Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history 843 pages 2006 Edition


The first edition of this biography in 1945 contained corrections by Sri Aurobindo himself. The third edition in 1972 was rewritten in the light of new material

Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history

  Sri Aurobindo : Biography

K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar
K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar

The first edition of this biography in 1945 contained corrections by Sri Aurobindo himself. The third edition in 1972 was rewritten in the light of new material

Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history 843 pages 2006 Edition
 PDF     Sri Aurobindo : Biography


Abercrombie, Lascelles, 177

Agastya, 384

Ahana, 69, 71,169, 619; earlier version, The  Descent of Ahana, 620; dramatic cast, 620; the Divine Charter, 622; Eden and Brindavan, 623ff; a dream and a vision, 624; handling of the hexameter, 626ff

Ahmed, Asanuddin, 259

Aiyar, S. Doraiswami, 530, 579, 706

Aiyar, V. Krishnaswami, 221

Aiyar, Nagaswami, 378

Aiyar, V. V. S., 266, 378, 391,405,525

Akbar, Emperor, 8, 11, 293

Ali, Muhammad, 527

Alt, Shaukat, 527

Alipur Case (Manicktolla Bomb Case), 310ff, 359. 367

Alipur Jail, 202, 307, 310, 330, 388, 444, 490,525

Ambedkar, B. R., 496-497

Ambirajan, S., 13fn.

Amrita (Aravamudachari), 405, 525, 536, 540

Amrita Bazar Patrika, 229,309, 312

Anandamath, 76, 194, 219, 337

Andal, 497

Andre Morrisset, 726

Andromeda, 128

Anger, Roger, 775,780

Appian, 135

Arabian Nights Entertainments, The, 129, 177

Archer, William, 490,49 1ff

Archimedes, 416

Areopagitica, 200

Argov, Daniel, 228fn

Arjava (J. A. Chadwick), 514, 575ff, 594, 639

Arnold, Matthew, 164, 177, 615

Arya, 398ff, 402ff, 436, 455, 459, 463,464, 470, 496, 514, 521, 525, 534ff, 573, 610

Ashram, Sri Aurobindo, concept of ashram, 571ff; ashrams old and new, 571-2; gurukulavasa, 571; Pondicherry as seat of sadhana, 572-3; early companions and disciples, 573-4; the Siddhi day, 574; Barindra on the Mother's role, 574; growth after 1926, 574ff; coming to grips with the ego, 575-6, coming of the disciples, 576ff, 58 1ff; the Guru's role and influence, 579ff, 590-2; aim of, 580-1; human relations in, 579-81; coming of the children, 581, 724-5; the school and sports, 58 1ff, 762-3; physical education and the Body Divine, 582-3; development of Ashram services, 584, 585-6; as laboratory for Yoga, 584; choice of disciples & allotment of work, 584-6; work as a field for sadhana, as sacerdocy, 586; network of services, 586; research in Yoga, 586; locked struggle and Yogic battle, 587; aftermath of 24 Nov. 1926, 587,590; the integral Yogin, 588; sadhana at physical and inconscient levels, 588ff; "dredging the mire", 589-90; "vibration of harmony", 591; total transformation, 591; pranam and darsan, 592ff; significance of birthdays, 592ff; darsan days, 595ff; the climactic moment of darsan, 596; letters from and to disciples , 597ff; letters on Yoga, 598ff; how to read the letters, 597-99; general guidance, 599; Guru-Sishya exchanges, 599-600; Grand Trunk Road 600; food and sleep, 600-02; samadhi and waking realisation, 602; hostile forces, 603; their role, 603; soul within and Grace above, 603; pro-Hitler sympathies of sadhaks, 702-3; C. R. Reddy on Ashram children, 718; focus of India's spirituality, 724; flower-offerings, 725; Tan Yun-shan on, 725; "a new Heaven and a new Earth", 726; atmosphere of, 727; "cave of Tapasya", 727; K. M. Munshi on, 750-1; the "Golden Day", 757; expansion of activities, 758ff; Delhi Branch, 760ff; establishment of University Centre, 763ff

Asoka Vardhana, 7, 293

Attlee, Clement, 260fh

AUROBINDO, SRI, 16ff; on Rajnarain

Bose, 26, 38, 52; on his father Krishnadhan, 26-27; birth, 28; name, 28, 30, 38; at the Darjeeling School, 28; at Manchester, 30ff; time of privation, 31;

Senior Classical Scholarship, 31; holidays with Manmohan, 32ff; success in ICS examinations, 33; at King's College, 33ff; Oscar Browning on, 33-34; member of Indian Majlis and 'Lotus & Dagger', 34,37,183,281; 'Riding Test', 36ff; rejection from ICS, 37; appointment in Baroda, 37; songs to Myrtilla, 38ff, 71; on Parnell, 42; on Goethe, 42; at Apollo Bunder, 46, 64, 281, 385; at Naini Tal, 47, 66; learning Bengali & Sanskrit, 50; as Professor, 52ff; on Oxford & Cambridge, 52,53; on the "cultured Bengali", 55; A. B. dark, on, 55; 'New Lamps for Old', 56ff, 184, 190, 281; on Bankim, 57ff, 281; on Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, 60; beginnings of revolutionary activity, 62ff, 188ff, 281; and Sister Nivedita, 62-3, 338ff; early spiritual experiences, 64-5, 385-7; beginnings of Yoga, 64, 68,273-4,282,384; marriage, 65ff; on Translations, 68; use of Hexameter, 71, 626-7; on bhakti poetry, 72-3, 505-6; translations from Chandidas, 72; from Vidyapati, 74; from Nidhu Babu, 74; from Horu Thakur, 76; from Jnanadas, 76; on Bande Mataram, 76; translation from Dwijendralal, 77; Sagar, Sangit, tr. of, 77ff, 411; on Vyasa & Valmiki, 79ff; tr. from the Ramāyāna, 8 1ff; from the Mahabharata, 84ff; on Nala and Savitri, 85-6; Vidula, 87; translation from Bhartrihari, 88; from Kalidasa, 90ff; The Birth of the War-God, 92ff; The Hero and the Nymph, 94ff; on Vikramorvasie, 98fn; Urvasie, 99-107; Love and Death, 108; Baji Prabhou, 1148; Perseus the Deliverer, 120-9; The Viziers of Bassora, 128-34; Rodogune, 13441; Eric, 141-7; Vasavadutta, 147-52; The Witch of Ilni, 152; The Maid in the Mill, 153; The House of Brut, 153; Prince of Edur, 154-5; early philosophical poems,

157ff; A Vision of Science, 159-61; A Dream of Surreal Science, 160; Who, 161, 337; Invitation, 161; The Fear of Death, 162; Life and Death, 163; Rebirth, 163; In the Moonlight, 146-5; The Rishi, 166-7; The Birth of Sin, 169-73, 337; Kama, 172; The Mahatmas: Kuthumi, 173; A Child's Imagination, 175; To R., 175; To the Sea, 176; The Sea at Night, 176; on length in a poem, 176; "most Miltonic", 179; poems and plays with a purpose, 185-6; aim of political action, 187; at Ahmedabad Congress, 190; discussion with Tilak, 190; No Compromise, 190,208; behind-the-scenes activity, 191; political strategy, 191; Vice-Principal & Actg. Principal, 191; experimenting with planchette, 192; Bhavani Mandir, 194-200, 209, 282, 304; breakdown of political period, 201; reaction to Bengal partition, 207-8; Hour of God, 208-9; on the boycott of 16 Oct., 210; letters to Mrinalini, 213-15,235,265; the "three frenzies", 213ff; on "Mother India", 214; his mahavrata, 214; at Benaras Congress, 216; at Barisal Conference, 217; Prof. at National College, 218; in charge of Bande Mataram, 221ff; on the "Life of Nationalism", 223ff; on Dadabhai and Tilak, 226-7; on Passive Resistance, 229ff, 282-3, 362; on use of violence, 230,283; freedom a holy yajna, 231; political Vedantism, 232, 238ff; on Loyalists, Moderates, Nationalists, 232; on the bureaucracy, 232; on Anglo-Indians' pharisaical cant, 233; on the boy heroes, 234; on the Risley Circular, 236, 248, 249; on Lajpat Rai's deportation, 237; on Minto-Morley Reforms, 240ff, 261, 340ff, 364; on Morley's biparita buddhi, 241; prosecution as editor, 244ff; Madras Standard on, 244; Indian Patriot on, 244; Mahratta on, 244; Rabindranath on, 244; failure in health, 248; on Govt. vs. National Education, 249; on Brahmacharya-Yoga, 251; dissatisfaction with "national" education, 25 1ff; as

