Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history 843 pages 2006 Edition


The first edition of this biography in 1945 contained corrections by Sri Aurobindo himself. The third edition in 1972 was rewritten in the light of new material

Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history

  Sri Aurobindo : Biography

K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar
K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar

The first edition of this biography in 1945 contained corrections by Sri Aurobindo himself. The third edition in 1972 was rewritten in the light of new material

Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history 843 pages 2006 Edition
 PDF     Sri Aurobindo : Biography


Sri Aurobindo's writings have appeared in journals (notably Indu Prakash, Bande Mataram, Yugantar, Karmayogin, Dharma, Standard-Bearer, Arya and Bulletin of Physical Education), as also in book form in successive editions and impressions. For this edition the references to Sri Aurobindo's writings are from the Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library:

Volume 1 — Bande Mataram, EARLY POLITICAL WRITINGS — I (1893-1908): New Lamps for Old; Bhawani Mandir; The Doctrine of Passive Resistance; editorials and comments from the Bande Mataram; Speeches.

Volume 2 — Karmayogin, EARLY POLITICAL WRITINGS —11(1909-1910): Uttarpara Speech; The Ideal of the Karmayogin; An Open Letter to My Countrymen; other essays, notes and comments from the Karmayogin; Speeches.

Volume 3 — The Harmony of Virtue, EARLY CULTURAL WRITINGS: The Harmony of Virtue; Bankim Chandra Chatterjee; The Sources of Poetry and Other Essays; Valmiki and Vyasa; Kalidasa; The Brain of India; Essays from the Karmayogin; Art and Literature; Passing Thoughts; Conversations of the Dead.

Volume 4 — Writings in Bengali: Hymns to Durga; Poems, Stories; The Veda; The Upanishads; The Purana; The Gita; Dharma; Nationalism; Editorials from Dharma; Stories of Jail Life; Letters.

Volume 5 — Collected Poems, THE COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS: Short Poems; Sonnets; Longer Poems; On Quantitative Metre; Ilion; Poems in New Metres; Metrical Experiments.

Volume 6 — Collected Plays AND SHORT STORIES, Part One; Perseus the Deliverer; Vasavadutta; Rodogune; Eric.

Volume 7 — Collected Plays AND SHORT STORIES, Part Two: The Viziers of Bassora; Prince of Edur; The Maid in the Mill; The House of Brut; The Prince of Mathura; The Birth of Sin: Vikramorvasie (The Hero and the Nymph). Short Stories: Idylls of the Occult: The Phantom Hour; The Door at Abelard; The Devil's Mastiff; The Golden Bird. Juvenilia.

Volume 8 — Translations, From Sanskrit and Other Languages: From Sanskrit Passages from the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, the Bhagavad Gita, Kalidasa; The Century of Life (The Nitishataka of Bhartrihari); etc. From Bengali: Songs of Bidyapati; Bande Mataram (Hymn to the Mother); thirteen chapters from Anandamath (Bankim Chandra Chatterji's novel); etc. From Tamil: opening of The Kural, etc. From Greek and Latin: opening of the Odyssey, etc.


Volume 10 — The Secret of the Veda: The Secret of the Veda; Selected Hymns; Hymns of the Atris; Other Hymns; Interpretation of the Veda; The Origins of Aryan Speech.

Volume 11 — Hymns to the Mystic Fire: FOREWORD: The Doctrine of the Mystics; Translations (Hymns to Agni from the Rig-Veda translated in their esoteric sense); Supplement.

Volume 12 — The Upanishads, TEXTS, TRANSLATIONS AND COMMENTARIES: Philosophy of the Upanishads; On Translating the Upanishads; The Upanishads; Early translations of some Vedantic texts; Supplement.

Volume 13 — Essays on the Gita: First Series, Second Series. Part One: The Synthesis of Works, Love and Knowledge; Part Two: The Supreme Secret.

Volume 14 — The Foundations of Indian Culture AND THE RENAISSANCE IN INDIA: Is India Civilised?;

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A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture; A Defence of Indian Culture (Religion and Spirituality, Indian Art, Indian Literature, Indian Polity); Indian Culture and External Influence; The Renaissance in India.

Volume 15 — Social and Political Thought: The Human Cycle; The Ideal of Human Unity; War and Self-Determination.

