Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study

  On Savitri


The first edition of this book was published in 1952. In this book I have taken the opportunity of bringing under one cover the whole of epic, Savitri. Three or four topics have been added before the story of the Second part of Savitri: Yoga of Aswapathy and the Yoga of Savitri. A short story of "Overhead planes and esthetics" has also been included so that the reader may see all poetry from another view-point.

Even though readers of poetry in England have not as yet come to realise the value of Sri Aurobindo's contribution, I believe that time will come when that will happen. "Savitri" is a great epic which ushers in a new age in poetic creation. Being a masterpiece of the greatest mystic of our times it does not lend itself easily to mere intellectual understanding. Its meaning, rather its Reality, is to be felt. One has to allow the vibration of it to sink into oneself, one has to arouse in himself the power of vision and see what the master is showing.

In course of my reading "Savitri" with some friends I tried to make it better and more easily understood by acquainting them with the general idea, the symbols, the legend etc.

This book is the result of putting all that material for the general reader. It is hoped that the book will fulfil its purpose of encouraging and helping earnest students to enter into the Master's great vision.


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