This booklet has been compiled from articles published in various periodicals and personal letters of Jibendra Kumar Gupta.

Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects

Jibendra Kumar Gupta

This booklet has been compiled from articles published in various periodicals and personal letters of Jibendra Kumar Gupta.

Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects 106 pages

Avatars - Their Teachings - A Letter

Read the Gita and try to practice its truth's as far as it is possible in your worldly surroundings.

What I would like to advice you, is not to judge spiritual ii&ma. personalities and spirituality from your mental standpoint Spiritual is a higher consciousness than mental which is almost ignorant compared with spiritual consciousness which is the consciousness of truth.

So., to judge Sri Krishna and Sri Rama from your ignorant and mental consciousness will not be of any meaning. It will be senseless, and land one in a helpless morass from which one will not be able to extricate himself. I am not therefore enlighten you about the actions of 'Krishna and Rama', who even as men are incomparably superior to us and have given humanity a higher standard of life and consciousness through thousands of years.

Both Sri Rama and Sri Krishna are regarded as Avatars. I do not know about other Avatars mentioned by poet Joy dev, because they are not essential for our Yoga which is to transform the mental into the spiritual and supramental consciousness for which Sri Aurobindo came. He is also an Avatar like Sri Ram-Krishna.

The Avatars help in the progress in the evolution of consciousness—that is, why there is a progressive gradation from inferior grade to superior consciousness. Sri Aurobindo represents the latest, though certainly

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not the last. Many more will come millions years after,—who knows ? The supramental has yet to manifest in the earth-consciousness. It is said that, the more one lives the more one learns. But it is not merely an intellectual knowledge. Most of us know all that has been said or written of God.&is

immanence, universality and transcendence; His omniscience and omnipotence—and his omnipresence. The triune aspect of Sat-Chit-Ananda, but do we know Him at all ? To know is to become—he who knows the Brahman, becomes the Brahman.

About Sri Krishna,—wisdom of Sri Krishna whom millions regard as God himself. If you fail to understand the mastermind of the world you should attribute your failure not to his fault or failure on His part but your rien lack of understanding. What we do not understand, we deny or decry. This is human nature. In order to understand Krishna you should attain to the level of! his .consciousness as Sri Aurobindo, Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Vivekananda and as others have done, then only you know what he is and why the is adored, worshipped, and revered by millions all over the world throughout the thousands of years. He delivered the great and abiding message of the Gita and Gospel of Niskama Karma.

Regarding Yoga, he has repeatedly asked us to work and work and never sit idle. Yogna is nothing but the outcome, the result and product of Karman. So Yogna has to be performed whatever they are, if only they are not tainted with selfish aims which characterise! the works of all worldly people. We have to surrender everything to Him and take refuge in Him and Him alone,—which is a difficult thing to be done.

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Tine best course will be to cease reading too many books and .concentrate only on one, be it Gita or Vivekananda's work.

Sri Aurobindo is the only authentic commentator of the Gita and his, "an introduction to Gita" is excellent. Nothing could be better because while others write from their intellect, and he writes from direct experience.

Please note that it takes a very long time to eliminate the Ego. This is spiritually a radical change from ignorance to knowledge, to Truth-consciousness, from the mental to the spiritual to supramental status, through the opening of the Psychic-Being in us as, "Chaitya-Purasha"-, one can simply try to remember the Divine always under all circumstances not to forget the Divine is the secret.

The frontiers of the Ignorance shall recede,

More and more souls shall enter into light,

Minds lit, inspired, the occult summoner hear

And lives blaze with a sudden inner flame

And hearts grow enamoured of divine delight

And human wills tune to the divine will.

Sri Aurobindo

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