Parichand's Correspondence with The Mother

An extract from 'New Correspondences of The Mother'

  The Mother : correspondence


Read Parichand's correspondence with The Mother - in two parts, 'Sadhana and Life' and 'Gardening Work'; it covers the period from 1936 to 1961.

Parichand's Correspondence with The Mother
 The Mother : correspondence

6 April 1955


The gardener P has been in our service about nine years. This year he has again started absenting himself now and then on some excuse or other. He seldom takes my permission. Each time he is absent like this, I ask him to give his reason in writing and show displeasure and deduct from his pay. But he seems not to care for all these deterrents. Sometimes I am prompted to refer his case to the Labour Office, but then a counter-suggestion comes: "There is a general unrest. So better wait for an opportune moment."

I pray for Your guidance.

All depends on the quality of his work. If he works well, be patient.

If the work he does is unsatisfactory, refer to the Labour Office.


6 April 1955

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