Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2


A. E. (GEORGE RUSSELL), 64, 286 -"Desire",64n

-"Endurance", 286n

Adam, 116

Addison, 79n

-"Hymn", 79n

Adityas, 28-9

Aeschylus, 86

Aesop, 258

Afghanistan, 284

Agni, 16, 19-20,22-3,28, 33-5, 45, 157 61, 164, 166, 180,214

America, 198,284

Ananda, 133

Andamans, 103

Ansars, 267

Antigone, 187, 273

-Aphrodite, 182

Apollo, 180, 182

Aragon, 88

Aristotle, 89, 248

Arjuna, 254

Arnold, Matthew, 71, 189,234

-Essays in Criticism, 234n

Arya, the, 131,227-8

Asia, 284

Asuras, 159

Aswins, 45

Atri, 162


Aurelius, 70


Bacon, 108

Banerji, Sanat Kumar, 230n

Banquo, 171

Barnardo, 173-5

Baudelaire, 66, 78, 94, 96, 214, 287

-us Fleurs du Mal, 95n

-"Correspondances", 287n

-"L'Aube spirituelle", 95

-"Le Couvercle", 95


-"L'Irremediable," 95

-"Les Petites vieilles", 66n

Bauls, 223

Bayle, 1O9n

-Nouvelle de la Ripublique des Lettres, 1O9n

Beethoven, 163

Bengal, 164, 228, 235, 261

Benois, 153

Berdyaev, Nicholas 129

Bergson, lOin., 248, 286

Bhattacharya, Purnendu Prasad, 215 -"I Embark", 214

Bible, the, 50

Blake, 74, 76, 81, 125-6, 128, 240

-"Auguries of Innocence", 74n., 81n


Bcdhisattwa, 242

Bonnefoy, Yves, 216

Brahma, 28-30

Brahman, 23, 25, 28, 34, 39, 51, 98, 105, 119, 165,234, 243, 278, 280, 359

Bridges, 88

Browning, Robert, 71

Buddha, 34, 57-8, 130, 133, 242, 267, 274, 277-9, 281-3, 298, 304

Buddhism, 242, 276-8, 280, 282-3

Page 371

Bunyan, 68

-The Pilgrim's Progress, 68

CANADA, 284 Cezanne, 152


Char, Rene, 207

"Chanson des Etages", 206

Chattopadhyaya, Harindranath, 69n

-The Strange Journey, 69n

-"Blue Profound", 69n

Chicago, 196n

China, 133, 281

Christ, Jesus, 68, 107, 114, 116-18, 120, 122-4, 129, 240, 267

Christianity, 120, 125, 240, 244, 276 Coleridge, 84, 235

-Kubla Khan, 84

Commonwealth, 284, 290

Communism (Sovietic), 253

Confucius, 281

Cousins, James H., 52n

-New Ways in English Literature, 52n


Dante, 53, 60-1, 71, 85, 169, 176,219

-Inferno, 53, 60n., 149, 169n

-Paradiso, 53, 71, 149

Danton, 103

Delille, 85


Descartes, 286

Dhammapada, 279n

Diocles, 108, 109n

Dionysus, 182-3

Dirghatama, 162-6

Discabolo, 170

Donne, 74, 80

-Divine Poems, 80 ln

-"Annvnciation", 81n

-"The Litanie", 80n

-The Progress qf the Soule, 80n


Dryden, 85

Duncan, 170



Edgar, 171-3

Egypt, 298

Einstein, 300

Eiseley, Loren, 295n

- The Immense Journey, 295n

Eliot, T. S., 88, 140-4, 147-8, 196, 205

-"Burnt Norton", 142n., 144n., 146-7n

-"East Coker", 14On., 145n

-"Little Gidding", 141n., 145-6n

-."The Dry Salvages", 145-6n., 148n

-"The Hollow Men", 140, 149n

-The Waste Land, 140

Elsinore, 185

Encyclopaedists, the, 286

England, 205, 253, 284

Epicurus, 108, 1O9n

Euclid, 107

Euripides, 73, 86

Europe, 58, 60, 199, 243, 253, 273, 284-5, 289

FAKIRS, 221, 223

Fascism, 253, 262

Flaubert, 88

France, 66, 193, 198, 205, 253, 284, 298

Francisco, 173-4

French Revolution, 103, 266, 274 Freud, Sigmund, 126


Gargi, 5-6

Germany, 253

Ghcse, Prof. Manmohan, 230, 234 Gita, the, 7, 17, 24, 51, 53, 58, 73, 114, 117-18, 12In., 145, 149, 166, 180, 235, 239n., 274

Gloucester, 171-3

Goethe, 71, 88, 135-6, 138-9

Graves, Robert, 180, 182,218

-New Poems 1962, l80n

-"The Ambrosia of Dionysus & Semele", 180n., 183n

Greece, 73, 193-4, 196n., 281

Gupta, Atul, 234

Page 372


-"To His Tutor", 68n

Hamlet, 185

Hardy, Thomas, 71, 88

Hegel, 246

Hilton, Walter, 114

-The Scale if Perfection, 115 Himalayas, the, 151

Hinduism, 242, 276-8, 280

Hitler, 274

Hobbes, 108

Homer, 52, 73, 83, 85-6, 93, 147, 176 Horace, 89

Horatio, 173-5

Housman, 88

Hugo, Victor, 52

Huxley, Aldous, 114, 131-3, 144, 181

Index expurgawrius, 23

India, 53, 73, 105, 175, 199, 217-18,

222, 226, 228-9, 231, 235, 239, 244, 250, 253, 255, 257, 259-61, 267-9,274,276,.280-1,284,289-92, 297-8

