White Roses


A collection of extracts from The Mother’s (8000) letters to Huta. The Mother once told her 'I have never written so many letters to anyone as I have to you'.

White Roses

  The Mother : correspondence


White Roses – messages of value to all seekers, collected from the Mother’s many letters to Huta. (Mother once told her ‘I have never written so many letters to anyone as I have to you’ and Huta once told me that in all she had received over 8000 letters and cards from the Mother.) The Mother wished White Roses to be translated into many languages and made available all over the world.

White Roses
 The Mother : correspondence

13 September 1963

Mother, then what is the vital world and its stuff? Is it the same as the subconscient or a bit civilized?

The vital world is quite different from the physical subconscient which is closely connected with the human beings. The vital world is inhabited by vital beings who are not human, some are very beautiful and resemble gods, some are hideously ugly, but all or almost all are antidivine and try always to turn the human beings from their Divine Goal. The vital world itself in its higher regions is very beautiful, dangerously beautiful and attractive—in its lower parts it is dark and frightful—One must not go into the vital world without a special purpose or command and a special protection.

O Mother, is there any end to these horrible worlds and the miseries of human beings?

There will be an end but not without a struggle.

Mother, I wonder, if You were not upon this earth, what would happen to poor human beings? Bless Your Sweet Heart! You are here!

The dangers are great and many. The task is difficult and long. But the Divine's Help and Grace are with us and we are sure to succeed.

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