What I Have Learnt From The Mother

Organisation On Spiritual Basis

To organise on a spiritual basis you must be in constant contact with the Spiritual Consciousness.

Do not forget that the quality of work one does depends on the quality of consciousness one lives. Generally people live in a very ordinary consciousness: the consciousness of mind, life and body. Naturally all their activities express the state of consciousness in which they live. All the problems they confront come from this state, from the atmosphere inside. So the solution is always within, never outside.

There is the soul, the psychic, the Mother's Presence deep within everyone. One should create a habit of going inside and keep in contact with the Presence, then nothing will go wrong. This must be a regular habit. All the organizational activities you take up must start with this impulse, the direction, and the indication from the Mother inside. Have the constant inner contact and whatever you do will be an expression of the Presence within.

At first it will be difficult to keep this contact constant and receive the inspiration and guidance. But the very aspiration will gradually smoothen the way and influence and mould the work. The more one rises in the ladder of the consciousness, the quality of work changes accordingly.

25th February, 2002

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