teacher of National College, 252-3; "Like Shiva in trance" 253; "Puma Yogi", 253; advice to students, 253-4; on Indian nationality and sovereignty, 255ff; on Krishna and Autocracy, 256ff; on politics and spirituality, 257-8; on Morley, 259-60; on Anglo-Indian administrators, 260; on Tilak, 263,267-8; on Gujarat and Gujaratis, 264; at Midnapore Conference, 265, 270; Nevinson on, 269; at Surat Congress, 269ff; order to break the Congress, 271; on "Death or Life", 272; with Yogi Lele at Baroda, 274ff; Nirvanic experience, 275,322,362, 371,388-9, 572; at Poona, 276; on Ramamurti's feats, 276, 300-01; speech at National Union, 277ff; Nationalism a Religion, 277; on Revolutions, 279, 301; at Nasik, Dhulia, Amraoti, Nagpur, 280; on ahimsa, 283ff, 533; two-pronged plan of campaign, 284; recruiting revolutionaries, 285; disapproval of mere terrorism, 287-8, 298fn; burden of multiple responsibility, 290; with Lele again, 291; appearance in 1907-8, 291; move for a United Congress, 292; on village samitis, 292; on 'Back to the Land', 292; on India under foreigner's māyā, 294; on true unity, 294; on Moderates' Convention, 294ff; on the new & the old politics, 297; 'Hymn to Durga', 298; 'The Parable of Sati', 299; on the Tuticorin & Tinnevelly disturbances, 300; on sanatoria dharma, 301, 334-5,345,351,359,389,390; on India, Asia & the world, 302-3; "Public Enemy No. One", 304,366; on Brahmabandhab, 305; arrest on, 5 May 1908, 308; at Police Station, 308,317; before chief Presidency Magistrate, 310; at Alipur Jail, 310ff, 317; "master mind" behind extremism, 311; Alipur "Yogashram", 312; Sarojini's appeal for defence fund, 312, 324; on Eardley Norton, 313ff; on Alipur Jail, 315ff; on God's manifestation in prison, 316; experience of Vasudeva, 319ff, 322-3, 362, 371, 387, 389; on the fellow-accused, 321; changes in physical

appearance, 322; fasting in jail, 322; levitation, 322; on Divine Intelligence, 325; C. R. Das as Defence Counsel, 326ff; his peroration, 328; acquittal and release, 328; The Mother of Dreams, 330; at his uncle's place, 331; C. R. Das on, 331; letter to Bengalee, 332; Uttarpara Speech, 333ff, 385; Divine odes in jail, 334; Karmayogin and Dharma, 335, 343ff; automatic writing, 336; on spirituality, 337; 'Conversations of the Dead', 338; on ideals & idealism, 338; the marvellous "change", 339; on right of association, 339; on conciliation doubled with repression, 340; on Gokhale, 341ff; on repression as the hammer of God, 342; "Our object, our claim", 343; intimate glimpse, 343; religion and education, 344; the Chariot of Jagannath, 346; "Open Letter", 346, 359, 361; "no control, no cooperation", 347; at Hooghly Conference, 348, 362; at Sylhet Conference, 349; on Education, 353fr; on the uses of Art, 354; on the Leader of the Future, 360,361; "To My Countrymen", 362; on Nationalism and Terrorism, 3623, 366; the Nationalist demand, 364; rumour of deportation, 365; decision to go to Chandernagore, 367; speculation about his disappearance, 367ff; Morley on the Karmayogin articles, 368; judgement in the Karmayogin case, 369, 376; at Chandernagore, 367, 370ff; spiritual experience at Chandernagore, 362, 371ff; decision to go to Pondicherry, 373; departure, 374ff; arrival, 375; letter to Hindu, 377; failure of force and fraud against, 378; with Tamil revolutionaries, 378; rejection of offer of asylum, 378; period of silent Yoga, 361,379,391,393, 470; "Uttara Yogi", 380; visit of Paul Richard, 380,395; 23-day fast, 380; change of residence, 381, 382; teacher of Latin, Greek, French & Italian, 381; financial stringency, 382; early (1911) letters on his Yoga, 572ff; move under Aliens Act, 382; "seat of sadhana", 383; higher

planes of consciousness, 388; clue from Vivekananda, 389; exploration of Inconscience, 391-2; synthesis of experience and knowledge, 393-4; the coming "golden age", 393; Paul Richard's tribute, 395; Alexandra David-Neel's visit, 395; Mirra Richard's visit, 395; assurance to her, 398,410; decision to launch Arya and Revue, 398-9; on name and aims of Arya, 402ff; the future, and way to harmony, 403-4; massive and varied contributions to Arya, 404ff; Amrita's first daman, 405; interview to Hindu, 406; Lord Carmichael's offer, 408; correspondence with Mirra, 408ff; on spiritual progress & adverse forces, 410; strategy of supramental Yoga, 410; daily routine in Pondicherry, 411; evening talks with Bharati, 41 1fn; keeping watch on events, 412; on Mont-Ford Reforms, 412; on the War, peace and the League, 412ff; "a God's labour", 414; Western metaphysics and Yoga of Indian Saints, 415-6; spiritual experience and intellectual formulation, 416-7; the Arya sequences, 417, 470; The Life Divine, 419-20; on śruti and smrti, 449; adventure in Vedic exegesis, 449-50; his intuitions backed by Veda, , 450ff; Isha Upanishad, 459ff; Kena, 461ff; Essays on the Gita, 463ff; the eternal Word, synthesis of knowledge, 470; a theorem with 2 corollaries, 471; Man, Collective Man, Mankind, 471; The Human Cycle, 472ff; The Ideal of Human Unity, 480ff; War & Self-Determination, 487ff; Foundations of Indian Culture, 490ff; Heraclitus, 511; "global*' prose style, 514; Mistral and Piper on the style, 514-5; structural quality, 515; the prose of The Life Divine, 516ff; flashes of p. etry in the prose, 517ff; offer of editorship by Baptista, 521-2; reasons for declining it, 522-3; his main preoccupation, 522; letter to Barindra, 523ff; wanted "a deva sangha", 524; on the discipline of thought, 524; "the catch of the Infinite", 525; on Tilak's death, 527; editorial in