Volume 16 — The Supramental Manifestation AND OTHER WRITINGS: The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth; The Problem of Rebirth; Evolution; The Superman; Ideals and Progress; Heraclitus; Thoughts and Glimpses; Questions of the Month from the Arya; The Yoga and Its Objects.

Volume 17 The Hour of God AND OTHER WRITINGS: The Hour of God; Evolution — Psychology — The Supermind; On Yoga; Thoughts and Aphorisms; Essays Divine and Human; Education and Art; Premises of Astrology; Reviews; Dayananda — Bankim — Tilak —Andal — Nammalwar; Historical Impressions; Notes from the Arya.

Volume 18 — The Life Divine, Book One and Book Two, PART ONE. Book One: Omnipresent Reality and the Universe; Book Two: The Knowledge and the Ignorance —The Spiritual Evolution; Part I: The Infinite Consciousness and the Ignorance.

Volume 19 — The Life Divine, Book Two, PART TWO: The Knowledge and the Spiritual Evolution.

Volume 20 — The Synthesis of Yoga, PARTS ONE AND Two. Introduction: The Conditions of the Synthesis; Part I: The Yoga of Divine Works; Pan II: The Yoga of Integral Knowledge.

Volume 21 The Synthesis of Yoga, PARTS THREE 'AND FOUR. Part III: The Yoga of Divine Love; Part IV: The Yoga of Self-Perfection.

Volume 22 Letters on Yoga, PART ONE: The Supramental Evolution; Integral Yoga and Other Paths; Religion, Morality, Idealism and Yoga; Reason, Science and Yoga; Planes and Parts of the Being; The Divine and the Hostile Powers; The Purpose of Avatarhood; Rebirth; Fate and Free-Will; Karma and Heredity; etc.

Volume 23 Letters on Yoga, PARTS Two AND THREE. Part Two: The Object of Integral Yoga; Synthetic Method and the Integral Yoga; Basic Requisites of the Path; The Foundation of Sadhana; Sadhana Through Work; Sadhana Through Meditation; Sadhana Through Love and Devotion; Human Relationships in Yoga; Sadhana in the Ashram and Outside; Part Three: Experiences and Realisations; Visions and Symbols; Experiences of the Inner and the Cosmic Consciousness.

Volume 24 — Letters on Yoga, PART FOUR: The Triple Transformation — Psychic, Spiritual, Supramental; Transformation of the Mind; Transformation of the Vital; Transformation of the Physical; Transformation of the Subconscient and the Inconscient; Difficulties of the Path; Opposition of the Hostile Forces.

Volume 25 The Mother, WITH LETTERS ON THE MOTHER AND PRAYERS AND MEDITATIONS (translations from Prières et Meditations de la Mere).

Volume 26 — On Himself, COMPILED FROM NOTES AND LETTERS: Part One: Sri Aurobindo on Himself: Life Before Pondicherry; Beginnings of Yoga; His Path and Other Paths; Sadhana for the Earth-Consciousness; The Master and the Guide; The Poet and the Critic; Reminiscences and Observations; Messages; Some Early Letters; Part Two: Sri Aurobindo on Himself and on the Mother: Leaders of Evolution; Identity of Their Consciousness; Difficulties of the Path-Finders; Helpers on the Way.

Volume 27 Supplement: Supplementary material arranged by volume.

Volume 28 Savitri, A Legend and a Symbol, Part One: The Book of Beginnings;

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 The Book of the Traveller of the Worlds; The Book of the Divine Mother.

Volume 29 — Savitri — A LEGEND AND A SYMBOL, PARTS Two AND THERE. Part Two: The Book of Birth and Quest; The Book of Love; The Book-of Fate; The Book of Yoga; The Book of Death; Part Three: The Book of Eternal Night; The Book of the Double Twilight; The Book of Everlasting Day, Epilogue: The Return to Earth; Sri Aurobindo's Letters on Savitri.

Volume 30 — Index and Glossary: Sri Aurobindo, a Life Sketch; Chronology; Contents of the Centenary Library; Bibliography; List of Essays, Speeches and Shorter Works; Tide Index of Poems; Index; Glossary of Sanskrit Terms; etc. WORKS OF THE MOTHER

The works of the Mother are in a category apart. Of unique significance in themselves, they also throw direct light on Sri Aurobindo's life, philosophy, poetry and Yoga. The more important of them are the following:

1. Prayers and Meditations

2. Words of the Mother

3. On Education

4. The Four Austerities and the Four liberations

5. The Mother on Sri Aurobindo

6. About Savitri (with some paintings by Huta), 1972*

7. Questions and Answers: 1950-51

8. The Mother On India

9. Words of Long Ago

10. Towards the Future: A Play

11. The Great Secret: A Play

12. White Roses (Part I, II, III), 1970*

*Except the two collections marked by asterisks, the above have now been included in the Collected Works of the Mother — Centenary Edition: 

Volume 1 — Prayers and Meditations. Prayers and meditations selected by the Mother from her diaries of 1912 to 1919, and five prayers of a later date.

