Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2

Of Desire and Atonement

WHEREVER you meet a ray of real light, a gleam of genuine beauty, a particle of true truth- go back with it to its original source. Follow the track to the end and you will find yourself in the embrace of the Divine.


Close not your senses -however earthly they may be. Fling them all wide open -open always and everywhere, but to the Divine.


Life itself becomes Art - the very highest form of Art - when it is moulded in the rhythm of the Supreme Beauty, when its steps follow the cadences of the Divine.


Every softening of the heart towards things of the earth is a hardening of it to the things of Heaven.


Of the host of desires you cherish, not many are really fulfilled; and even these are fulfilled only in a way.

Not much is lost by not harbouring desires; mostly, it is not enjoyment of desire, but the deceptive pleasure of anticipation that you lose.

Desirelessness brings about a sovereign fulfilment, not of

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desires, but of the out - reachings of a divine Will in you, of which your desires are the negation.

Desire lost opens the way to the enjoyment of Delight supernal.


There is not much virtue in going down the slope; all can do that-for the natural gravitation of the consciousness is downward.

He is the hero who resists the temptation to let himself slip, even for a moment, even to the extent of a hair's breadth.


The only atonement for a wrong thing done is to do the right thing on the next occasion.


Tapasya: Never to let yourself slip down, always to maintain your progress up the slope.


Never say, "I cannot." Look more closely, you will find that it means in reality, "I want not."


Each difficulty can be an opportunity for a new progress. For what is meant by a difficulty ? A flaw in the nature brought before the consciousness that it may be dealt with and remedied.

Behind every difficulty is hidden a Truth; overcome it and a passage is made clear for that Truth's manifestation.

Every apparent Negation is an index to an Affirmation waiting behind it.

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You increase your difficulty by thinking it difficult; consider it easy and it will be made easy to you.

Maya is real only because you - are unwilling to think it otherwise; once awake from Maya and you will find not only that it is no more, but that it has never been.


Facts by themselves are not great or small; it is the forces behind them that give them their real stature.

Facts have value in so far as they are significant-significant of forces, of dynamic possibilities that work out in and through them.

Facts in their outward form may even directly contradict the very forces that manifest through them or are embodied in them.


Do not turn back seeing the desert in front. Traverse it with courage and fortitude-for beyond is the promised land flowing with milk and honey.


None is truly weak, not even any limb or element in him. One has only to open to the Universal Power, the Divine Mother; she is the origin and fountain-head of all strength and energy and she can make the mute speak and the lame leap over the mountains.


There is no error that cannot be repaired and even turned to advantage.

There is no loss that cannot be made up and even turned to a greater gain.

Each fall or failure should be only a drawing back so that you can leap to a greater height - till you reach the summit and fall and fail no more.

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Your past has created your present; create by your present the future.

You can not only obliterate the past, but make it even as if it had never been.


As the consciousness rises upwards from the Present and broadens out, it not only creates the Future but also recreates the Past.


Years are not needed to undo the sins of years - a single moment can efface an age.

A solitary second can be the spark potent to explode a whole past.

A dip into the ocean of Grace and you come out clean, shedding all the Past, reborn unto the Future.


A single drop of poison can vitiate the entire stream of whole some blood in the body.

But there is too a Purity, a drop of which can render crystal clear a whole morass of soil and dirt.

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