Standard-Bearer, 527; call to the young, 528; reply to Moonje on Nagpur CongressPresidentship, 528ff; talk with Saraladevi, 530; reply to C. R. Das, 531; discussion with Das, 531-2; on HinduMuslim unity, 532; refusal to return to Bengal, 532; "evening talks", 532ff, 543, 544; on khadi, kilafat, 533; on corruption and lust for power, 534; talk with Devadas Gandhi, 534; first companions and disciples, 535-6; Purani's coming, 536, 537; Revolution or Yoga, 536; "India will be free", 537; change in complexion, 537; coming of Dilip, Pavitra, 538-9; black magic and action taken against it, 540; differences with Chandernagore group, 540; collective meditation, 540; shift to Rue de la Marine, 540, "Master and Lord of Yoga", 541; birthday celebrations, 541ff; on 3 layers of supermind, 542; on possibility of his own death, 542; on conditions favouring supramental descent, 543,544ff; on Gayatri, 544; Overmind world of the Gods, 545-6; siddhi (24 Nov. 1926), 5478; "descent of Krishna", 549; significance of withdrawal, 549-50, 586; The Synthesis of Yoga, 550ff; on Yoga Siddhi, 567ff; the Ashram, 571ff, 580; coming of the disciples, 576ff; coming of the children, 581; Ashram School, 581; on sports in the Ashram, 581-2; on physical education and the Body Divine, 582; as Witness Spirit, 582; "minute-to-minute miracles", 587; on daman and pranam, 592ff; effect of darsan on disciples, 593-4; Nirod, Arjava, Themis on darsan, 5945; on a 'vacant' and a 'calm mind', 599; on suicide, 599-600; on care of material things and waste, 601; on need for food and sleep, 600-2; on susupti state, 602; on role of 'hostile' forces, 602ff; on predestination, 602-3; letters to disciples on literature, 604ff; on Goethe and Shakespeare, 605, 606; on Valmiki & Vyasa, Homer & Shakespeare, 605; on Donne's poetry, 606; on psycho-analysis, 607;

"four Aurobindos", 607-8; question-answer duet, 608-9; The Future Poetry, 610ff; Ahana, 620ff; experiments with classical meters, 625ff; system of true quantity, 625-6; hexameter, 625-7; the mantra, 629ff; overhead aesthesis, 630; on technique, 630-1; The Bird of Fire, 632ff; Thought the Paraclete, 632ff; Rose of God, 634ff; A God's Labour, 636; poet of Yoga, 637ff; llion, 638H; sonnets, 647ff; 'Inconscient', 647-8; 'Evolution', 648; 'Surreal Science', 650-1; 'Electron', 651; 'The Infinite Adventure', 652; Savitri, 653-92; accident to leg, 655ff; human-divine life, 693ff; at the time of cyclone, 693; resumed talks, 694; on Spengler, 694; on modem art and poetry, 695; on his biographers, 696; deep interest in the war, 696ff; Hitler & Napoleon, 696-7; spiritual intervention in the war, 697, 704-5; on Quisling, 697-8; on Churchill's Government, 698; 'The Children of Wotan', 699ff, 707; on Nazi rule, 700, 707; on the resignation of the Congress ministries, 701; on ashramites' pro-Hitler feelings, 702; on Hitler as the Asura, 702-3; support to allied cause, 704; support to Cripps' Proposals, 706, 728; allied war as dharma yuddha, 708H; message to Congress leaders, 711; Independence Day message, 7128"; birthplace as 'Mujib Nagar', 713; on Gandhiji's martyrdom, 714-5; C. R. Reddy on, 715; message to Andhra University, 715-6; publication of The Life Divine and Collected Poems and Plays, 717; contributions to Bulletin, 718ff; on perfection of body, 718-9; Mind of Light, 720H, 743; on the world situation, 721-2; on Korea and Chinese aggression, 721-2; interviews to Tagore, Levi & others, 723; on Golconde, 723-4; Brahmabandhab on, 728; Gandhiji on, 730; Justice Chatterjee on, 730; Munshi on, 731; on Yogic cure of maladies, 732; on leaving his body, 732; the Bhrigu astrologer's forecast, 733; illness, 733ff; false dawn and night, 734; tributes, 735; disciples' reactions, 735ff, 747ff; last darsan, 736, 739; the body charged with supramental light, 736ff, 741; victory in death, 737; "spiritually imperial", 737; Hindu's tribute, 738; burial under

"service tree", 739-40; Mother's hymn of gratitude, 741; the nine withdrawals, 741; divers roles, 742; the occult reason for the final withdrawal, 742; the samadhi, 744,751; on Mother's consciousness, 748; on Mahasaraswati, 748-50; proliferation of influence, 752ff; E.F.F. Hill on, 752; Robert Bristow on, 752; advice to Government on the Indian French possessions, 754; Jean Herbert on, 760-1; Memorial Convention, 762ff; Shyamaprasad's tribute, 763; Mother on what he represents in world's history, 781; his "action", 781, 784; on the spiritual revolution, 784; admonition, 785; prayer and prophecy, 785-7

Auroville, 770ff; the Mother's dream of a typic society, 770,772-4; Sri Aurobindo's vision of human unity, 770ff; as universal town, 773-4; UNESCO'S approval, 774; Charter and Inauguration, 775; role of children,775-6, press tributes, 775-6; advanced colony, 776; Adiseshiah on, 777, 778; role of TV in, 777-8; inauguration of school, 779; Matrimandir, 780

Bahadur, Naresh, 761

Baji Prabhou, 68, 114ff; a mini-epic, 114; a modem Thermopylae, 116; rich in tragedy and triumph, 118; spiritual connotation, 118,119, 174, 177, 185

Baker, Sir Edward, 322, 368m

Bande Mataram, 19, 76, 88, 119, 194, 201, 218, 219ff; started by Bepin Pal, 219; named after Bankim's song in Ananda Math, 219; the song as battle-cry, 220; refrain used by Bharati, 220-1; paper as organ of Nationalist Party, 222ff, phenomenal impact of paper on public, 222ff; Sri Aurobindo's editorial brilliance, 222ff; financial problems, 234; prosecution of Sri Aurobindo as editor,

243ff; acquittal, 246, 253, 254, 256, 263, 268, 271, 277, 279, 282ff, 288, 292, 295ff, 304, 306, 307, 308, 311, 325, 336, 346, 369,399 ,514, 521, 522, 530

Bandopadhyaya, Upendranath, 285, 286, 288,289, 321

Banerjee, Jatindranath, 62ff, 189,208, 281

Banerjee, Surendranath, 14, 190, 205, 220, 226, 269ff, 349

Baptista, Joseph, 521, 523, 531,727

Basanti Devi, 48

Bases of Yoga, 598

Basu, Arabinda, 752

Baudisch, A., 753

Beachcroft, C.P., 325,328,329

Bengalee, The, 34,183, 281, 312, 332, 335, 338

Bentinck, Lord William, 13

Bergson, Henri, 441

Besant, Annie, 266, 272, 412, 521

Bhagavad Gita, The, 6, 84, 156, 192, 285, 289ff, 297, 317, 318, 319, 336, 343, 344, 448, 449

Bharati, Shuddhananda, 579

Bharati, Subramania, 16,220,221,235,375, 378,382ff,391,405

Bhartrihari, 50, 68, 69, 88ff

Bhasa, 147

Bhattacharya, Abinash, 64, 190, 208, 219, 306,308,309, 538

Bhavani Mandir, 194ff, 209, 282, 298, 304, 346,370; packet of political and spiritual dynamite, 194; filiations with Ananda Math, 194; example of Vivekananda, 195; a brahmāstra to fight the alien rule, 195; mobilising strength by invoking Bhavani, 197; wanted mandir, math and Karma Yogis, 198; impact on youth, 198; bureaucracy's reactions, 199ff, both Virgin and Dynamo, 200

Bhavani Mandir Scheme, 288ff


Binyon, Laurence, 32, 35, 44, 70, 695

Birley, L.,313,314,324

Birth of Sin, The, 169, 169-72

Birth of the War-God, The, 91, 92ff

Blunt, Wilfrid, 242

Bose, Bhupal Chandra, 65,222

Bose, Jogendra (Sri Aurobindo's uncle), 28, 35, 49

Bose, Khudiram, 305, 306

Bose, Rajnarain, 25-27, 49, 62, 222

Bose, Sailen, 308, 309

Bose, Satyendra, 324ff

Bose, Saurin, 375, 377, 380, 405

Bottomley, Gordon, 177

Brahmananda, Swami, 64, 217,387

Brain of India, The, 337, 353

Bermond, Abbe, 634

Bresson Henri Cartier, 732

Bristow, Sir Robert, 752

Browning, Oscar, 33

Browning, Robert, 171,177,615

Brunton, Paul, 609

Buchanan, D.A.,11

Buddha, The, 7,211, 239,498, 568

Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, 551, 718

Byron, Lord, 78, 490, 614

Caliban upon Setebos, 171

Cameron, D. R., 692fn.