Volume 2 — Words of Long Ago. Writings before 1920: Early essays. Transcripts of talks given in 1912 to seekers in Paris. Essays written in Japan between 1916 and 1920. Tales of All Times: stories for children. And other writings.

Volume 3 — Questions and Answers. Oral answers to questions about Yoga raised by disciples in 1929 and in 1930-31. Oral commentary on The Dhammapada in 1957-58.

Volume 4 — Questions and Answers 1950-51. Oral answers to questions about the Mother's essays on education and self-development, her Questions and Answers 1929, and Sri Aurobindo's The Mother.

Volume 5 — Questions and Answers 1953. Oral answers to questions about the Mother's Questions and Answers 1929.

Volume 6 — Questions and Answers 1954. Oral answers to questions about the Mother's essays on education and self-development, and Sri Aurobindo's Elements of Yoga, The Mother and Bases of Yoga.

Volume 7 — Questions and Answers 1955. Oral answers to questions about

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Sri Aurobindo's Bases of Yoga, a chapter from his The Human Cycle, two chapters from his The Synthesis of Yoga, and the Mother's drama. The Great Secret.

Volume 8 — Questions and Answers 1956. Oral answers to questions about Part One of Sri Aurobindo's The Synthesis of Yoga and his Thoughts and Glimpses.

Volume 9 Questions and Answers 1957-58. Oral answers to questions about Sri Aurobindo's Thoughts and Glimpses, The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth and the last six chapters of The Life Divine.

Volume 10 — On Thoughts and Aphorisms. Commentaries, oral and written, on Sri Aurobindo's Thoughts and Aphorisms, given between 1958-70.

Volume 11 Notes on the Way. Conversation with a disciple, between 1961-73, about the spiritual experiences and sadhana that the Mother was undergoing during that time.

Volume 12 — On Education. Essays on education and self-development, written between 949-55. Correspondence and conversations with students, teachers and physical education captains. Three dramas: Towards the Future, The Great Secret and The Ascent to Truth.

Volume 13 — Words of the Mother. Short written statements about Sri Aurobindo, the Mother herself, the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Auroville, India and other nations.

Volumes 14 — Words of the Mother. Short written statements about Yoga and life: Man's relationship with the Divine, the path of Yoga, elements of Yoga, difficulties, human relationships, work, parts of the being.

Volume 15 — Words of the Mother. Short written statements, and conversations, about Yoga and life: The Gods, religion, war, wealth, government, progress, transformation and the Supramental, illness and health, messages for the new year, for darshan days, etc, and other subjects.


Books on Sri Aurobindo or books that have relevance to the present study are too numerous to be exhaustively listed here, and hence only the more important books in English art given below, arranged in the alphabetical order of the authors' names.

Acharya, K.D. A Guide to Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy (1968)

Archer, William. India and the Future (1917)

Argov, Daniel. Moderates and Extremists in the Indian Nationalist Movement: 1883-1920 (1967)

Banerjee, Surendranath. A Nation in the Making(l927)

Bharati, Shuddhananda. Sri Aurobindo: The Divine Master (1948)

Bhattacharya, Pranab. A Scheme of Education (1952)

Bose, Bejoy Krishna. The Alipur Bomb Trial (1922)

Chandrasekharam, V. Sri Aurobindo's 'The Life Divine': A brief Study (1961); Sri Aurobindo: Three Essays (1961); Aitareya Upanishad (1967)

Chaudhuri, Haridas. The Philosophy of Integralism (1967); Integral Yoga: The Concept of Harmonious and Creative Living (1970)

Chaudhuri, Haridas & Frederick Spiegelberg (Eds.). The Integral Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo: A Commemorative Symposium (1960)

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Chintamani, C. Y. Indian Politics since the Mutiny (1937)

Corte, Nicolas: Teilhard de Chardin: His Life and Spirit (1960); translated by Martin Jarrett-Kerr.

