Parichand's Correspondence with The Mother

An extract from 'New Correspondences of The Mother'

  The Mother : correspondence


Read Parichand's correspondence with The Mother - in two parts, 'Sadhana and Life' and 'Gardening Work'; it covers the period from 1936 to 1961.

Parichand's Correspondence with The Mother
 The Mother : correspondence

8 February 1947


Yesterday when You came to the Cocotiers garden my mind was calm and glad, but later it was overshadowed for a certain reason. As the clouding effect still endures, I approach You for succour and guidance.

I heard from Z that his workmen were all present when You went to his farm. So also at Cazanove and Nanteuil. Thus when You came to Cocotiers and our workmen stayed on at the end of work, instead of going home, I did not object to their staying inside the garden.

After work, some of them went out to smoke without our notice and came back to foul the garden atmosphere. This incident caused trouble in me and then I felt that as the work was over I had better ask them to go home. But they remained, evidently in expectation of tips.

I pray to know the right procedure for future guidance. Also, will it be advisable now for me to tell them anything about the smoking affair?

There is nothing to say about the smoking provided they smoke outside the working hours and also outside the premises. For another time those who wish to stay may stay but they must not believe I will give them tips because I refuse to make this a habit.

My love and blessings

8 February 1947

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