What I Have Learnt From The Mother

Essential Qualities

The following qualities are essential for good performance in all the different branches of physical activities.

1.Good technique

2.Physical strength


4.Improvement of those parts of the body that are lagging behind the others in strength, shape and development

5.Physical fitness and health

6.Strong and determined will

7.Constant aspiration for endless progress

8.Balanced and systematic hard work

9.A highest possible ideal

10.Courage to face and vanquish any situation that tries to spoil the ideal

11.Plasticity to adapt to any circumstance when needed and to recognise and correct one's mistake whenever it comes up to the surface of one's nature.

12.Divine Grace

If any of these misses from your programmed it will spoil your possibility of good performance.

Good technique is achieved by constant practice of any item along the most scientific and improved methods prescribed by the authorities in this special subject.

Physical strength is achieved by practicing exercises that demand great strength.

Endurance is achieved by long distance running or skipping for a long time.

The parts that are lagging behind others in strength, shape and development may be improved by practicing special exercises intended for those parts.

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Physical fitness and health may be achieved by the correct application of the health laws as regards food, sleep and rest, exercises and cleanliness (both physical and inner), keeping a cheerful and poised state with a motto of moderation in everything.

Strong and determined will and a constant aspiration for endless progress will be developed by living an inner life and applying in life the teachings of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo.

At the age of 17 you ought not to be satisfied with the work you were doing when you were 12 or 14, you should progressively try to do more and more hard work. That is the only way to surpass your limit and if you practise conscientiously you will see that things that were once hard and difficult are now turned easy.


Physical Immortality

Release of physical energy destroys matter. Conservation of energy consolidates matter.

For a healthy, strong and beautiful body, - for a body that is capable of executing perfect harmony and strength in all possible movements, - the physical energy must be totally preserved without the slightest wastage. But energy is produced constantly in our body much more than we need for our physical existence in a perfect state and if we do not use this surplus energy for some definite purpose it may bring perversion in the being and destroy the physical balance.

Physical energy should be used for one's integral progress and for some constructive work which is the true expression of one's true self.

When this process will work automatically with joy and peace and without any struggle and effort, it will lead us to physical immortality.

Until then our sole object should be to keep this constantly in front of us and to work for it incessantly.


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