Das, M. N. India under Morley and Minto: Politics behind Revolution, Repression and Reforms (1964)

Diwakar, R. R. Mahayogi (1954; 1967)

Gandhi, Kishor H. What is Sri Aurobindo Doing? (1946); Lights on Life Problems, First Series (1950); Lights on Life Problems, Second Series (1951), Social Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo and the New Age (1965)

Garratt, G. T. An Indian Commentary (1928)

Ghose, Jyotish Chandra. Sri Aurobindo (1929)

Ghose, Lotika. Indian Writers of English Verse (1933)

Ghose, P. C. The Development of the Indian National Congress: 1892-1909 (1960)

Ghose, Sisir Kumar. The Poetry of Sri Aurobindo (1969)

Gokak, V. K. and V. Madhusudan Reddy (Eds.). The Flame of Truth (1968)

Goswami, C. R. The Soul-Culture in the Upanishad (1971)

Greenberger, Alien J. The British Image in India (1969)

Gupta, Nolini Kanta & Amrita. Reminiscences (1969)

Gupta, Nolini Kanta. Collected Works, Volume I (1970); Collected Works, Volume II (1971); Collected Works, Volume III (1972); Sri Aurobindo and his Ashram (1948); Seer Poets (1970); The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo, 11 Parts; Towards a New Society (1947)

Gupta, Rameshwar. Eternity in Words: Sri Aurobindo's 'Savitri' (1969)

Heidegger, Martin. What is Philosophy? (1955); translated by William Kluback and Jean T. Wilde.

Huta. Meditations on Savitri, Volume I (1962); Meditations on Savitri, Volume II (1963); Meditations on Savitri, Volume III (1965), Meditations on Savitri, Volume IV (1966)

Iyengar, K. R. Srinivasa. Sri Aurobindo (1945; 1950); Sri Aurobindo: An Introduction (1961); On the Mother (1952); Indian Writing in English (1962; 1972); Mainly Academic (1968); Two Cheers for the Commonwealth (1969); A Big Change: Talks on the Spiritual Revolution and the Future man (1970)

Keshavmurti. Path to Perfection (1967); Sri Aurobindo and His Yoga (1967); Sri Aurobindo — The Hope of Man (1969)

Langley, G.H. Sri Aurobindo: Poet, Philosopher and Mystic (1949)

MacDonald, Ramsey. The Awakening in India.

Maitra, S. K. Introduction to the Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo (1965); The Meeting of the East and the West in Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy (1968)

Manibhai. A Practical Guide to Integral Yoga (1971)

Majumdar, R.C. Studies in the Bengali Renaissance

Mary, Countess of Minto. India: Minto and Morley (1934)

Mazumdar, A. C. Indian National Evolution (1915)

Misra, R. S. The Integral Advaitism of Sri Aurobindo (1957)

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Mitra, Sisirkumar. Sri Aurobindo and Indian Freedom (1948); The Dawn Eternal (1954); The Liberator (1954; 1970); Resurgent India (1963); History as the Future (1968); India and Her Future (1971)

Motwani, Kewal L. Sri Aurobindo on Social Sciences and Humanities (1962)

Mukherjee, Haridas & Uma. The Origin of the National Education Movement 1905-1910 (1957); Sri Aurobindo's Political Thought: 1893-1908 (1958); India's Fight for Freedom, or the Swadeshi Movement: 1905-6 (1958); Sri Aurobindo and the New Thoughts in Indian Politics (1964)

Nandakumar, Prema. Bharati in English Verse (1958); A Study of 'Savitri'(1962); The Glory and the Good: Essays on Literature (1965); Subramania Bharati (1968)

Naravane, V. S. Modern Indian Thought (1964)

Navajata, Sri Aurobindo (1972)

Nevinson, Henry W. The New Spirit in India (1908)

Nirodbaran, Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo (1954); Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo: Part II (Humour) (1972); Sri Aurobindo: 'I Am Here, I Am Here' (1952); Talks with Sri Aurobindo (1966); Talks with Sri Aurobindo, Part II (1971)

O'Donnell, C. J. The Causes of the Present Discontents in India (1908)

Olsson, Eva. The Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo in the Light of the Gospel (1959)

O'Malley, L.S.S. (Ed.). Modern India and the West (1941; 1969)

