Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5

The Path




Of all the Paths the best is the Eightfold one, of all the Truths the .best is the Fourfold one, of all the Rules of life the best is detachment and of all men the best is one who has eyes.




This indeed is the Path, none other exists for the purification of vision. Take to this Path. This alone confounds Mara.




Take to this Path and you shall end your suffering. I have known where the thorn hurts and I am explaining the Path.




You must yourself make the effort, the Master only explains. They who take to meditation and follow the Path are freed from the bond ages of the Adversary.




All becomings are transitory. When one sees by the right knowledge, sufferings vanish. Such is the Path of purity.




AIl becomings bring suffering; when man sees by the right knowledge, his sufferings vanish. Such is the Path of Purity.


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All movements are without being; when one sees by the right knowledge, sufferings vanish. Such is the Path of Purity.




When it is time to be up, one keeps lying down, when young and strong one indulges in indolence, when the mind is full of vain notions, when one is so slothful, then one never finds the way to right knowledge.




Keep guard on your speech, control your mind, let not the body act wrongly. Keep these three laws of action clean and follow the Path as directed by the sages.




Concentration brings knowledge, lack of concentration brings lack of knowledge. Know this double Path, one leading to progress, the other to the contrary; engage yourself so that your knowledge may increase.




Cut down the forest of desire, not merely one tree. Danger lies in the forest. Cut down the forest and its bushes, be out of it and free.




As long as a man has not rooted out the last of his desire for woman, his mind remains tied down even as a suckling child is to its mother.




Pull out your self-attachment even as one does an autumn lotus out of the pond. Speak of that Path of Peace alone as is directed by the Buddha.




Here shall I stay during the rains, and here during autumn and summer. A fool only contemplates in this way. He does not know what may just stand in the way.

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Death seizes a man engrossed in his children and cattleheads and carries him away, even like a mighty flood overwhelming a sleeping village.




Children or parents or friends are of no avail in serving you. When Death seizes you none of your family will be your saviour.




A wise man shielded by correct conduct knows this perfectly and blazes his way to Nirvana.


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