Carlyle, Thomas, 241, 271,352

Carmichael, Lord, 378, 408

Carpenter, Edward, 615

Cavour, Count, 237

Centre of Education, Sri Aurobindo International, 762ff; establishment of International University Centre, 763; renamed Centre of Education, 764; students and faculties, 765; basis of education at the 'Centre, 765ff; free progress education, 767; research in Yoga, 768; and the Ashram, 769; man as God's "secret workshop", 769

Century of Life, The, 88ff, 91

Chaitanya, Sri, 9, 258

Chaki, Prafulla, 289m, 305, 306, 307, 350

Chakravarti Prafulla, 289

Chakravarti, Shyamsundar, 222, 225, 242, 273,306, 324

Chakravarti, Suresh (Mom), 367,375ff, 377, 379ff, 405

Champaklal, 693, 739

Chanakya, 498

Chandidas, 72

Chandradip, 579

Chandrasekharam, Veluri, 411, 427, 440, 536,540

Chatterji, Amarendranath, 285-6

Chatterji, Baidyanath, 317

Chatterji, Bejoy, 222,324

Chatterji, B. C., 217, 239, 272

Chatterji, Bankim Chandra, 15, 16, 19, 27, 49, 50, 58ff, 184,194, 219-20, 228, 235, 280, 281, 321, 514

Chatterji, N.C., 730-1

Chattopadhyaya, Harindranath, 511

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 613,616

Chaudhuri, Haridas, 751, 752

Chaudhari, Nirad C., 450

Chidanandam, Veluri, 531fn, 544,546fh

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, 78

Chirol, Sir Valentine, 269

Chitrangada, 100, 106, 185

Clough, Arthur Hugh, 639

Colebrooke, Henry, 13

Confucius, 212

Continent of Circe, The, 450

Conversations of the Dead, 338

Cornville, 134,140

Cotton, Sir Henry, 36-7, 204, 206

Cotton, James S., 31, 33,37, 38

Cousins, James H., 610ff

Craegan, Superintendent, 308

Crew, Lord, 369-70 Cripps, Arthur, 32

Cripps, Sir Stafford, 706ff, 710, 754,782

Curzon, Lord, 202ff, 204ff, 224, 268, 294, 304

Daly, Dr., 317, 321

Dante, 92, 619, 636

Das, C. R., 64, 68, 77, 79, 282, 326ff, 343, 411, 528, 529, 531ff, 727

Das, Hemachandra, 62, 64

Dass, Poushpa, 774

Datta, Aswini Kumar, 184, 269, 343

Datta, Bhupendranath, 199, 234, 245, 305

Datta (Dorothy Hodgson), 526, 540, 548, 549, 575

Datta, Ullaskar, 219, 325, 329ff

Dattagupta, Birendranath, 365

David-Neel, Alexandra, 395, 396, 399, 525

Dayanand Saraswati, 15, 16, 19, 60,452

Defence of Indian Culture, A, 404,448

de Mello, Melville, 760

Derozio, Henry, 14,25

Deshmukh, C. D., 760

Deshpande, Keshavrao G., 47,55,56,57,64, 189,193

Deuskar, Sakharam Ganesh, 190

Dev, Radhakanta, 14

Dharma, 50, 201, 335, 336, 344ff, 359,361, 368, 370, 399,449

Divina Commedia ("The Divine Comedy'), 92, 663-64

Diwakar, R. R., 66 Donnelly, Morwenna, 736

Dream of Surreal Science, A, 160, 650-51

Drewett, The Rev. William, 29ff

Drewett, Mrs.,30,31

Dibreuil, Jouveau, 384

Dupleix, SS, 374, 376, 377, 379

Dutt, Charu Chandra, 189ff, 193, 207,208, 285fn, 286, 322

Dutt, Kanailal, 324ff

Dutt, Michael Madhusudan, 25,49,50

Dutt, Romesh Chunder, 11, 81fn, 83, 662

Eknath, 9

Eliot, T. S., 209,294, 318,491, 513,535

Englishman, The, I'll, 340

Epictetus, 48

Eric, 119,141ff, 642,646; set in Norwegian Heroic Age, 141; gods active behind the scenes, 142; Aslaug and Hamlet, 145; not Thor but Freya, 145

Essays on the Gita, 283, 404, 448, 463ff; Gita's place in India's scriptural literature, 464; presenting the essential message, 464; Arjuna-Krishna, Nara-Narayana, 464; existential situation, 464; three arches, works-knowledge-love, 464; wide range of comprehension, 465; central argument, 465; the idea of sacrifice, 466; Krishna as friend and avatar, 466; dual role of avatar, 466; King-Knowledge,

King-science, 467; visvarupa and after, 467; the supreme exhortation, 468; message of the Gita, 468, 514, 516, 751

Ferrer, H. N., 325, 639, 695

Fitzgerald, Edward, 164

Flecher, Justice, 369,377

Foundations of Indian Culture, The, 490ff; image of Tree of Indian Culture, 490-1; denigrators & apologists of Indian culture, 491; Archer's incomprehension and insolence, 491-2,494; his political axes, 491; "a journalistic fake", 492; "Western" & "Indian", 492; insufficiency of reason & science, 493; integral Indian view, 493; Archer as Devil's advocate, 493; blind to India's spirituality, 494; place of asceticism in Indian life, 494-5; artha, kama, dharma, moksa, 494; charges against India, 495; heyday of Indian culture and civilisation, 495-6; decadence & renaissance, 496; facet-by-facet study, 496ff; essentials of Hinduism, 496-7; messengers of the Spirit, 497; Veda, Upanishads, Gita, 497; roads to Realisation, 497; "India has lived and lived greatly", 497; positive ideal of Indian culture, 498; Western charge against Indian culture, 498; India and Western Art, 498-9; "form" in Indian art, 499; India's sacred architecture, 500; Kalahasti & Simhachalam, 500; Taj, mosques, tombs, 500; sculpture & painting, 501ff, 502; Olympian and Indian gods, 501 ;Ajanta marvels, 503; the adoration group of Mother & Child, 503; the Great Renunciation, 503; on Indian literature, 503ff; "a mass of absurdities" 504; Veda and Upanishads, 504ff; unparalleled legacy, 505; the Mahabharata & Ramayana, 505; Kalidas, 505; regional literatures, 50'6; Radha Krishna cult, 506; ancient Indian polity, 508; self-poised and balanced, 508; balance upset in later times, 508; organisation of Government, 508; close participation of all the "four orders", 508; three-tier Government, 508; unity of spirit and culture, 509; Yuga Sandhya of a new India, 509; renaissance in India, 509; compared with the Celtic & Japanese, 510; a future for India, 510-1

Fraser, Sir Andrew, 246fn

Fry, Christopher, 147

Fuller, Sir Bamfylde, 204, 224, 248

Future Poetry, The, 404,448,511,610ff; the mantra, 610-1, 612; the poetic word, 611; the poet as seer, 611-2; on Chaucer, 613; on the Elizabethans, 613-4; on Paradise Lost, 614; on Byron and Wordsworth, 614-5; on Homer and Whitman, 615; five powers of poetry, 616; Sun of Poetic Truth, 617ff; form and verbal expression, 618; role of the future poetry, 619, 660

