This booklet has been compiled from articles published in various periodicals and personal letters of Jibendra Kumar Gupta.

Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects

Jibendra Kumar Gupta

This booklet has been compiled from articles published in various periodicals and personal letters of Jibendra Kumar Gupta.

Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects 106 pages

Sri Aurobindo's International Centre of Education

Many people who know or have heard of Sri Aurobindo Ashram do not know of its core, the heart-centre and pivot of all its manifold activities, the International Centre of Education. Sri Aurobindo had long thought of this centre for radiating his teachings through its alumnies as the best way to spread his spiritual message to the whole world. After the passing away of the Master, the Mother formally opened this centre with a few teachers and students of the Ashram school. In course only of a few years, it has grown into unimaginable dimensions and attracted teachers from all parts of India and abroad. And the number of students from the kindergarten stage to higher course has so much increased of late that it is difficult to find accommodation for all the applicants. People had to wait sometimes from

Special attention is paid to physical education of the children. Though there are now 4 outlets for physical and sports activities, they are just sufficient to accommodate the various group members for their daily exercises after the school hours. The number of each group is limited to about a hundred. Besides, there is a modern and up-to-date swimming pool maintained under strict hygienic conditions in addition to the facilities of sea-swimming by individuals and groups. There is also a spacious gymnasium for indoor

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exercises. The sports ground has one of the best tracks in India and the indoor gymnasium is equipped with all modern apparatuses. For a single institution to offer so many facilities for games and sports is no small credit. The Mother laid gorsier

It is strange and amusing to find people doubting about the future of the Ashram after the passing away of that Mother, the life and soul of the Institution. Their argument is that the death of the Mother would leave a void and lead ultimately to the withering away of the Ashram itself for want of any overt spiritual guidance. They do not know that prior to her leaving the body, the Mother had given assurance to the Ashramites that she would leave her consciousness here in case she had to go and prior to that Sri Aurobindo had given assurance to the Mother that he would not leave the earth-atmosphere till the earth was transformed. The Ashram, the Mother has said, is the cradle of future humanity and from here will issue the race of supermen.

Due to subversive activities of a few disgruntled elements from within and hostile onslaughts from without, the Ashram had to face some dangers at one time but that danger is now a passed phase. The Ashram is forging its way to the achievement of its goal, the manifestation of the Supermind. Thanks to the unwearied labour and dedicated service of the old sadhaka who are now dead and gone and to the help and example offered by those who are still alive

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and the possibilities of the annual young recruits to the membership of the Ashram from the Centre of Education itself, the cycle of progress will go on with added momentum from generation to generation till the supermen emerge from here and the supramental light spreads to other center from here and the supramental light spreads to other centres of the Ashram like fire from hearth to hearth, from alter to alter.

The core of this manifestation will be the International Centre of Education. In their divine wisdom, the Mother and Sri Aurobindo laid a solid, sure and secure basis for their work of Transformation of the earth-life in the International Centre of Education of the Ashram.

Night, splendid with the moon dreaming in heaven In silver peace, possessed her luminous reign. She brooded through her stillness on a thought Deep-guarded by her mystic folds of light, And in her bosom nursed a greater dawn.

— Sri Aurobindo

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