What I Have Learnt From The Mother

Physical Transformation

Steps Towards Trans formation





Steps Towards Physical Immortality

1.Prolongation of youth and maintenance of health and physical fitness of the body for a very long period- to stop or slow down the process of deterioration.

2.Ichha Mrityu - death only when wished - Example of Bhisma in the Mahabharata - He must have reached the first step also.

3.Physical Immortality

The Process

1.The psychic contact - this is the very first step.

2.Putting the whole being under the psychic guidance.

3.The vital and the mind must not rule over the body. They spoil it by their ideas, their impulses and their desires (their excessive demands spoil the body).

4.Cooperation from the mind and the vital (a long process). They are a great force.

5.The body has to be protected and taken care of by an application of the knowledge of health, hygiene, physical exercise, preventive and curative medicine.

6.Growth of the body consciousness - the special role of physical education leading to gradual control, mastery and transformation of the body.

7.Physical education can help a lot in developing body consciousness. The body must be kept in a perfectly balanced state - Physical Sat-Chit-Ananda.

8.Integral progress - this is the aim of life. It helps to keep one young; both inwardly and outwardly.

9.Ananda is our prime mover. It is the rejuvenator and must saturate our whole physical being.

10.Love which is the source of Joy, is pure and desire less. It gives freely without any demand or bargain. Hatred and jealousy, which destroy the body, have no part in Love.

11.Each individual has to find out his own way. It is a dangerous pursuit and there is no set method. Utmost sincerity and a clear vision are the guiding and protective factors.

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