Pandit, M.P. Light from Sri Aurobindo (1970); Sri Aurobindo on the Tantra (1967); All Life is Yoga, 6 Parts, (1967-70); The Call and the Grace (1969); Highways of God (1969); Dictionary of Sri Aurobindo's Yoga (1966); Sadhana in Sri Aurobindo's Yoga (1964); Reminiscences and Anecdotes of Sri Aurobindo(l966); M. P. Pandit Commemoration Volume (1968); Readings in 'Savitri', Five Parts (1969-71)

Pearson, Nathaniel. Sri Aurobindo and the Soul Quest of Man (1952)

Piper, Raymond F. The Hungry Eye: An Introduction to Cosmic Art

Poddar, Arabinda. Renaissance in Bengal: Quests and Confrontations (1970)

Pradhan, R.G. India's Struggle for Swaraj (1930)

Prasad, Narayan. Life in Sri Aurobindo Ashram (1965; 1968)

Purani, A.B. The Life of Sri Aurobindo (1958; 2nd edition, 1960; 3rd edition, 1964; 4'" edition, 1978); Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo: First series (1959); Evening Talks: Second series (1961); Evening Talks: Third Series (1960); Sri Aurobindo's Vedic Glossary (1962); Sri Aurobindo: Lectures on His Life and Teachings (1955); Savitri: An Approach and a Study (1970); Lectures on Savitri (1967); Sri Aurobindo's 'The Life Divine': Lectures (1966)

Radhakrishnan, S. Religion in a Changing World (1967)

Ray, P. C. The Life and Times of C. R. DOS (1927)

Raymond, Lizelle. The Dedicated (1953)

Reddy, V. Madhusudan. Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy of Evolution (1966)

Richard, Paul. The Dawn over Asia

Roy, Anilbaran. Sri Aurobindo and the New Age (1965)

Rishabchand, and Shyamsundar Jhunjhunwala. The Destiny of Man (1969)

Rishabchand. In the Mother's Light (1967)

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Ronaldshay, The Earl of. The Heart of Aryavarta (1925)

Roy, Dilip Kumar. Among the Great (1946); Sri Aurobindo Came to Me (1964); Yogi Sri Krishnaprem (1968)

Saint-Hillaire, P. B. The Message of Sri Aurobindo and His Ashram (1947); Education and the Mm of Human Life (1962); Sri Aurobindo: The Future Evolution of Man (1963)

Sharma, S. Krishna. Seed of Grandeur, Commentary on Thought the Paraclete', 'Rose of God' and The Symbol Dawn' (1972)

Sastry, T. V. Kapali. Lights on the Upanishads (1947); Further Lights: The Veda and the Tantra (1951); Lights on the Ancients (1954); Gospel of the Gita (1960); Lights on the Fundamentals (1950); The Way of Light (1963); Sadhana (1969)

Satprem. Sri Aurobindo or The Adventure of Consciousness (1968) translated by Tehmi.

Seetharaman, M. V. Studies in Sri Aurobindo's Dramatic Works

Sen, Bowani. A Critique of Aurobindo's Philosophy (1969)

Sen, Indra. The Integral Man (1970)

Sethna, K. D. The Poetic Genius of Sri Aurobindo (1947); Indian Spirit and the World's Future (1953); The Passing of Sri Aurobindo (1961); Sri Aurobindo on Shakespeare (1965); The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo (1968) Sri Aurobindo — the Poet (1970)

Shastri, A. V. Psychology of Indian Nationalism (1968)

Singh, Karan. Prophet of Indian Nationalism (1967)

Singh, Thakur Jaideva. Philosophy of Evolution: Western and Indian (1970)

Sircar, Mahendranath. Eastern Lights (1935)

Sitaramayya, Pattabhi. The History of the Indian National Congress (1946)

Sri Aurobindo Pathamandir (Calcutta). Loving Homage (1958)

Sri Aurobindo Ashram (New Delhi). Pioneer of the Supramental Age (1958)

Srivastava, R.S. Contemporary Indian Philosophy (1967)

Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre. The Phenomenon of Man (1960); translated by Nemard Wall.

