Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother

An extract from 'New Correspondences of The Mother'

  The Mother : correspondence


Read Dyuman's correspondence with The Mother - related mostly with the management of the Dining Room from 1929 to 1937.

Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother
 The Mother : correspondence

18 October 1935

My dear Mother,

I am sorry to inform You that S is reading some letters of K and H to You. S told the contents of them to G, and G told me.

I am not at all sure of G's reports, as I told you already many times. Nothing can be decided or judged on what she says, as her statements are not reliable.

It is better to drop all these accusations made by G or others and not to attach much importance to all these rumours which are, at the best, always one-sided and prejudiced. S may or may not have said these things but one cannot act on the reports of any of these women against one another.

It seems evident that S is bent upon doing mischief.

She is not the only one who does mischief and from that point of view many others—including G—are just as bad as she is.

S has created turmoil in the atmosphere of the Ashram, and all against You and me. Against You in the sense that she says You are a puppet in my hands! What a shame!

Do not get so excited—are you sure of the truth of all these rumours and reports? In almost all human beings is not falsehood always mixed with truth?

Given to You with all sincerity.

My dear child, I know the sincerity of your consecration; that is why I want the peace to come in your mind and also this quiet, patient wisdom which prevents one from jumping to hasty conclusions and judgments.

Always with you, my dear child, affectionately

18 October 1935

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