Indra, 13, 22, 28, 42, 44-5, 180 Iqbal, 62n

Isaiah, 118

Italy, 253

JAPAN, 228, 253

Jeanne d'Arc, 192

Jerusalem, 115, 122-3

Joyce, 88


Judas, 120

Jung, III

Juno, 182

Jupiter, 108, 180

KALI, 24n., 218 Kalidasa, 39, 85, 98, 176, 181 -Shakuntala, 162 Kant, 246

Kanwa, 162

lOIn., 162, 170,

Kasyapa, 133

Keats, 68, 78n., 98

-"Ode on the Poets", 78n

Ken, 68n

-"A Morning Hymn", 68n

Krishna, 180, 218

Kronos, 159

Kushika, 220

Kutsa, 162


Lalan the Fakir, 223

Lamartine, 54

Laocoon, 170

Lao Tzu, 132

Lawrence, D. H., 88

London, 127, 163

Lucifer, 5, 125

Lucretius, 52, 70, 101

-De Rerum Natura, 52

Luther, 273


Mahabharata, the, 73, 235

Maitreyi, 105

Malebranche, 286

Mallarme, 66, 88, 152

-"Les Fleurs", 66n

Mamata, 163

Manchester Guardian, 239n

Manu, 159

Miira, 5

Marcellus, 173-5

Margaret, 138

Marut, 22, 28-9

Marx, 126


Mazumdar, Dipak, 213

-"Baritone", 212

Mazzini, 253

Mephistopheles, 250

Metaphysicals, the, 57, 71,286

Michael Angelo, 170

Milton, 52-3, 85, 93, 125, 147, 163, 168,245

--Camus, 245n

Page 373

-Paradise Lost, 163, 168n

Minerva, 284

Mitra, 45, 157, 159-60, 180, 294

Modern Review, the, 229n

Mohammedanism, 276

Montaigne, 108

Montevideo, 198

Moses, 9-10, 108

Mother, The (La Mere), 228, 287n

-Prieres et Meditations, 287n

Mukherjee, Prabhat, 230

Mussolini, 274

NACHIKETAS, 19-20, 32-3, 35, 105

Naidu, Sarojini, 62n

Nazism, 262

Newton, 300

Nietzsche, 126, 243, 297

North Pole, 27

Norway, 175


Panis, 13

Parasara, 162

Pascal, Blaise, 107-13

-Le Pari, 110

-Les Provinciales, 112

Pasternak, Boris; 185-90

-Dr. Zhivago, 185

-"Earth", 190n

-"Encounter", 189n

-"Fairy Tales", 189n

-"Hamlet", 185

-"Magdalene II", 190n

-"Miracle", 190n

-"Winter Night", 189n

Pax Britannica, 250

Persia, 284

Philolaus, 131

Pilate, 4

Plato, 247-8, 275n., 279

Poetry, 196n., 207n

Pondicherry, 228

Pope, 85

