Parichand's Correspondence with The Mother

An extract from 'New Correspondences of The Mother'

  The Mother : correspondence


Read Parichand's correspondence with The Mother - in two parts, 'Sadhana and Life' and 'Gardening Work'; it covers the period from 1936 to 1961.

Parichand's Correspondence with The Mother
 The Mother : correspondence

26 January 1945


This evening I was shocked to hear from Z that You had expressed Your displeasure that none of us were present to supervise the work of the gardener who was found breaking off the dry branches of the Service tree and throwing them roguishly on the ferns below. But he was asked by me Mèrely to remove nests of insects and inject "Agrisol" into their hiding holes. The day before yesterday, when I saw him throw a twig which almost hit a fern plant I rebuked him and directed him to throw such twigs on the concrete floor. X also checked him once. That he acted against our directions proves that he is a knave; he cared little for the plants and thought of stealthily collecting fuel for himself.

Mother, should I take any step against the gardener?

Do not give this work any more to that gardener and if he asks later on for some favour (loan or leave) you can refuse saying that these are reserved for the workmen who are honest, obedient and careful.


26 January 1945

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