Man-handling of Savitri

  On Savitri

Some Statistics

A false impression has been promoted by the Archives Team by stating that 99.75% of Savitri is unaltered. It is said: “Savitri contained more than 1, 80, 000 words and 99.75% of these are the same in all Editions Between 1951 and 1993 Edition, there are about 1974 differences of which 476 are verbal. The others are punctuation, capitalisation, hyphenation, spelling and others.” To the scientifically and statistically minded people it would mean that 0.25% change is negligible and for practical purposes we may consider it to be zero. But the devil is in the false perspective of taking poetry as a linear form with words as the linear unit. It would be here exposed as just another branch of editorial arrogance of the Archival Team in the space of Statistics.

  • Firstly we need to note that poetry is such a holistic, exact to the vision, self-supporting, self- referring non-linear construction that even a 'negligible' alteration is more likely than not to destroy its completeness and hence its character, power and beauty. In other words, in case of Sri Aurobindo, shutting out some of the 'suns' which he would have released through his 'means of ascension', poetic-tapas. This character of poetry is essential to keep as a context whenever subjecting it to any superficial analysis.
  • By ignoring and not counting changes of punctuation as alterations the Archives Team has given an authoritative proof of their incompetency in the field of poetry. Their structural and rhythmic role in all three aspects of sense, vision and sound can be expected and is evidenced by the fact that Sri Aurobindo worked on them for long periods to help achieve 'ascension'.
  • Even if we undertake the exercise of quantifying the 'differences', then word cannot be the unit for estimating the difference as that would be very crude for poetry given the context we established earlier. Else we will end up with prose, poetry, computer program or a randomly computer generated text in the same category or level. A line would be an infinitely better unit for poetry than word because of its sense of 'unit of completeness' or 'the unit of fullness of sense'.

Analysis of 'differences' or departures from the First Edition:
1874 lines have been affected of the total of 23811. This statistically comes out as a massive 7.87%.

And if we do investigate considering a stanza with a full stop as the affected 'unit of fullness' then a total of 1464 stanzas are affected directly. If we take the stanzas for which lines have been added as also being affected, then total number swells to 1478. Total stanzas in the First Edition are 5771. Therefore the percentage of alterations comes out to be (1478/5771)x100= 25.61%. This means, every fourth stanza has been affected!

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