What I Have Learnt From The Mother

Spiritual Health

What is health? The harmonious function of all the organs of the body is the explanation of a good health.

A human personality consists of mind, vital and body with a soul or psychic being behind. Generally, the mind is full of fanciful ideas and incoherent thoughts. The vital has its own impulses. The body is full of inertia and tamasic habits. Our work is to silence the activities of the mind and the vital and open to the Power above for its manifestation. The body must learn to follow the rhythm of the soul.

We should create the conditions in our outer personality so that the psychic from the depth of our heart could come forward and influence and guide and govern the whole being. This is the spiritual health.

The first condition is to have a sincere wish to be guided by the soul. Not to have pretensions, not to show what one is not, no self-deception, no hypocrisy; and an effort to overcome one's meanness and small limits are no doubt the essential conditions. To repeat the Divine's Name outside and be full of crookedness inside will destroy the spiritual health.

The mind, life and body must be organized around the psychic to be guided and governed by the Presence, this is the goal we have set before us.

The more the soul is the master of the being, the more one is spiritually healthy.

(This note was prepared when Dada discussed on the subject on 14th August, 2001)

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