Basic Yogasana for physical health and fitness - illustrations, explanations & benefits
Physical Edu.
1. Vrikshasana - 1 minute.
Stand erect, feet together. Raise arms sideways to overhead, rise on toes, stretch fully, knees straight, abdomen pulled in.
Stretches the muscles and joints, and prepares the body ...for the various asanas. Also improves the general balance of the body.
2. Ardhachandrasana - half a minute.
Stand erect, feet together. Raise together. Bend as far backward as comfortably possible, knees straight, arms close to ears and straight.
Perfects the control and balance of the body and gives it a feeling of lightness. Improves the spinal flexibility and strengthens the hips. Increases appetite, enhances energy and raises vitality .Enables muscular athletes to tense and strengthen their abdominal muscles in the stretched condition, thus preventing what is known as "Athlete's abdominal cramps".
3. Padahastasana - 1 minute.
Stand erect, feet together. Raise arms overhead. Bend down, head between arms, knees straight, hold ankles to bring head as close to knees as possible.
Lightens the body, removes fat and increases digestive power - a very energising posture. Ensures greater blood supply to the head, removes fatigue due to excessive brain work.
4. Trikonasana - 1 minute each side.
Stand with feet well apart, body weight equally on both feet, knees straight. Raise right arm sideways up touching right ear, palm facing left. Bend trunk laterally to the left -don't push abdomen forward or hips backward, right arm straight and as close to head as possible. Don't take support with left hand.
Repeat same movements with left arm and bend to the right.
Gives a good lateral bending to the spine and helps to keep it flexible and healthy.
5. Tribhujasana - 1 minute each side.
Stand with feet well apart, body weight equally on both feet, arms sideways, palms down. Bend forward -back and arms horizontal, palms down, head up. Twist trunk to right, left hand touching of close to right foot, right arm in line with right leg, look at fingers of right hand. Hold for 1 minute. Come to previous position.
6. Utkatasana - 2 minutes.
Stand erect, feet slightly apart, toes slightly turned out. Bend from the knees (as in sitting on a chair), knees slightly out and vertically over toes) back straight, arms stretched forward (horizontal and parallel), palms down, head up.
Strengthens the leg muscles, lightens the body and brings it under control. A special feature -its practice both strengthens the knee joints and ensures a section there from which the cartilages receive nutrition to keep them mobile.
7. Sarvangasana - 2 minutes.
Lie on your back, arms alongside. Raise both legs together -taking support of hands on the hips and elbows on the ground. Straighten the body -feet, knees, hips and back form one vertical column from the base of the neck to the tip of the toes, feet stretched, toes pointed, chin pressed against the chest. Normal breathing.
Promotes healthy secretion of the thyroid leading to healthy functioning of the circulatory, respiratory , alimentary and genito-urinary systems. Keeps the spine flexible preventing the bones from early ossification. Supplies large quantities of blood to the spinal roots of the nerves, thereby giving them sufficient nourishment.
8. Matsyasana - half a minute.
Sit with legs as in Padmasana - knees bent, feet on opposite thighs, heels towards the abdomen. Lie on your back. Placing hands near the head for support lift your back above the ground, keep the top of your head on the ground over a padded surface, e.g. a towel. Keep your hands on your feet. Normal breathing.
Makes the neck flexible and strong, increases the size of the rib cage, widens the windpipe and thus helps deep breathing. Relieves the neck after Sarvangasana.
9. Pashchimottanasana - 2 minutes.
Lie on your back, legs straight, arms overhead, hands together, palms facing up. Sit up, take hands overhead, back straight, then bend forward to hold the big toes, head between arms and touching the knees.
Reduce abdominal fat. Removes wind from the intestines and increases appetite.
10. Nauasana - half a minute.
Lie on your stomach, legs straight, toe pointed, arms stretched overhead, hands together, palms on the ground. Raise legs (knees straight), arms (hands together), chest and head to form a boat like arch. Do not hold your breath.
Improves appetite. Tones up the muscles of the chest and dissolve abdominal fat.
