Beyond Man 544 pages 1997 Edition


A biographical book on Sri Aurobindo & The Mother, based on documents never presented before as a whole.. a perspective on the coming of a superhuman species.

Beyond Man

Life and Work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother

  Sri Aurobindo: Biographical   The Mother : Biographical

Georges van Vrekhem
Georges van Vrekhem

The book begins with Sri Aurobindo’s youth in England and his years in India as a freedom fighter against British colonial rule. This is followed by a description of the youth of Mirra Alfassa (the Mother) among the painters and artists in Paris and of her evolution into an accomplished occultist in Algeria. Both discovered their spiritual destiny, which brings them ultimately together, in Pondicherry. Around them disciples gathered into what would evolve into the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. There they worked together, towards the realization of their integral yoga and their lives mission: the establishment of the supramental consciousness upon Earth, the spiritual transformation of the world and the coming of a new species beyond man. After Sri Aurobindo’s Mahasamadhi in 1950, the Mother continued the work. In November 1973, having realized a supramental embodiment, she too left her physical body. But before that, in 1968, she had founded Auroville, an international township created for those who want to participate in an accelerated evolution. Today, over 2000 people from all over the world reside permanently in Auroville.

Beyond Man 544 pages 1997 Edition
 Sri Aurobindo: Biographical  The Mother : Biographical


A L’Agenda de Mire

AR Sri Aurobindo Archives and Research

CP Collected Poems (Sri Aurobindo)

CSA Correspondence With Sri Aurobindo (Nirodbaran)

E Entretiens (the Mother)

EG Essays on the Gita (Sri Aurobindo)

ET Evening Talks (recorded by A.B. Purani)

FIC The Foundation of Indian Culture (Sri Aurobindo)

Glimpses Glimpses of the Mother (compilation)

HC The Human Cycle (Sri Aurobindo)

IHU The Ideal of Human Unity (Sri Aurobindo)

LD The Life Divine (Sri Aurobindo)

LY Letters on Yoga (Sri Aurobindo)

M The Mother (Sri Aurobindo)

MI Mother India (periodical)

NC Notes sur le chemin (the Mother)

OH On Himself (Sri Aurobindo)

P&M Prières et Méditations (the Mother)

SM The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth (Sri Aurobindo)

SY The Synthesis of Yoga (Sri Aurobindo)

T&A Thoughts and Aphorisms (Sri Aurobindo, revised ed. 1977)

TSA Talks With Sri Aurobindo (recorded by Nirodbaran)

12 Years Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo (Nirodbaran 1972)

WM Words of the Mother (the Mother)

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