Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5

Of the Elephant




An elephant in battle endures arrows shot from a bow. Even so, shall it endure censures, for men in the mass are, by nature, prone to evil.





An elephant, when controlled, can be led to battle; him the king can ride. And among men the best is he who is controlled and endures censures.




Mules, when controlled, are excellent, so also are the pure bred horses of Sindh, so indeed are the mighty tuskers. But best of all is the man who has controlled himself.




With such conveyances you cannot go where none has gone. He who has controlled himself goes out as a controlled person on a controlled mount.




The elephant, by name Dhanapala, is hard to control when in heat. Not a morsel would he eat, if bound; he remembers only his free forest herd.




When one is slothful, when one is gluttonous, one grows in flesh, even like a sleepy pig rolling from side to side – thus the fool is called to birth time and again.


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Till now this mind of mine has moved about doing whatever pleased it. Henceforth I shall thoroughly hold it under control even as the driver with his hook controls an elephant in heat.




Take delight in vigilance. Stand by your mind. Lift yourself out of evil, even like an elephant sunk in a bog.




If you have as your companion one who is intelligent and wise and of perfect conduct, then you will overcome all obstacles and go forward with him, contented and courageous.




If your do not have companion one who is intelligent and wise and of perfect conduct, then live alone, even like a vanquished king who has lost his kingdom or like an elephant alone in the midst of the forest.




Better to live alone, a fool is not a company. Live alone, do no evil, look not about, live like a lonely elephant.




A friend in need is a thing of joy, a more or less satisfaction here and there is a thing of joy, after death a good deed is a thing of joy; it is a joy indeed to have abandoned all griefs.




In the world, it is a joy to serve one's mother, it is a joy also to serve one's father. And it is a joy to follow the path of the Bhikkus, it is a joy to follow the path of the Brahmin.




It is a joy to lead a pure life till old age, it is a joy to possess a firmly established faith, it is a joy to acquire wisdom and it is a joy not to do evil.


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