Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5

The Awakened




His victory cannot be vanquished, a victory none can attain in this world. Which path can lead to the Pathless, the Awakened who dwells with the Infinite?




No desire – which is entanglement and poisonous drink – can


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lead him away. What path can lead to the Pathless, the Awakened who dwells with the Infinite?




The gods even envy those who are wise and given to meditation, who are enlightened and take delight in the solitude of retirement.




It is difficult to attain to human birth, difficult to live the mortal life, difficult to hear of the Right Law; difficult indeed is the advent of the Enlightened One.




Never commit a sin, cultivate good, purify the mind – such is the teaching of the Buddhas.




The Buddhas declare that forbearance whose other name is patience is the supreme austerity, Nirvana the highest station. That one is no monk who harms others, oppresses others.




Do not blame anyone, do not hurt anyone. Concentrate upon the discipline according to the Law. Be moderate in your food, live apart, merged in the higher consciousness.




A shower of gold coins brings no satisfaction to desires. The wise know that desires satiate little and cause only grief.




The aspirant of the perfectly Enlightened does not go in search of even the pleasure in divine desires. His pleasure is in abolishing all desires.




Driven by fear man takes refuge in hills and forests and groves and sanctuaries.


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But these are not the sure refuge, these are not the best. To take refuge in them does not relieve you of grief.




Take refuge in the Buddha, in the Law, in the Cummune and observe with right knowledge the four High Truths that are:




Suffering, the Origin of suffering, the Transcendence of suffering and the Eightfold Noble Way leading to the Annihilation of suffering.




This is indeed the surest shelter, this the best shelter. To come to it is to be freed from all suffering.




A perfected Man is rare to find. He is not born everywhere. Wherever such a wise one is born, all his people attain happiness.




Happy is the birth of the Buddha, happy the teaching of the True Law, happy the solidarity of the Commune, happy the united austerity of all.




He who adores the adorable Buddha or his disciples, such as those who have passed beyond the creation, transcended grief and falsehood, such as those who are fearless and have found deliverance, for him indeed the merits cannot be measured in counts.


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