Gait, E. A., 311

Gandhi, Kishor H., 439fn, 471

Gandhi, Mahatma, 16, 228, 230, 231, 264, 283, 464, 521, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 533ff, 571, 710, 715

Gandhi and Anarchy, 530

Gangadharam, 579

Garibaldi, 237

Ghose, Barindra Kumar, 29, 30, 62ff, 189, 192ff, 195, 208, 211, 217, 219, 229, 266m, 274, 275-76, 281, 284, 288, 289, 290, 298fn, 320, 329ff, 523, 531, 537, 574, 763

Ghose, Benoy Bhushan, 28, 29, 31, 35, 36, 45,49

Ghose, Biren, 367

Ghose, Hemendra Prasad, 222, 324, 763

Ghose, Krishnadhan, 25ff, 33,35ff, 183,192; death of, 45ff

Ghose, Manomohan, 28,29,3 1ff, 35,43,46, 49,192,223,695 Ghose, N. N., 255ff, 258-59

Ghose, Sarojini, 29, 49, 66, 192, 211, 219, 235,308,312,324,326

Ghose, Sisirkumar, 690

Ghose, Sudhir, 722

Ghose (Ghosh), Surendra Mohan, 286fn, 701-02, 71 1ff, 728, 733, 754, 762, 763

Ghose, Rash Behari, 225,226, 263-64,267,

270,292, 295

Ghoshal, Saraladevi (Chaudhurani), 62, 266, 282,287,530

Gladstone, W. E., 259 God, 157

Goethe, 43, 658

Gokak, V. K., 690

Gokhale, G. K., 206,216,225,227,264,267, 296, 341 ff, 349, 390

Gooch, G. P., 713

Gossain (Goswami), Narendranath, 320ff, 323-24, 325,334

Goswami, Yogi Bejoy, 63

Guhathakurta, Chittaranjan, 234

Guhathakurta, Manoranjan, 63, 287

Gupta, Nolini Kanta, 14, 193, 285, 288-89, 298, 306, 309, 329, 335, 370, 376, 380ff, 405, 536, 541, 655, 690, 709, 725, 740, 742,763

Gupta, Rameshwar, 690

Gurdjieff, G. I., 442

Guru Nanak, 8, 9,497,498, 564

Haldar, Haridas, 218

Halliday, F. L., 308-09

Hamsa Sandesa, 97

Hansraj, Lala, 234

Hardinge, Lord, 369

Hartmann, Nicolai, 441

Hastings, Warren, 194

Hegel, 418,441

Heidegger, Martin, 416, 442,750

Heraclitus, 404, 51 1ff; review of R. D. Ranade's paper, 512; an Apollonian mystic and seer, 512; Being and Becoming, 512; Heraclitean and Hindu thought, 512; relative standards and divine standard, 513; Fire as force and intelligence, 513; Heraclitus and divine Ananda, 514

Herbert, Jean, 760

Hero and the Nymph, The, 69, 70, 90, 94ff; Sri Aurobindo on Pururavas and Urvasie, 94; his handling of blank verse, 94ff; polychromatic rhapsody, 96ff; an Elizabethan play predating the Elizabethans, 98fn

Hill, E. F. F., 752

Hitler, Adolf, 127-28, 695, 696ff, 707, 711

Homer, 21,605

Hopkins, G. M. 330, 536, 615,695

Hour of God, The, 209

House of Brut, The, 120, 152, 153-54

Human Cycle, The, 404, 448, 470ff; revised version of 'The psychology of Social Development', 472; Lamprecht's psychological cycle, 472; theories of Frazer, Spengler, Toynbee, 472; Vedic or 'Symbolic' Age, 473; a predominantly spiritual age, 473; 'symbol' to 'type', 473; 'typal' to 'conventional', a dead end, 474; individualist revolt, 474; collectivist backlash, rise of the god-state, 474; rise of 'subjectivism, 475; subjectivism and objectivism, 475-6; 'community' the middle-term between individual and humanity, 476; barbarism, civilisation, Philistinism, 477; the sensational man, 477; role of religion, 477; beyond the ethical and aesthetic man, 477; infrarational, rational, suprarational, 477; totalitarian swing away from rationalism and democracy, 478; way of spirituality, 478; the dream and reality of communism, 478; socialism and human egoism, 479; beyond Marx, Lenin and Mao, 479; need for a subjective or spiritual turn in individual and social life, 479; the Kingdom of God, 480; the coming spiritual age,480, 490, 658, 751

Huta, 684H, 690, 753

Huxley, Aldous, 417, 423, 694


Hymn to Durga' (Durga Stotra), 298, 786

Hymns to the Mystic Fire, 455ff

Ibsen, Henrik, 79

Ideal of Human Unity, The, 404, 470ff; the problem of 'collective man', 481; beyond group, community, nation to the human totality, 481; freedom and security, role of little nations, 481; mutuality and interdependence of individual and aggregate, 481; uniformity not the law in life or mind, 482; society and state, 482; limitations

of the organised state, 482; egoism of the national state, 482-3; possibility of World Union, 483; Nature's way of building up aggregates, 484; religion of country or nationalism, 484; free association preferable to compulsion, 484; external support less important than subjective readiness, 485; spiritual religion of humanity, 486; compared with the views of Tagore, Toynbee, Radha-krishnan,486,490

Ilion, 71,100,155,623,638ff;sources, 639; evocation of doom, 640

Penthesilea-Achilles motif, 64 1ff; role of the divinities, 642H; the women actors, 643; the intended conclusion, 643-4; similes, 644H; its metre, 645; the "unwomanly" woman, 646; Herbert Read on, 690

Imam, Syed Mehdi, 579

'Indian Majlis', 34, 37,183, 281

Indian Patriot, The, 244, 340

Indu Prakash, 55, 57, 59, 184ff, 188, 194, 206, 217, 218, 220, 228, 268. 277, 281, 338, 514

In the Moonlight, 164-66, 169; Amoldian high seriousness, 164; first and last questions, 164; science is not enough, 165; towards the Age of Gold, 165,186-87

Invitation, 161-62

Iqbal, Sir Muhammad, 446

Isha Upanishad, 337, 351, 459H; reconciliation of fundamental opposites, 460; different commentaries on, 460m; spiritual pragmatism of Isha, 461; Isha and Kena.461

Iyengar, Padmanabha, 299

Iyengar, V. Ramaswami (Va. Ra.), 380,405, 525,536

Iyengar, K. V. Rangaswami, 380, 525

Iyengar, S. Srinivasa, 340fn, 527

Jadhav, Khasirao, 47,63,216,202,260,394, 507

Jadhav, Madhavrao, 47, 216

Jauhar, Surendranath, 750, 760,764

Jayaswal, K. P., 508


Joan of Arc 55,191

Johnson, Lionel, 99

Jones, Sir William, 13

Joyce, James, 535

Julius Caesar, 140

Kabir, 9, 497

Kalidasa. 10,50, 69ff, 90H, 337, 695

Kama, 169, 172

Kanungo, Hemachandra, 216, 326

Kant, Immanuel, 416

Kara-Kahini, 307fn, 308ff, 314H, 318, 320

Karmayogin, The, 201,250, 335,336ff, 345, 346ff, 359ff, 362H, 370, 375, 376, 390, 399, 449, 514, 531

Kathasaritsagara, 147

Katha Upanishad, 337

Kazantzakis, Nikos, 649

Keats, John, 30,41,176,177

Kena Upanishad, 337,459, 461ff, and Isha, 461; comparison with Mother's prayer, 462; and stair of consciousness, 462; and The Life Divine, 463

