Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis

  On Gita



Being equal minded towards happiness and suffering, gain and loss, victory and defeat, engage yourself in the battle.



Become, O Arjuna, free from dualities, ever-balanced, unconcerned with acquisition and preservation and seated in the inmost self.



Perform action, O Arjuna, being fixed in Yoga, renouncing attachments and seated in equality in regard to success and failure. Equality is verily Yoga.



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He whose mind is not perturbed by adversity, who does not crave for happiness, -who is free from attachment, fear and honour, — he is the man of wisdom with intelligence fixed in equality.



He who is content with what he obtains without fever of strain, he who has transcended dualities, and he who is without envy and is equal in success and failure, he remains free even though engaged in action.



Men of wisdom are those who have an equal eye for the brahmin imbued with learning and humility, a cow, an elephant, a dog and the despised.



Those whose mind is seated in equality have conquered phenomenonal existence here itself. As the Brahman is flawless and equal in all, even so they stand established in the Brahman.



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He who is seated in the Brahman, and who is the knower of the Brahman, fully awakened with stable intelligence, — he does not get excited by obtaining what is pleasant and does not get aggrieved by obtaining what is unpleasant.



The highest self of the one who is tranquil and who has conquered the lower self is seated in equality in regard to cold and heat, pleasure and pain, honour and dishonour.



He who is satisfied with the knowledge of the essence and the knowledge of manifestation, who remains unshaken, who has conquered the senses and to whom clod, stone and gold are the same, — he is called a Yogin.



He stands out distinguished among all whose intelligence is impartial in regard to friends, companions, enemies, neutrals, arbiters, haters, relatives, saints and sinners.



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He who is settled in Yoga has an equal eye everywhere, and he sees himself in all beings and all beings in himself.



He who sees Me everywhere and sees all in Me, he never becomes lost to Me, nor do I become lost to him.



He who, seated in all beings, worships Me with Steadfast oneness, he is a Yogi living in Me even though spread out in every way.



He who sees everywhere an image of himself, and he who has an equal eye for happiness and suffering, O Arjuna, he is regarded as the supreme yogin.



He who hates none and he who has friendliness and compassion for all, who is Selfless, devoid of egoism, equal in suffering and happiness, forgiving—

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Ever content, self-controlled and possessed of firm conviction, and one whose mind and intelligence are consecrated to Me, that Yogi, My devotee, is dear to Me.



He by whom the world is not afflicted and whom the world cannot afflict, he who is free from joy, honour, fear and anxiety, he is dear to Me.



He who is devoid of wants, who is pure and efficient, seated high above and free from all trouble, and he who has renounced all egoistic initiative, and who is My devotee, - he is dear to Me.



He who does not get excited nor does he get depressed, he who envies none and desires nothing, who has given up all good and evil, and he who is full of devotion, he is dear to Me.


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He who is equal to the enemy and the friend and he who remains equal in honour and dishonour, in cold or heat and in pleasure and pain and who is free from attachment, — To whom censure and praise are equal, who is silent, and who is content with anything, homeless, steady-minded, full of devotion, — that man is dear to Me.

12.18 - 19


He who sees the Supreme Lord seated equally in all beings, imperishable in all that perishes, he verily sees.



Because he sees the Lord, seated equally everywhere, and since he does not destroy self by the self, therefore, he attains to the Supreme goal.



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He who is equal in misery and happiness, settled in well-being, viewing a clod, stone and gold alike, free from preference for the pleasant and unpleasant, firm and the same in censure and praise, — He who prefers neither honour nor dishonour, neither friend nor foe and he who has renounced all egoistic initiative, he is said to have transcended the Gunas ( modes of Nature).

14.24 - 25


He who does not desire to give up a disagreeable work or who is not attached to an agreeable work, and he who is imbued with sattwa and a steady mind where all doubts have been dispelled, — he is the renouncer.



He who has become one with the Brahman, whose self is ever glad, who desires for nothing and grieves for nothing, and he who is equal to all beings, — he attains to supreme devotion for Me.


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Kireet Joshi, (b.1931), studied Philosophy and Law at the Bombay University. He was awarded Gold Medal and Vedanta Prize when he stood first class first in the M.A. Examination. He was selected for I.A.S. in 1955 but resigned in 1956 in order to devote his life to the study and practice of Sri Aurobindo's Yoga at Pondicherry. He was responsible for the establishment of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education at Research at Auroville.

Invited by the Union Government of India he joined the Ministry of Education as Educational Adviser in 1976 and later as Special Secretary in the Ministry of Human Resource Development. He was Member of the University Grants Commission from 1982 to 1988. He was also Member-Secretary of National Commessions on Teachers which submitted two voluminous reports in 1985.

His works include, "A Philosophy of Education for the Contemporary Youth", "A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man", "A Philosophy of the Role of the Contemporary Teacher", "Education for Personality Development", and "Sri Aurobindo and The Mother". He has also edited "The Aim of Life" and "The Good Teacher and the Good Pupil".

He is currently the President of the Dharam Hinduja International Centre of Indie Research. He is also Honorary Chairman of the Value Education Centre.


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