What I Have Learnt From The Mother

Supramental Process of Action

Formula given by Mother

1.Remain absolutely quiet in all parts of your being.

2.Aspire and call.

3.You will get a response from above.

4.Place your problem before it and wait peacefully.

5.The direction will come from above.

6.Receive it and implement it through your mind, life and body.

7.There should be no likes and dislikes and preferences.

8.Help will come. The right man will come. The resources will come. The material will come and right action will take place.


Absolute surrender, no personal reaction, no personal preference and absolute detachment, and have no fear whatsoever. Observation :

Tried many times and obtained wonderful results. (February 26, 1990)

On Health

Health may be defined as the harmonious functionings of all the body organs, resulting in a feeling of exceptional well being. Good health produces physical fitness which is comprised of health, strength, endurance and skill. To gain maximum health, the following things are

necessary :

1.Physical exercise

2.Sufficient sleep and rest.

3.Healthy and wholesome food at regular intervals.

4.Personal and environmental hygienic conditions with the help of preventive and curative disciplines.

5.Work suiting to the nature of the individual as far as possible.

6.A happy and content heart and God's Blessings.

Health is not an absence of disease only but a positive feeling. Health and physical fitness are absolutely necessary if we want to be successful in any kind of human endeavour. 26th February

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