This booklet has been compiled from articles published in various periodicals and personal letters of Jibendra Kumar Gupta.

Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects

Jibendra Kumar Gupta

This booklet has been compiled from articles published in various periodicals and personal letters of Jibendra Kumar Gupta.

Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects 106 pages

This Commercial Civilisation Must Go

Greed, excessive greed for profit has no doubt brought about this present imbalance in international economic relations as lust for power has politically divided the world into communist and capitalistic blocks making one the avowed enemy of the other. That the world is heading towards a major disaster is evident to any discerning intellect ; it does not require a prophet or seer to forecast the calamitous end to which men and nations are heading with such amazing rapidity. Is there no remedy to arrest this dangerous trend in the affairs of humanity at large ,?

Lust, anger and greed like other evils such as jealousy, ill-will, fear and hatred etc. are inherent in human nature. Education and mental enlightenment have not been able to eliminate these ingrained evils of vital and physical nature. On the other hand, the more clever and intelligent one is, the less scrupulous he becomes in his dealings with his fellowmen. Whatever might have been the case before, the exceptions are rare now-a-days. Hypocrisy, insincerity and dishonesty have become customary and normal in dealings between men and men and nations and nations. Mind itself becomes deformed and reason turns traitor the moment our own vital, i.e. self interest is affected. Perverted logic from the mental source comes to justify and bolster the claims, calls and impulsions of our vital nature. There is no compunction of conscience in economic and political relations. Lust for power and greed for gain have become the sole criterion of individual

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and international relations. The exceptions are few and rare.

To add to all these vicious trends, unabashed worship is offered to Mammon and Power-god everywhere in this iron age. No regard is paid to the man of virtue or the pious man ; he is laughed at as an imbecile unfit to live in this world of thriving wickedness and sin. The honest politician has no place in the politics of his country or the world. He must be corrupt and unscrupulous to gain the plaudits of the multitude. The good discriminating few have no place in this degenerate world where false standards and values count and prevail. Even children are taught by examples of their elders that earning of money is- the ultimate object of life and all their education is meant to qualify them for this ulterior end so that they may live a life of comfort and luxury.

When civilisation flourishes under the garb of increasing commercialism and politics becomes a power-hunt' for men and nations disregarding all the cherished moral and spiritual values of the past, it only indicates the extent and enormity of the degeneration. We have probably touched the bed-rock of moral and spiritual degradation. Now a powerful lever is needed to raise humanity from the level of beasts to which it has sunk (except in a few rare cases) to the level of the gods.

And for this the only remedy is to banish commercialism and debased politics from the consciousness of men and nations. This is no easy task. But no great achievements have ever been possible without great and sustained efforts. Look at the achievements of mere physical science which is a bagatelle compared to

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spirituality. How many thousands of skilled and unskilled labour, scientists and technologists went into work for preparation for a journey to the moon or a space shuttle and how marry millions and billions of dollars were spent on them^for how many decades of years ?

Spirituality which lies at the core of life but which is hidden from all ordinary sense and mental perceptions also needs the same serious and ardent preparations for years before it can become operative in the life of men and nations ; but that is no reason why it should be relegated to the back-ground in the hope that a future humanity will take up the task of our redemption. No, it is high time that each one of us and specially the elites made a sincere and strenuous effort to recover our lost spiritual heritage and became truly enlightened and civilised men and women. The cost in monetary terms is nil.


Wouldn't it be wonderful if you had a magic key that could open all the doors to success and happiness in life ? You have that key ! It is called "receptivity". The things that you are receptive to in life ultimately are attracted to you. It is as Katherine Hunch man Newcomb has said : "Can you not see that you must develop ? You must have openness of mind—receptivity. Some people are living in pint pots with the covers down. Where are you living ?" Lift the cover off and be receptive. It is the magic key to progressive living.

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