What I Have Learnt From The Mother

What is God and Why ?

God is a conscious Being, who is present everywhere, who is all-powerful, who is all-knowledge and who is all-perfect.

He cannot be recognised by the mind, understood by the intellect, known by the reason; He has to be felt in the heart.

God expresses Himself through whatever is true, whatever is beautiful and whatever is good.

He wants to express Himself through many. That is why He has created trees and plants, pests and insects, birds and beasts, animals and men, and this whole universe. Through the evolutionary process, He is taking everything towards His perfection, so that, ultimately, everything becomes Himself. In this whole universe, good or bad, whatever is happening, whatever is becoming, all are His will, His play and His plan.

His presence can be felt everywhere and in everything; everything is a part of Himself, everything is moving under His law and in accordance with His wishes.

Through the evolutionary process, man has reached such a stage that he can be conscious of God within himself. That is why, in the Divine's play, he has a special role, a special responsibility. When everything else in the universe, including nature, moves unconsciously through this evolutionary process, man alone, if he so desires, can realise God within himself, make his will one with His will, go through the evolutionary process consciously, realise within himself God's truth, God's beauty and God's goodness, and establish them in the material world.

Then, in the play of God, man's special role is - to realise God in himself, make his will one with the Divine's will, express Him through all his efforts and make his life and his surroundings God-pervaded.

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