Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother

An extract from 'New Correspondences of The Mother'

  The Mother : correspondence


Read Dyuman's correspondence with The Mother - related mostly with the management of the Dining Room from 1929 to 1937.

Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother
 The Mother : correspondence

18 March 1936

My dear Mother,

It is a pity that G refused to accept help from P, who offered her help purely out of goodwill. I found G selfish in refusing the offer.

Yes, P had offered to prove her goodwill. But G wants to be obeyed and fears that P will refuse to obey her. This is the substance of her yesterday's letter.

Now G changed her mind and she says that they will work together.

If she tries in a true spirit of conciliation it will be good.

My dear Mother, people are unsatisfied with the food. Was it not good?

It was very good.

Were there not a variety of dishes? Was the food not clean and well cooked?

All was all right.

Then why were people unsatisfied?

Because it is almost a principle with most of them to be unsatisfied.

According to them we are not spending enough for food and because of economy we are not giving the proper food, etc., etc. You have read Y's note to you—he wrote a much more violent letter to us, and so many of these letters we have received! I felt quite disgusted with it. And what I meant is that I do not want the kitchen workers to take any extra trouble for such ungrateful people.

I pray to you with a quiet force of aspiration for a complete victory over these lower vital and physical forces of desire etc.

Yes, all these lower movements have to be conquered if ever anything divine is to be established upon earth.

All trust, love and blessings to you, my dear child and faithful worker

18 March 1936

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