Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother

An extract from 'New Correspondences of The Mother'

  The Mother : correspondence


Read Dyuman's correspondence with The Mother - related mostly with the management of the Dining Room from 1929 to 1937.

Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother
 The Mother : correspondence

28 August 1935

My dear Mother,

B tells me: "When I take haricots, I get stomach pains; so all along I have taken only the water and thrown away the haricots." Dear Mother, if You like, they can be prepared a little more watery.

Better keep them a little more watery. I think we shall have to give up haricots when this provision is over, as there are too many people who imagine that they cannot digest them.

My dear Mother, sleep is coming to me more now—it is due to the exhaustion of the nervous system after the Darshan rush.

Yes, sleep well and as much as you can, it is very necessary.

I am always with you.

28 August 1935

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