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 722

Khanna, Ravindra, 690

Khaparde, G. S., 227, 269,272, 528

Kimberley, Lord, 37

Kingsford, D. H., 246, 305,307, 313

Kingsley, Charles, 128

Kipling, Rudyard, 12, 241

Kitchener, Lord, 205

Krebs, K. A., 572

Krishnaprem, Yogi (Ronald Nixon), 468

Langley, G. H., 752

Lawrence, D. H., 215,615

Lele, Yogi Vishnu Bhaskar, 274fr, 279-80, 289, 291, 318, 387, 389

Levi, Sylvain, 550

Life Divine, The, 17, 20, 22, 122, 404ff; a declaration for the future, 419; greatly planned, 419; key opening 419; materialist denial and ascetic refusal, 420-1; omnipresent Reality, 422; 8 principles, 423; the double soul, 423; 2 hemispheres, 424; Supermind the link-principle, 424, Vedic intimations, 424; middle state of

mental man, 425, involution-evolution, 425; ascent-descent-integration, 426; lights from Taittiriya, 426; other past intimations, 426; founding the Life Divine upon earth, 427; world-existence as Shiva's dance, 427; origin of ignorance, 428; lila, tapas, 429ff; Ignorance & Nescience, 430; origin and nature of error, 430; good and evil, 432; the turn towards Knowledge, 433; from Ignorance to Knowledge, 434; Karma and rebirth, 434; dynamics of spirituality, 434; ascent towards Supermind, 436ff; steps of ascent, 436ff; higher mind, illumined mind, intuition, overmind, 436-7; emergence of Gnostic being, 437ff; current evolutionary crisis, 438; Mind of light, 439; a Manifesto for the Future, 440; tributes, 440; synthesis of West & East, 440-41; compared with Plato, Plotinus & others, 441-2; with Heidegger, 442; with Gurdjieff, 442-3; with Teilhard de Chardin, 443ff; Supermind & Omega Point, 444; Sachidananda and Cosmic Christ, 445; Vedanta & Christianity, 445; Vedantic Christianity, 446; Iqbal as Islam's Aurobindo, 446; compared with Zen Buddhism, 446; with Marxism, 4467; epigraphs in, 448,460,463,469,470, 490,514,516,518,550-1,565,647,656, 658,751

Lights on Yoga, 598


'Lotus and Dagger', 34, 37, 62,183, 281

Love and Death, 69, 106, 107ff, 119, 174, 177, 185, 647; source in Mahabharata, and Hellenic parallel, 108; paradisal, infernal, terrestrial, 110; descent into Hell, 112ff; the Temptation Scene, 112-13; Love's labour's won, 114

Lucas, F.L., 71

Macaulay, Lord, 13, 42-3, 491

Macdonald, Ramsay, 205,216, 369

Madgaokar, G. D., 208

Mahabharata, The, 5, 50, 63, 68, 69, 80ff, 88, 108,147, 250, 646, 661ff, 664, 666

Mahatmas: Kuthumi, 169, 173

Maid in the Mill, The, 119, 120,152, 153

Maitra, S. K., 20

Majumdar, R. C., 235

Majumdar, Ramachandra, 366,367

Malaviya, Madan Mohan, 227

Mandukya Upanishad, 169

Manikkavasagar, 497

Manicktolla (Gardens and bomb factory), 201, 288ff, 298fn, 306, 307, 309; mantra, 611,612,628ft, 635

Marlowe, Christopher, 655, 690

Marx, Karl, 447

Marxism, 446,447

Masters, John. 12

Mazumdar, Ambika Charan, 227,228

Mazumdar, Sardar, 274, 275,276, 323, 389

Mazzini, 191, 233

Measure for Measure, 132 ;

Mehta, Pherozeshah, 227, 264, 267, 272, 273,295

Menezes, Armando, 695

Meston, Lord, 11

Meghaduta, 91ff, 97

Milton, John, 34,39,176,177,241,314,415

Minto, Lord, 205, 206, 237, 240, 248, 304, 350,365, 368, 390

Minto-Morley Reforms, 240ff, 261, 340ff, 348,362, 364

Mistral, Gabriel, 515

Mitra, Krishna Kumar, 229,317, 343, 408

Mitra, Sisirkumar, 9, 12, 25fn, 324, 578, 774fn

Mitra, Sukumar 374

Mitter, Barrister P., 62ff, 282

Moonje, B. S, 263,266fh, 269,528-9, 530; 531,706,727

Morley, John, 205, 237, 240ff, 259-60, 295, 305, 364, 365, 368, 389

MOTHER, The (Mirra Alfassa), Sri Aurobindo's reading of her Yogachakra, 380, 395; birth, childhood, girlhood, 395; student of occultism, 395; on general aim to be attained, 396, 471, 770ff; spiritual diary, 396; Prayers and Meditations, 396ff; voyage to India, 397; the meeting, 397, 525; "His presence is enough", 397-8;

collaboration on Arya and Revue, 3989,470; meditations on the European war, 400ff; on evolutionary process, 403; launching L'Idée Nouvelle, 405; Radha 's Prayer, 407; learning Sanskrit and Bengali, 407; departure for France, 407; illness at Lunel, 408; correspondence with Sri Aurobindo, 408ff; departure for Japan, 410; "India is free", 522; second coming to Pondicherry, 525-6; moving with Datta to Sri Aurobindo's house, 526; orderly management of the house, 5401; installing Sri Aurobindo as Master and Lord of Yoga, 541; on consciousness, 547; spiritual guidance, 547; on Siddhi day, 548; translation of Synthesis, 551; Barindra on her role, 574; on vibration of Harmony, 591; on Savitri, 659, 662; as Savitri, 685; on the Partition, 711; on the Soul of India, 712; prayer to Mother India, 714; on energy inexhaustible, 719; visit of André, 726; talk with Sri Aurobindo on leaving her body, 732; on Sri Aurobindo's passing, 735ff, 739-40; Kapali Sastry on, 748; Surendranath Jauhar on, 750; assurance to Sanyal and Jauhar, 750; K. M. Munshi on, 750; desire to become Indian citizen, 755; spiritual Flag of India, 755; on youth, 756; on the law of sacrifice, 757; Supramental descent, 757, 759; the Grace of her giving, 758; on the Ashram's growth, 759; message to Sri Aurobindo Centres, 760; message to Delhi Branch of Ashram, 760; on the aim of the Ashram School, 762; message to Sri Aurobindo Memorial Convention, 762; about the University Centre, 764ff; letter to Jauhar, 764; message to children, 766; on Supramental Education, 767; 90th birthday, 770; her Dream, 773; inauguration "of Auroville, 775; on Auroville, 777; on what Sri Aurobindo represents in the world's history, 781

Mother of Dreams, The, 330

Mrinalini (Sri Aurobindo's wife), 65ff, 192, 21 1ff, 219, 235, 265, 266, 291, 375; letter from Sri Aurobindo on his mahāvrata,

212ff; wife as husband's sakti, 13

Mugali, R. S., 460 Muhling,Jobst,779

Mukherjee, Haridas and Uma, 199, 218m

Mukherjee, Jatindranath (Bagha Jatin), 266, 287,310

Mukherjee, Jogendranath, 190

Mukherjee (Mookherjee), Radhakumud, 223,248

Mukherjee, Satis Chandra, 218, 220, 229, 248

Mukherjee, Shyamaprasad, 763

Mukhopadhyaya, Pramathanath, 252-53

Mullik, Nirod, 219,243

Mullik, Subodh, 208, 218, 219,222

Munshi, K. M., 17,21,52,215,706-07,764

Muzzafferpore bomb action, 305ff, 387

Nag, Bejoy, 336, 370, 374ff, 377-78, 379ff, 382,405

Nag, Kalidas, 28, 763

Nagai Japata, Guru, 380

Naidu, Sarojini, 266

Nair, Sir Sankaran, 530

Nammalvar, 497

Nandakumar, Prema, 112fn, 133,134fh, 140, 148,152m, 341, 383m, 640, 646, 690

Naoroji, Dadabhai, 11, 190, 227, 228, 273

Napoleon, 20

Narayana Guru, 16

National Value of Art, The, 337, 353, 354-55

Navajata, 775

Nava Sakti, 284, 308

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 490,728,735

Nehru, Motilal, 229, 522,531

Netter, William T., 778

Nevinson, Henry, 205,207,269

New Lamps for Old', 56ff, 184,190, 228, 281

Newsman, J. H., 490

Nietzsche, 441-42

Nirodbaran, 215, 577-78, 589, 594, 599ff, 604, 608-09, 655, 657, 693-94, 707, 743, 744

