Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2


THE tempo is enhanced.

Even so moves Life. The other way is towards Death. The infra-red may be the base, the starting; but the run is

towards the ultra-violet.

As you advance, you must quicken your steps. The bird flies quicker than the worm can crawl.

The daring pilot would shoot rocket-like past the sound-barrier.

The body walks slow. The pulse beats swifter: Instincts and desires rush faster still. Thought out-speeds them all.

But consciousness ranges supreme. In its superlative sweep it embraces the two eternities, so it seems to stand still.

Tadejati tannaijati, the Upanishad says.

That is the law of motion. The higher one rises, the more one is freed from the brake of gravitation. The vibration at the highest status is of infinite frequency.

Frequency at infinity is a dead-stop.

But there are two infinities at two ends.

The higher infinity where the acceleration is raised to the maximum possible and the lower infinity where it is reduced to the zero point, the absolute zero.

The two are the immobile ends - the double status.

At one end lies Matter, which is Energy concentrated and stabilised; at the other end lies Consciousness concentrated and stabilised.

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But Energy and Consciousness are commensurables and convertibles.

Consciousness is the luminosity of Energy at work. Energy is the force of emanation of Light.

The potency below is to be transmuted, is being transmuted into the potency above; the two are essentially one.

When they meet and fuse together wholly, there occurs the supreme incandescence, the world Epiphany.

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