The Birth of Savitr

  On Savitri

Invocation to Savitr


tat savitur varam rūpam jyotih parasya dhīmahi |

yannah satyena dīpayet ||


Let us meditate on the most auspicious (best) form of Savitri,

the Light of the Supreme

which shall illumine us with the Truth.

The invocation in Sri Aurobindo's Gayatri Mantra in Sanskrit is to the Sun-God Savitr;̣ accordingly in its English rendering the word Savitri should be read in that context. We celebrate the Birth of Savitr ̣—the Sun-God in the present composition based on Sri Aurobindo's Sāvitr ̣

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She is Savitri

Incarnate in the beauty and joy of the Rose,

Fulfilling the Infinite in the perfect form,

Bringing to the heart of Time the Eternal,

Like a dawn borne by the chariot of the sun

To our day giving the vast of the Truth-Light,

She has come in the mystery of her love.

Goldening the tassel, purpling the fringe,

She is the honey-brightness of the flower,

And awakes the sleep and ennobles the vilest things;

She has cut the knot of the mountains with her sword,

And with the gaze of her eyes kindled the bagatelle,

And from the sky of her being poured delight.

Her flame is the Will of the High burning in the Dark,

And her name is seventy-million hymns:

She is Savitri, the daughter of the Unborn,

And in her coming is the advent of God's hour.

7 February 1985

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To Her

Born from the fire of heaven and kindled on earth

Her flame was set ablaze in the darkness's breast;

A power was in her that knew no defeat,

Yet her joy beautiful like the moonlit night,

The soul of a goddess in the body of time,

A tranquil ocean flowing in a glad stream.

She wore like a robe pink of the infinite

And walked a future's figure to change destiny,

To chastise the spirit of death with deathless love.

World after world she went twelve occult times out

And broke the seal that lay on the mantra of life,—

And in a sudden chant arose the splendid sun.

18 August 2002

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