Nishikanto, 758, 730

Nivedita, Sister, 63, 221, 235, 266, 282, 287, 338-39, 346, 348, 359, 367, 368, 391

No Compromise, 190, 208

Norton, Eardley, 312, 313ff, 324, 326, 327, 343

Odyssey, 71

Okakura, Baron, 62

Olsson, Eva, 445

O'Malley, L.S.S.,11

Omar Khayyam, 415

O'Neill, Eugene, 640

Pal, Bepin Chandra, 201, 217, 218, 219, 221, 223, 235, 237, 244, 245-46, 299, 301, 302, 334, 399

Pandit, M.P, 579, 690, 747

Panikkar, K. M., 722

Parabrahman, 158

Paradise Lost, 614, 664

Parnell, Charles Stewart, 42-3,191,281,328

Partition of Bengal, 201, 204ff, 282, 294

Patkar. R.N.,51,52,53,195

Patwardhan, Annasaheb, 276

Pavitra (P. B. de St. Hilaire), 539ff, 576

Pearson, N., 516fn

Perse, St. John, 78

Perseus the Deliverer, 68,119,120,139,186, 242, 327, 642, 646; conflict in the play both individual and cosmic, 121; dialectical progress through conflict and change, 121-22; ludicrous and tragic traits in Polydaon, 122; development of action, 122ff; Polydaon and Hitler, 127; development of Perseus-Andromeda myth, 127-28; union of Power and Pity, 129, 147

Phenomenon of Man, The, 443ff

Phillips, Stephen, 32

Pillai, V.O. Chidambaram, 235, 266fn, 299, 300

Pinto "Udar", 579, 739

Piper, Raymond R, 20, 515

Plato, 48, 418, 441

Plotinus, 441

Poddar, Arabinda, 26fh

Prasad, Narayan, 579

Prince of Edur, The, 119,120, 152,154-55

Prince of Mathura, The, 119

Pringle-Kennedy, Mrs. and Miss, 305, 365

Prothero, G. W., 33, 37

Psychology of Social Development, The, See The Human Cycle

Punjabee, The, 234, 246

Pujalal, 579

Purani, A. B., 21, 34, 276, 411, 459, 536ff, 694

Purani, Chhotalal B., 276, 536, 537

Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli, 187, 511

Rehman, Mujibur, 282fn, 713

Rai, Lajpat, 201, 227, 234, 235, 237, 262, 264, 267, 270ff, 324, 406fn, 528, 529, 534,727

Rajagopalachari, C., 231, 531, 533,706,707

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, 16,19, 25, 48, 60, 188, 192, 193, 195, 197, 211, 278, 557-58

Ramalinga Swami, 60

Ramamurti's ("the modern Bhima Sen"), 276, 300-01

Ramana Maharshi, 16

Ramanuja, 9, 416,448, 498, 564

Ramayana, The, 5, 50, 69, 80ff, 140, 250, 341


Ranade, M. G., 16, 57, 60

Ranade, R.D.,511ff

Rakshasas, The, 169

Rao, B. Shiva, 412

Rao, G. V. Subba, 534

Ratcliff, S. K., 223

Raymond, Lizelle, 339

Reddy, C. R.,55,521,715-16, 718

Renaissance in India, The, 510-11

Revue de la Grande Synthèse, 399

Richardson, Dorothy M., 17

Richard, Mirra, see "The Mother"

Richard, Paul, 380, 395ff, 404, 414, 525

Riddle of This World, The, 598

Rig Veda, 4,448,455

Rilke, R.M., 691-92

Rishabhchand, 577, 744

Rishi, The, 164, 166ff; an Upanishadic dialogue, 166; zigzagging the way to Truth, 166; One Truth and degrees of reality,

168; "Seek Him upon the earth", 168-69; echo from Mandukya, 169, 173

Risley, H. H., 203-04, 207, 236, 248


Rodogune, 120, 134ff, 146, 646; sources, Appian and Cornville, 134-35; transmutation of material, 135; progress of acton, 135-39; significant character-development, 140; tragic katharsis, 140; animal imagery, 141

Rolland, Remain, 17

Rose of God, 635ff

Rowlatt Committee's Report, 200

Roy, Dilip Kumar, 20, 21, 67, 243, 390, 393, 399, 515, 538ff, 575, 599, 604, 607-08, 708, 730, 743

Roy, Dinendra Kumar, 50,51, 207

Roy, Dwijendralal, 76, 538

Roy, M. N., 287, 704fn

Roy, Motilal, 367,370ff, 374,381,391,525, 527,540,574

Roy, Rammohan, 13ff, 16,17,19,25,336

Russell, Bertrand, 566,574-75

Russell, G. W., 37

Sakhare Baba, 274

Samuel, Viscount, 422fh

Sanjivani, 229, 317, 331, 336

Sanyal, P., 734, 737,739, 750

Sapru, Sir Tej Bahadur, 529

Sarada Devi, 67

Sarkar, Rajani, 306rn

Sarkar, Satish, 365

Sartor Resartus, 111

Sastri, V. S. Srinivasa, 16, 529

Sastry, T. V. Kapali, 457, 459, 463fn, 547, 579,690,747

Satprem, 37 1ff

Savage, D. S., 443

Savarkar, V. D., 266, 378

Savitri, 17, 20, 22, 100, 129,169, 327,415, 442, 459, 636, 646, 647, 653ff; Vyasa's Savitri, 653, 661-62; earlier versions, 653; "anew adventure", 654; "Kalidasian movement", 654; "Work in progress", 655-56; piecemeal publication, 656ff; Advent on, 656, 657; Krishnaprem on,

657; Compared with Faust, 658; R. F. Piper on, 658; levels of meaning in, 65960, 690; the Mother on, 660,662,685ff, 688ff; sadhana and recordation, 660; length and structure, 662, 667; "dawn" to "greater dawn", 663; symbolism of, 664-65; Savitri's avatar-role, 665 ff; Aswapathy's Yoga, 667 ff; the Vision and the Boon, 669-71; symbolic procession of the seasons, 670; the quest and the choice 671-72; interiorised Yoga, 673; occult Kurukshetra, 674ff; Sri Aurobindo on, 677ff; "overhead" and mantric touches, 680ff; divers planes of consciousness, 68 1ff; autobiographical nuances, 684; Mother as Savitri, 684, 691; Huta's paintings, 685ff; "the supreme revelation of Sri Aurobindo's vision", 688; H. 0. White and Vivian de Sola Pinto on, 689; Sanskrit translation, 690; use in sadhana, 690, 691; "the Ultimate Poet", 692