11. Halasana - 2 minutes.
Lie on your back, arms alongside. Raise legs as in Sarvangasana (you may take help of hands on the hips), then lower them overhead, knee straight, ankles stretched, toes pointed and touching the ground. Arms stay on ground as in beginning, palms on the ground. The posture resembles the shape of a plough.
Makes the spine flexible, creates energy, and increases the supply of blood to the muscles of the back. Aids the functioning of the thyroid and thymus glands thus helping retain the individual's youthful physical characteristics for a longer period.
12. Salabhasana - half a minute.
Lie on your stomach, hands under thighs, palms up, forehead on the ground, feet together, toes pointed. Raise legs as high as you can, knees straight. Do not take support of your hands.
Helps remove all sorts of muscular pains in the lower region of the back. Makes the lumber vertebrae flexible.
13. Janushirasana - 2 minutes each side.
Sit with legs stretched out in front, back straight. Place right foot against left thigh, heel as close to groin as possible. Raise arms overhead, hands together, thumbs locked. Bend down to hold left foot or toes from both sides, head as close to left knee as possible. Left knee should be straight, right knee on the ground. Repeat asana with opposite leg positions.
Increases digestive power. Helps cure urinary troubles.
14. Dhanurasana - half a minute.
Lie on your stomach. Bend knees, hold the ankles. Pull with your hands and push with your legs, knees together, till the trunk forms an arch with only the stomach on the ground.Look up. After releasing the posture lie for a while in Shavasana.
Reduces abdominal fat. The compressing of the spinal column, pressing the nerves with the scapulae (the winged bones at the back attached to the arms) minimises blood circulation while in the asana. But when the pose is released a greater supply of blood is ensured to those very regions increasing spinal flexibility and definitely raising the vitality.
15. Yogamudra - 2 minutes.
Sit with legs as in Padmasana - knees bent, feet on opposite thighs, heels towards the abdomen, back straight. Hold your hands behind the back and on the ground, shoulders squared, head up. Slowly bend forward to touch the ground with the forehead in front of the shins. Don't raise hips.
The purification of the blood is greatly enhanced by this mudra.
16. Chakrasana - half a minute.
Lie on your back. Bend knees, place feet apart and close to hips, place hands overhead, palms beside ears and shoulders. Push with hands and, without moving feet, raise trunk as high as possible to curve the back into an arch, look on the ground between the hands.
Builds a flexible back, stimulates the nerves of the spine. One of the powerful back-bending postures.
17. Utthitapadasana - 1 minute.
Lie on your back, arms alongside. Raise legs to 45 degrees, knees together, toes pointed. Keep lower back pressed to the ground. Normal breathing as far as possible.
Strengthens the abdominal muscles and the legs. Helps cure indigestion.
18. Bhujangasana - half a minute.
Lie on your stomach, forehead on the ground, hands under shoulders. Raise your upper body by the strength of the back muscles, head up. Don't take help of the hands, they may remain on the ground or held on the back over the hips.
Helps in keeping the dorsal spine elastic and strong. Backache due to overstrain can be thus relieved. Helps considerably in reducing abdominal fat.
19. Pavanamuktasana Series - half a minute each (right, left, and both legs - lying and sitting).
Lie on your back. Bend one knee, hold it close to the chest, other leg straight, head on the ground. Repeat with the other knee. Repeat with both knees. Sit with legs stretched in front. Bring one foot close to hips, hug the knee to chest, other leg stretched on the ground, back straight, head normal. Repeat with the other knee. Repeat with both knees.
Removes gas from the abdomen and reduces abdominal fat. Increases the flexibility of the knees and hips.
20. Bhadrasana - 2 minutes.
Sit holding feet together, heels as close to groin as possible, knees as close to ground as possible. Back as erect as possible, head up, chin down, normal breathing.
Specially recommended for those suffering from urinary disorders. The pelvis, the abdomen and the back get stimulated through a plentiful supply of blood. Keeps the kidneys, the prostate and the bladder healthy.
21. Ardhamatsyendrasana - 2 minutes each side.
Variation ASit with legs stretched out in front. Bend right knee, place right foot on left side of left knee, left leg straight. Hold left leg with left hand - keep right knee on the left of left arm. Turn trunk to right, look back over right shoulder, right hand on ground for support or behind the back as close to left thigh as possible. Repeat with left knee bent and trunk turning to left.
