Parichand's Correspondence with The Mother

An extract from 'New Correspondences of The Mother'

  The Mother : correspondence


Read Parichand's correspondence with The Mother - in two parts, 'Sadhana and Life' and 'Gardening Work'; it covers the period from 1936 to 1961.

Parichand's Correspondence with The Mother
 The Mother : correspondence

25 October 1938


Some difficulty has arisen in connection with the heap of manure purchased yesterday. We settled the manure price at Rs. 7 mainly on the owner's assurance than it will be at least seven carts of manure. We also thought that the heap would be seven carts, if not more; but now we find that the heap has come to four carts only.

The owner sent a bearer to collect Rs. 7 from us, but we have paid only Rs. 4 and have written to the owner. "We settled the price at Rs. 7 on your giving us the assurance of getting seven carts but as we got only four carts we hope you will have no objection to accept Rs. 4."

We have taken a signed receipt of Rs. 4 from the bearer. If the owner comes or sends a man for the settlement, should we try to cut the price or give him Rs. 7 as settled with him?

If he insists on getting the Rs. 7, I do not see how you can refuse. When you arranged the bargain, instead of giving a lump sum for the heap, you ought to have said R. 1 per cart.


25 October 1938

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