White Roses


A collection of extracts from The Mother’s (8000) letters to Huta. The Mother once told her 'I have never written so many letters to anyone as I have to you'.

White Roses

  The Mother : correspondence


White Roses – messages of value to all seekers, collected from the Mother’s many letters to Huta. (Mother once told her ‘I have never written so many letters to anyone as I have to you’ and Huta once told me that in all she had received over 8000 letters and cards from the Mother.) The Mother wished White Roses to be translated into many languages and made available all over the world.

White Roses
 The Mother : correspondence


My help is always with you to get rid of the confusion and if you keep quiet you will feel it.

Keep faith and confidence, all will be all right.

Do not fear it is fear that helps that thing (adverse forces) to come—do not doubt it is doubt that helps it to come—do not expect it in any way—it is expectation that helps it to come.

Concentrate only on me and on the certitude of the coming Victory—it is the most powerful arms to chase it for ever.

Keep courage and faith—I am with you.

To lead the Divine Life does not depend on any exterior activity of circumstances whatever you do from the highest work to the most ordinary; you can lead the Divine Life if you are in the true consciousness and the right attitude.

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