Variation BBend left knee, place left foot under right hip. Bend right knee, place right foot on left side of left knee. Hold left knee or right foot with the left hand - keep right knee on the left of left arm. Turn trunk to right, look back over right shoulder, right hand on ground or on waist as close to left thigh as possible. Repeat with left knee bent and trunk turning to left.
Increase the elasticity of the spine, and massages the abdomen and internal organs.
22. Gomukhasana - 2 minutes each side.
Sit with right knee on left, back and head erect, feet on either side of the hips. Hold hands behind the back, right elbow pointing upward and left elbow pointing downward. Repeat with left knee on right, left elbow pointing upward.
Helps proper functioning of the gonad glands. It can be practised to a great advantage just before retiring by those suffering from sleeplessness in which case the timing may be increased to half an hour on each side.
23. Ushtrasana - half a minute.
Kneel. Hold your ankles, push with your hands, arms straight, to raise your chest and from an arch, look up, head relaxed behind.
Removes fat in the abdomen and buttocks. Helps to improve digestion.
24. Ardhakurmasana - 2 minutes.
From Japanese sit (hips on or between the heels, knees together) bend down, arms stretched forward, forehead and palms on ground. Body completely relaxed. Normal breathing.
25. Shashakasana - 1 minute.
Japanese sit. Place top of the head on the ground as close as possible, hold your heels and raise the hips until the arms are straight. Normal breathing.
26. Shirsasana or Half Shirsasana - 2 minutes.
Half Shirsasana - Place top of the head and elbows on the ground, palms at the back of the head, fingures locked - head and elbows form a triangle. Slowly raise hips, straighten legs, to bring head, back and hips in one line, take all body weight on the head, keep feet on the ground for support.
Full Shirsasana - Position of head and arms as above but with legs taken up to vertical in line with the rest of the body, feet stretched, toes pointed - entire weight on the top of the head. Normal breathing. After coming down rest in Shavasana for one full minute.
Gives a rich supply of blood to the brain and a good nourishment. A powerful nerve tonic, it invigorates, energises and aids the digestive power and also helps to purify the blood.
27. Veerasana - 2 minutes.
Japanese sit. Hands on knees, abdomen drawn in, chest up, back straight, shoulders squared, head erect. Normal breathing.
Aids digestion and helps cure sciatica.
28. Abdominal breathing - 20 to 30 reps.
Lie on your back, arms alongside, feet near hips, knees raised and together. Place one hand on the stomach and do deep breathing. The hand is not to press but merely feel the movement of the stomach which rises as you breathe in and sinks as you breathe out. When you breathe out contract the abdominal muscles pulling them in towards the backbone.
Improves the diaphragmatic, complete breathing. Massages the abdominal organs, improves the peristaltic movements of the intestines thus helping good bowel movements.
29. Shavasana - As long as one is comfortable.
Lie on your back, feet slightly apart, toes slightly turned out, hands a little away from the body, palms up. Breathe normally, through the nose. Deliberately loosen up each and every muscle. Imagine you are a floating cloud or a piece of cloth on the floor. You can concentrate in your heart and feel relaxed, relaxed, relaxed - absolutely free from all thought, completely relaxed. You must feel light, light, very light.
Makes the muscles soft and pliable and enables the blood flow to return to its normal pace.
Free body warming movements (5 minutes)
Timing for each Asana may be as desired
Equality of the external being means good health, a solid body, controlled nerves—when you are not shaken by the least shock, when you are calm, quiet, poised, balanced. In that condition you can receive into you a great force in yourself from above (or, from the environing energy around you) and yet not get upset. If one of you at any time had received some such force, he must have known by experience that without a perfectly sound physical health, one could not contain or hold it. You cannot remain still, you are restless, you move about, talk, cry, weep, jump or dance, just to throw out the energy you are unable to hold. You scatter about what it is not possible for you to gather and assimilate. In order to be able to gather and assimilate the force, the body and the nerves must be quiet and strong.
(Based on The Mother's talk)
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo > Equality of the Body...
Pranab conducting his Asana class, September 1994
Pranab Bhattacharya
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