Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body

Part I

The Mysteries of the Human Body

A Vision of Body and Spirit - Vedic Wisdom

in the Mysterious Words

of the Vedic Wisdom

A mighty child

in the womb,

he is called the son of the body.

Rig-Veda ffl.29.2


He discovered the truth

the sun

dwelling in the darkness.

Rig-Veda, HI.39.5


The treasure of heaven hidden in the secret cavern

like the young of the bird,

within the infinite rock.

Rig-Veda, 1.130.3

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Follow the shining thread

spread out across

the mid-world

Rig-Veda, X.53.6


He has cloven

wide away the darkness,

even as the cleaver of beasts a skin,

that he may spread out our earth

under his illuminating sun.

Rig-Veda, V.85.1


What shall I do

with that by which

the nectar of immortality

is not obtained?

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, IV.5.4

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Violent are they,

yet comrades of

a firm gleaming Strength.

Rig-Veda, V.52.2


O master of energy

they have called you

as giver and never resting from meditation.

Rig-Veda, IV.31.7


O Tree that keepest the delight,

start apart

like the womb of a mother

giving birth,

hear my cry and deliver me.

Rig-Veda, V.78.5

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Full of solid might

is their shining energy,

sharp is their outflashing light.

Rig-Veda, V.86.3


And thou hast opened

the very Rock to light

by the flashing strength

and thou hast found

the wideness.

Rig-Veda, V.30.4


He the handsome Messenger moves

between earth and heaven.

Rig-Veda, ffl.3.2


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He has entered

earth and heaven

as if they were one.

Rig-Veda, ffl.7.4


O fire, when thou art

Well borne by us

Thou becomest

The supreme growth

And expansion of our being.

Rig-Veda, II. 1.12


When fierce strengths

Our earth's pleasant growths

Start away from their roots,

Our earth herself

trembles and vibrates

and even her mountain.

Rig-Veda, V.60.2

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The horses that

the Breath of Life has yoked

Are yoked well.

Rig-Veda, V.31.10


In the streams

of its wide-flowing flood

they purify themselves

and garb themselves

with its densities,

and here

They break open the material hill.

Rig-Veda, V.52.S


Which of you has awakened

to the knowledge of this secret thing

that it is the child

Who gives birth to his own mothers.

Rig-Veda, 1.95.4

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It spreads and assails

the Black Dense.

Rig-Veda, 1.92.5


Storm about

with thy car full of the Waters,

let the high places

and the low be equalled

with each other.

Rig-Veda, V.83.7


I beheld afar

in a field

one shaping his weapons

who was golden-tusked and pure-bright of hue;

I give to him the immortal essence in several parts...

Rig-Veda, V.2.3

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Our fathers broke open the firm and strong places

by their words, yea,

the Angirasas broke open the hill

by their cry;

they made in us the path

to the great heaven;

they found the Day and Swar and vision

and the luminous Cows.

Rig-Veda, 1,71.2


They who entered

into all things that bear right fruit

formed a path towards immortality;

earth stood wide for them

by the greatness of the Great Ones;

the mother Aditi with her sons

came for the upholding.

Rig-Veda, 1.72.9

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