Pound, Ezra, 88

Pravahan, 22 Pythagoras, 30


Rama, 187

Ramayana, the, 235

Ramprasad, 218

Reformation, the, 273

Renaissance, the, 71, 239

Renard, Jean-Claude, 209

-"Et Les lIes Feront Silence", 208-9n

Rochefoucau1d, 108

Roerich, Nicholas, 150-3

Romains, Jules, 186

Romanticism, 87-8

Romantics, the, 87, 186

Rome, 117

Romeo, 176

Rousseau, 186, 274

-The Social Contract, 274

Rudra(s), 28, 30, 56,339

Rudriyas, 31

Russell, Bertrand, 114

Russia, 253, 294, 298

Ruysbroeck, 114


Sainte Beuve, 62

Samain, Albert, 65n

-Au Flanes du Vase, 65n

-"Pannyre aux talons d'or", 65

Sarama, 13

Saraswati, 84

Satan, 120, 125, 136-9

Saul, 9

Seferis, George, 192-3, 196-7

-Poems, 192n

-From Log Book I, 192n

-"The Return of the Exile", 192n

-From Log Book II, 195n

-"Postscript", 195n

-From Log Book III, 193-5n

-"Engomi", 193n., 195-6n

-"Helen", 193-4n

-"Salamis in Cyprus", 195n., 197n

-"Three Mules", 194

-Gymnopaedia, 192n

-"Santorin", 192-3n

-Mythistorema, 194n., 196n

-"Just a little more", 196n

Page 374

-"South Wind", 194n

Semele, 182

Seneca, 70

Sethna, K. D., 68n., 74n

-The Secret Splendour, 68n., 74n -"Deluge",68n

-"The Errant Life", 74n Shakespeare, 6, 52, 57, 71, 83, 85, 93, 168, 170, 176, 178, 233-4, 266

-A Midsummer Night's Dream, 57n

-Hamlet, 163, 173, 175n., 185n

-King Lear, 171, 173n

-Macbeth, 170, 171n

-Romeo & .Juliet, 176n

-Sonnets, 178-9

-The Winter's Tale, 233n

Shankara, 246, 277, 282

Shelley, 68, 71, 98, 235

Shita1a, 180

Siddhacharyas, 164, 221-2, 225

Siddhas, 221

Siva, 31, 278

Socrates, 12, 58, 73, 98, 239, 281

Soma, 23, 28-9, 44-5, 165, 167, 184

Song if Solomon, 66-7

Sophocles, 73, 86, 187, 189

Spain, 205

Spengler, 297

Spenser, 68

Spinoza, 98

Sri Aurobindo, 49, 52, 54, 55n., 58-62, 64-5n., 67n., 75-6n., 81n., 1O2n., 126, 132, 135, 162n., 176, 179, 183-4, 224, 226-9, 233, 235, 248, 286

