We have been preparing bread for 3 years or more according to this proportion: 1 kg of wheat for 3 loaves (25 kg for 75 loaves). Since last August we have been using 35 kg for 75 loaves—the difference is 10 kg per day. This difference has always pained me.

As the bread has not risen well recently, the consumption of loaves in the D. R. has increased. It is not that the stomachs of the eaters are asking for more food, it is insincerity and a lack of discrimination on the part of the people eating the food.

The loaves are surely much bigger than those we used to have before (I am seeing them every day). But I have no objection to that. After all, apart from the milk, the bread is the most substantial food we are giving, and I do not think it would be fair to reduce it. I think the chief reason why people are eating more bread is because the bread is much nicer than it used to be.

I must say that before we took up cattle, we never separated the bran from the wheat—it went into the bread.

It makes the bread a little too heavy to digest. I have said to give this small amount of bran (only 4%) to the milkmen.

My dear Mother, grant a simple sincerity in the entire being, a sincerity which keeps the full light and consciousness and accepts only the Truth.

The greatest enemies of a perfect sincerity are preferences (either mental, vital or physical) and preconceived ideas. It is these obstacles that must be overcome.

I am always with you to lead you to victory.

15 September 1935

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