White Roses


A collection of extracts from The Mother’s (8000) letters to Huta. The Mother once told her 'I have never written so many letters to anyone as I have to you'.

White Roses

  The Mother : correspondence


White Roses – messages of value to all seekers, collected from the Mother’s many letters to Huta. (Mother once told her ‘I have never written so many letters to anyone as I have to you’ and Huta once told me that in all she had received over 8000 letters and cards from the Mother.) The Mother wished White Roses to be translated into many languages and made available all over the world.

White Roses
 The Mother : correspondence

March ?

Indeed you are very clever and you know quite well how to argue.

Yet there are two points on which I have something to say.

You ask at what time I pray, in order to join in the prayer. But you see, I have not a time for prayer or meditation—This body lives constantly, night and day, even when apparently it is busy with something else, in an invocation to the Supreme Lord, asking Him to manifest His supreme Truth in this world of falsehood, and His supreme Love in this world of disharmony. So, at any time when you feel like praying, you can do so and your prayer is sure to join mine.

The second point is that you say that the Lord gives to people prosperity, children and happiness whenever they ask for it—Quite true, but these things belong to the physical consciousness and need no preparation to be received; they (people) can have these things with remaining just as they are.

While you are asking for the greatest thing of all, the most difficult, the Truth—and to receive the Truth one must be prepared for It, capable of seeing and feeling it—and this demands a big preparation. In fact, the Truth is always with us. And if we do not see It and feel It, it is because we are not capable of seeing and feeling It—This is the reason of the delay. The Lord answers at once all sincere prayer, but we are not aware of His answer.

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