Tagore, Rabindranath. The Religion of Man (1931)

Toynbee, Arnold. Civilisation on Trial (1948)

Vama, V P. The Political Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo (1960)

Walker, Kenneth. A Study of Gurdjieff's Teaching (1957)

Wasti, Syed Razi. Lord  Minto and the Indian Nationalist Movement: 1905-1910 (1964)

Whitehead, A.N. Process and Reality (1929)

Younghusband, Sir Francis. Dawn in India: British Purpose and Indian Aspiration (1930)

Yun-Shan, Tan and Sisirkumar Mitra. Sri Aurobindo: A Homage (1941)

Zacharias, H. C. E. Renascent India (1933)

Zaehner, R. C. Evolution in Religion: A Study in Sri Aurobindo and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1971)

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Creative Writing by Some Disciples of Sri Aurobindo  

Fiction and Drama

Chatterjee, Promode K. Whom God Protects (1969)

Lidchi, Maggi. Earthman (1967)

Roy, Dilip Kumar. The Upward Spiral (1949); Sri Chaitanya (1960); Mira in Brindavan (1961)

Satprem. L'orpailleur("The Gold-Digger'), (1960)

Yvonne. The Golden Journey (1960)


Amrita. Visions and Voices (1929)

Arjava. Poems (1939)

Chinmoy. Chandelier (1951); The Infinite: Sri Aurobindo (1956)

Gokak, V.K. In Life's Temple (1965)

Gupta, Nolini Kanta. To the Heights (1944)

Mukherjee, Prithwindra. A Rose Bud's Song (1959)

Nahar, Prithwi Singh. The Winds of Silence (1954)

Nirodbaran. Sun-Blossoms (1947)

Nishikanta. Dream Cadences (1946)

Pujalal. Lotus Petals (1943); Rosary (1946),

Reddy, V. Madhusudan. Sapphires of Solitude (1960)

Romen. The Golden Apocalypse (1953)

Roy, Anilbaran. Songs from the Soul (1939)

Roy, Dilip Kumar. Eyes of Light (1948)

Sethna, K. D. The Secret Splendour (1941); The Adventure of the Apocalypse (1949); Poems on Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (1954)

Tehmi. Poems (1952)

The literature by disciples of Sri Aurobindo, or inspired by Sri Aurobindo's life and thought, in the several modern Indian languages and in Sanskrit is of considerable range and variety, and is also of high quality. It is however, beyond the scope of this bibliography to cover this extensive literature in about twenty Indian languages. But, certainly, outstanding among those who have made a mark in modern Indian poetry are Aurobindonians like Nishikanto in Bengali, Sundaram in Gujarati, Veluri Chandrasekharam in Telugu, and Bendre, Puttappa and Gokak in Kannada.

 Magazine Literature

The magazine literature on Sri Aurobindo is immense, and is still growing. Not only are there journals in several languages sponsored by disciples or admirers, but other learned periodicals the world over are also increasingly evincing intelligent interest in his life and work. While it is beyond our scope here to attempt a comprehensive list, the more important Aurobindonian journals are mentioned below, and most of these are published from Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry: 0

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Sri Aurobindo Mandir Annual, the first number appearing on Sri Aurobindo's 70th birthday on 15 August 1942.

Sri Aurobindo Circle, the first Annual appearing on 24 April 1945.

The Advent, a Quarterly Journal, the first number appearing on 21 February 1944.

Mother India, first a fortnightly, later a monthly.

The Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education (originally 'Bulletin of Physical Education'), a Quarterly in English-French-Hindi, since February 1949.

World Union, a Quarterly Journal.

Equals One (=1), a Quarterly Journal of Auroville.

Gazette Aurovilienne, a bi-monthly report.

Sri Aurobindo's Action, a monthly Journal.

All India Magazine, a monthly Journal giving extracts from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

Srinvantu, a Quarterly Journal in English and Bengali.

Bartika, a Quarterly in Bengali.

Purodha, Hindi Monthly, and Bengali Quarterly, for Youth.

Dipti, a Kannada Quarterly.

Arul, a Tamil Bi-annual.

Dakshina and Bal Dakshina, a Gujarati Quarterly.

Sanjivan, a Marathi Quarterly.

Arka, a Telugu quarterly.

Agnishikha, a Hindi Monthly.

Sri Aravinda Karmadhara, a Hindi Monthly (published from Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Delhi Branch, New Delhi-16).


There is a useful bibliography in A. B. Purani's The Life of Sri Aurobindo, giving in chronological sequence the dates of publication of Sri Aurobindo's works. There is also a brief annotated bibliography by Robert A. McDermott in the new edition of Sri Aurobindo's The Mind of Light (New York, 1971). Finally, each volume of the Birth Centenary Library edition has a very informative bibliographical note, covering the contents of the respective volumes.

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