Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother

An extract from 'New Correspondences of The Mother'

  The Mother : correspondence


Read Dyuman's correspondence with The Mother - related mostly with the management of the Dining Room from 1929 to 1937.

Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother
 The Mother : correspondence

27 May 1934


D asked for less curds, but J served her the ordinary cup. She began to return the cup, but he would not take it, so she left it on the table. Then he asked her to get Mother's sanction if only half a cup of curds was required. D complained to me about all this. I said: "I shall see tomorrow."

Truly we cannot interfere in such petty things. Those who constantly forget that they are not here to lead the most silly ordinary life cannot expect us to deal with their stupid quarrels.

27 May 1934

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