-Collecwd Poems & Plqys, 59n., 1O2n.,

287n -"A Child's lmaginaticn", 60n

-"Abana" (Ahana & Other Poems), 59n., 1O2n

-"Parabrahman", 55-6n -

"Radha's Appeal" (Songs to Alyrtilla), 67n

-"Reminiscence", 60n

-"The Other Earths", 183

-"The Rishi", 55n

-"Thought the Paraclete", 58n

-"Trance of Waiting", 287n

-"Transformation", 19n., 64n

-"Who", 54n

-Savitri, 65n., 75-6n., 81n., 177n., 179

-The Future Poetry, 227

-The Life Divine, 126n., 248

-The Secret of the Veda, 42n

St. Augustine, 115n

-Confessions, ll5n

St. Francis, 83, 240

St. Jacques, 107

St. Paul, 9-10, 108

Stalin, 267

Stalinism, 262

Stendha1, 88

Supervielle, Jules, 198

-"Alter Ego", 199-200

-"Lui Seul", 201

-"Saisir", 201


Syria, 284

TAG ORE, RABINDRANATH, 53, 62n., 64, 66, 97-102, 222-3, 226-30, 288

-Balaka, 228

-Gitanjali, 99n

-"The Golden Boat", 64n

-"Salutation", 266n

Tantras, the, 28-9, 165

Terence, 239n

The Eternal Wisdom, 131

Theocritus, 86 .

The Times Literary Supplement, 62n., 126n Thibon, Gustave, 126-7

Thompson, Francis, 143

-"The Hound of Heaven", 143n Times, 127

Titan, 97, 159

Turkey, 284



United Nations Organization, 263

Upanishads, the, 6, 8-9, ll-12, 15, 23, 25-30, 35, 37, 39-40, 50, 53, 57, 69, 73, 75, 77, 82-3, 96, 103-4, 120, 129,132, 149, 182,250,264-5, 281, 368

Page 375

-Aitareya, 18n

-Brihadaranyaka, 14, 15n., 18n., 29-30n

-Chhandogya, 12, 20n., 25

-Katha, 19n., 69n

-Prasna, 38

-Taittiriya, 44n


Vaishnavism, 100

Valery, 88

Valmiki, 39-40, 62, 73, 83, 85, 187,235 Varona, 28-9, 45, 157, 159-61, 180, 294

Vashishtha, 162

Vagus, 28

Vaughan, 80

-"They Are All Gone", 8On

Vayu, 166

Vedas, the, 9, 13-14, 21, 27-9, 37, 42, 104, 162, 166, 278, 281

-Rig Veda, 13n., 18n.,26, 30,36, 42-5n., 157, 160, 163-6n., 184n., 220

-"Ode to Darkness", 220

Virgil, 53, 85, 93

Vishnu, 30-1, 278


Visva Bharati, 228

Vivekananda, 103-5, 241, 253-4, 299

-From Colombo to Almora, 103

Voltaire, 85, 286

Vyasa, 39, 58, 62, 73, 235

WARNER, REX, 192n., 194n

Whitman, 150

Williams, Charles, 93n

'The Last Voyage" (A Little Book of Modern Verse), 93n

Wordsworth, 68, 71, 83, 88, 168, 186, 230-1, 233-5, 281n

-(Memorials of a Tour in Scotland)

-"The Solitary Reaper", 68n

-Miscellaneous Sonnets, 232n

"It is a beauteous Evening, calm and free", 232n

-"The World is too much with us", 68n., 169n

-Ode on the Intimations of Immortali y, 234

-Poems Dedicated to National Inde pendence & Liberry, 233n

-"Milton! thou shouldst be living at this hour", 233n

-Poems of the Imagination, 231-2n

-"I wandered lonely as a cloud" (The Daffodils), 169n., 232n .

-"Laodamia", 231n

-"She was a Phantom of delight", 232n

-"Three years she Grew", 233n

-"To a Skylark", 232n

-(Poems Referring to the Period of Childhaod)

-"Lucy Gray", 230n

-"We Are Seven", 281n

-Prelude, 234n

World War, First, 228, 249

Wu Ch' ng- n, 133

YAJNAVALKYA, 5-6, 29-30, 126, 242, 299

Yama, 13, 19-20, 32-5, 157, 159-60 Yeats, W. B., 94n

-The Wind among the Reeds, 94n

- "The Lover tells of the Rose in his Heart", 94n

ZEUS, 159, 182

Zhivago, 186-8

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