Sayaji Rao, Maharaja, 38,46ff, 63,66

Sea at Night, The, 176

Secret of the Veda, The, 404ff; unity of physical & cultural life throughout India, 450; no racial or linguistic chasm between 'Aryan' and 'Dravidian', 450-51; little 'history' in the Vedic hymns, 450-51; Veda, a treasure-house of spiritual culture, 451; Brahmanas and Upanishads, Karma and Jnana, 451; Sayana's ritualistic interpretation, 451-52;Westem naturalistic interpretation, 452; Dayananda's restoration of Veda as religious scripture, 452; Sri Aurobindo's new look into the Veda, 452; Rishis as poets and mystics, 452; parallelism and symbolism, 452; symbolism of sacrifice, 453; Veda as high-aspiring Song of Humanity, 454; the seven-fold cosmic scheme, 454; the linkworld of satyam-rtam-brhat, 454; microcosm is macrocosm, 454; Sri Aurobindo's translations from Veda, 455; Hymns to Agni, 455-57; language of the Veda, 456; who is Agni, 456; a god elect, eclectic, unique, 457; 'Apri' hymns, 457;

Varuna, Mitra, Indra, Vayu, 457; Usha, Aswins, 458; Savitri, Ribhus, Vishnu, Soma, 458; Veda Unveiled, 459,473,490

Seetaraman, M. V, 672

Sen, Indra, 760

Sen, Keshub Chunder, 16, 185

Sen, Kshitish Chandra, 244

Sen, Sushil, 305, 307

Sethna, K. D. (Amal Kiran), 21,38,71,103, 112fn, 177, 576ff, 587, 589, 604, 638, 654, 655, 656, 662, 690, 705, 717, 721, 722,730, 779

Shah Jehan, 2, 20

Shakespeare, William, 21,30,140,152,177, 241,242,313,605,613

Shankakara, 9, 416,446,448,498

Shankara Chettiar, Calve, 375,380,382,391

Shankaragauda, 579

Shams-ul-Alam, Maulavi, 309,321,365ff

Sharma, Balai Dev, 252

Shelly, P. B., 30, 31, 177

Shivaji, 115ff, 190,257,280,293,498

Shore, F. J., 12

Singh, Guru Govind, 257

Singh, Karan, 47fh, 256fn

Singh, Prithwi (Nahar), 578

Singh, Sardar Ajit, 234, 235, 242,269,376

Sircar, Mahendranath, 13

Siva, Subramania, 299, 375

Smith, Jay Holmes, 753

Songs of the Sea, (Sagar-Sangit), Tiff; Sri Aurobindo on Sagar-Sangit, 77-78; and Childe Harold and Perse's Amers, 78; symbolism of the sea, 78

Songs to Myrtilla, 38ff, 68,71, 72

Sophocles, 21

Sorokin, Pitrim A., 751

Spiegelberg, Frederic, 17,20,751

Spinoza, 418

Srinivasachariar, Mandayam, 375ff, 391, 405,525

Standard-Bearer, The, 527

St. Paul, 445

Statesman, The, 222-23, 237, 247

Strachey, Lytton, 177,241

Supramental Manifestation upon Earth, The, also Mind of Light, 438-39, 718

Swarnalata Devi, 25,27, 30,48

Synthesis of Yoga, The, 404ff, 415,448,490, 492, 514, 516, 550ff; structure of 55051; French & Hindi translations, 551; "all life is Yoga", 551; towards self-perfecton, 551; harmony of inner and outer activity and experience, 551; three rungs in life's ladder, 562; different Yogas & a synthetic Yoga, 552, 562; Hatha, Raja, 553ff; Kundalini Sakti, 554; samadhi, 554; Karma Yoga, 554; Jnana Yoga, 554.55; drawbacks of older Yogas, 555-56; Amitabha Buddha, 556; interdependence of Yogas, 557; Yoga of transformation, 557; Ramakrishna's Yogic versatility, 557-58; key to all Yogas, Bhakti Yoga, 555, 558; Vedanta & Tantra, 558; mukti and bhukti, 559; the nuclear analogy, 558, 559,560-61,566;Yogas as practical psychology, 560; jada, vaidyuta, saura Agni, 560-61; fundamental Agni, 561; sadhaks, sadhana, siddhi, 561; suddhi, siddhi, mukti, bhukti, 561; levels of consciousness, 562; Gita's. Yoga, 562; ideal of Satya Yuga, 563; supramental Yoga, 564; multiform & all. inclusive Yoga, 564; the "newness" of the Yoga, 565; faith and knowledge, 566; 4 instruments of Yoga-Siddhi, 567ff; Guru, 567, 572; aspiration, rejection, surrender, 568; aspiration and Grace, 569; Sakti and Supermind, 569; supramental change & transformation, 570; an Earthly Paradise, 570,659

System of National Education, A, 337, 353

Tagore, Debendranath, 16, 26

Tagore, Rabindranath, 15, 16-17, 62, 147, 220,244,247,273,550,571, 615

Tandon, Purushottamdas, 534

Tegart, Sir Charles, 287

Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 442,443ff

Telang, K. T., 15

Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 164, 177,615, 690

Tehmi, 595

Théon, M., 396

Thompson, Francis, 631

Thor, with Angels, 147

Thornhill, T.,310,370

Thought the Paraclete. 632-34

Tilak, Bal Gangadhar, 16, 19, 63, 189, 190, 192, 201, 206, 222, 227, 229, 235, 236, 237,262ff, 266fh, 267ff, 284,333fn, 343, 452,464,490,521,527,529

Towers, Robert Mason, 49

Triumph-Song of Trishuncou, The, 162,390

Truman, Harry S., 721,722

Tukaram, 9,280,497

Twelfth Night, 133

Tyberg, Judith (Jyotipriya), 751

Ulupy (Uloupie), 106

Upadhyaya, Brahmabandhab, 190,245,305, 326,728

Urvasie, 68,99ff; Lionel Johnson on, 99; Sri Aurobindo's integral approach, 99; 'dawn' in, 100; 'mortal mightier than the God's, 102; comparison with the Chitrangada story, 106; as epyllion, 106

Uttarapara Speech, 315,317,333ff, 338,385, 572

Vaidyanathaswami, R., 736

Valmiki, 10,20, 84, 605,615

Vasavadutta, 120, 147ff; sources, 147; moves and counter-moves, 148ff; "controlled experiment", 150; psychological subtlety and dramatic intensity, 152

Venkatanatha (Vedanta Desika), 97


Vidyapati, 72

Vikramorvasie, 94,98m, 99

Vidyasagar, Iswar Chandra, 14-15,16

Vijayaraghavachar, c., 529

Vijayatunga, J., 736

Vision of Science, A, 159-60,161,169

Vivekananda, Swami, 15, 16, 48, 63, 184, 195,197,235,258,278,287, 305, 321, 336,338, 339, 389

Viziers of Bassora, The, 69, 119-20, 129ff; source in Arabian Nights, 129; action of the comedy, 129ff; the Caliph as "masked Providence", 132; a legend of likeable women, 133,139

Von Kleist, Heinrich, 639

Vyasa, 10, 84, 605

War and Self-Determination, 487ff; the governing idea, 487; not machinery but change in consciousness, 487; the world crisis, 488; the sutradhara behind, 488; the Russian revolution, 488; Asiatic resurgence, 488; "half-truth" of self-determination, 489; League of Nations, 489; retrospect and prospect, 489

Waste Land, The, 10, 114,294, 535

Wedgewood, Colonel, 530

Wells, H.G., 511

Whitehead, A. N., 441

Whitman, Walt, 78, 615

Who, 161

Wilson, Horace Hayman, 13

Wilson, Margaret Woodrow (Nishta), 577

Wilson, President Woodrow, 413

Wingfield-Stratford, Esme, 13

Witch of Ilni. The, 119,152-53

Woodroffe, Sir John, 491

Wordsworth, William, 176,177,614-15

Yajnavalkya, 416,505

Yeats, W.B.,615ff

Yogic Sadhan, 336,380,405

Younghusband, Sir Francis, 17,202

Yugantar (Jugantar), 199, 217-18, 219, 234, 242, 243ff, 247, 284, 288ff, 399

Zaehner, R. C., 446

Zetland, Marquess of, 200

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