What I Have Learnt From The Mother


Q - Dada, you have written in your book that Mother gave you a present. But what does it exactly mean ?

Dada - Yes, it was in 1968. I told Mother that I am receiving your present. She was very happy. She made the contact of outer personality with the psychic being inside. And it is permanent. It was permanently achieved. Whatever work one does the contact is always there. In the beginning the Mother told me that whenever it will appear that the contact has gone behind the veil, sit back in your chair and call me "Ma, Ma, Ma" and it will come back. Actually it was like this.

Q - What is the effect of this contact or what does one feel when one is in conscious contact with one's psychic being ?

Dada - One feels a sense of great certitude, a peace, a calm, ananda and an absolute trust in Her. One knows what to do or what not to, what is right from what is wrong and goes straight and secure on one's way. There is no more worry for anything.

Q - How to know that what we are doing is right or wrong?

Dada - When something is done which is not correct, one feels an itch, an uneasiness and becomes at once alert that something has gone wrong and corrects oneself.

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Q - Will it be the basis of the work we do?

Dada - Whatever work we do, any, any work, this inner realisation must be the basis. Without this all outer perfection does not have much value for us. Work is meant to be a bridge between the inmost being and the outer personality. What we gain inside must be stabilized in our mind, life and body through work only. You remember Her message "Whatever work you do, do it as perfectly as you can. That is the best service to the Divine in man." Work must be done for this purpose, as a service to Her, always remembering Her, then only it becomes Sadhana.

Q - As Mother gave this present to you can this be given to anyone else ?

Dada - Whoever comes to me I always try to give him peace, calm, joy etc. I. always try to put the person in contact with the Mother, without the person knowing it. Whether one feels it or not depends upon the receptivity of the person. Something is done and problems are solved in some planes, but it takes time to take a physical shape. You know Mother saw that India was free in 1915 and it took 32

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