What I Have Learnt From The Mother

On Organisation


With a powerful organisation and with the energy of the people both good and bad is possible. With a lofty ideal and great leadership, abundant good for man could result. But if that same power went astray then it could also destroy man...


When an organisation is set up man tries to serve his selfish interests in so many ways and to see how that great force could be used for his personal ends. If we do not hold any high, powerful ideal before us then we too could end up as mere puppets in the hands of that force and dance to its tune.


Love and respect are the most effective controlling power. Love each and everyone, respect each and everyone. Tell everyone; "I am new and young, it is you who will teach me and mould me. If I make any mistakes then help me to correct them, guide me." Then you will see how everyone collaborates with you. Your conduct should be firm and humble at the same time. Never indulge in being bossy. Then everything will be fine.

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